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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. Yeah... "Got" and "had" are pretty weak verbs. You can usually find a better replacement. And one of my editors sends me hate mail when I start a sentence with the word "there."
  2. I order regularly from a couple of vendors. Haven't had a problem yet.
  3. I was going to suggest this.. or Dollar General has some too. (yes I'm in love with the new DG in New Hope )
  4. All of this just makes me happier I don't have cable. I just hope AT&T doesn't get the bright idea with their internet service and try the same.
  5. Now I have Kenny Loggins in my head. hiiiiighwayyyyyy tooooo the pregnizone....
  6. omg I love weebl! My favorite one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVgIZd63jPg
  7. All spelling/grammar mistakes bug the snot out of me.
  8. I'd just download it. That's what I hope to do. I can't wait.
  9. So they're going to up the fee for everyone? That's lame. Charge Comcast users more and watch them drop like flies. bah.
  10. That looks like a GREAT Time - but I'd have to be drunk or stoned to get through it. lol
  11. I want all these words I just wrote to NOT SUCK. I also want Cataclysm expansion, a year's worth of paid Pandora, a new digital camera, some decent jeans and some squishy, comfy boots. Oh and a Thrashers' jersey.
  12. A Summer Place An Affair to Remember Auntie Mame (Rosalind Russell version) Pillow Talk How to Marry a Millionaire An American in Paris Rome Adventure
  13. Probably the same kid who told mine the principal got arrested for smoking in Walmart. Kids say the darndest things. Keep your kid dressed for cold classrooms and let the rumor ride for what it is. A rumor.
  14. I looove that series! That ending broke my heart though -- with the flashbacks to her dad. :cry: and to the OP, I blogged about my thanksgiving.
  15. ctrl/f "derby" Dern it. I was hoping it'd be roller derby. THAT I would watch.
  16. But wait there's more! TSA agent in Denver caught... um.... Verbing his Noun while watching the scannings of... teenage girls. My link (though looking through the site.. i'm wondering if this is the UK's version of The Onion. LOL)
  17. I didn't see it as flippant. It got my attention. Got your attention. I'd say it hit dead on the mark. Add that to the fact you came in here and bumped up the thread and well... its still on the first page.
  18. +1 for making me snort my coffee. Don't skeer me like that!! lol
  19. It's *very* good. I believe it should be a school required reading. Unfortunately, out in MO, some guy thought it was pornography and had it pulled from the schools in his area. What pisses me off most about this, is that he thought that the rape scenes are nothing but soft core porn. There's NOTHING to these scenes. Nothing. They're told in an innocent 13 year old's Point of View! And anyone who would insist that it was a titillating scene needs to have their head examined. /soapbox Anyhoo... I really suggest this book to anyone. Especially one with young girls. They need to kno
  20. I'm amazed at how many YA novels there are out nowadays. It's so awesome that they cross over. I recently read SPEAK by Laurie Halse Anderson. I'm going to keep it and suggest it to my girls when they're older.
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