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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. same here. Took them almost 12 months to figure it out though.
  2. I'll be watching. I'll probably wake my daughter up to see it. How often do little girls get to watch real princesses get married? I watched Di and Charles get married and will do the same for her children. I'm with Rhonda, there's some sort of full-circle about it.
  3. LMAO Did they just run out of letters!? Ouarter N poumder. What is this? I don't even...
  4. I love sparkpeople when I'm at home (and remember to use it )I've been using My Fitness Pal on my phone. It's ermazin'. You can even scan bar codes to find out the nut. values and put them in the system. Tres cool. I'm down another 2. Only 2030934 more to go.
  5. Why not go full LOL cat U Can Haz Chzbrgr. Bie 1 get 1 freez
  6. Haley actually sang something that fit her. I was impressed. I missed Durbin Live -- but it only took 15 minutes for his Muse song to come up on youtube. I liked it.
  7. And with an iphone you have to consider the upkeep. My Dad sunk well over the amount of money he paid for his iphone in repairs and gas getting to the Apple store for service.
  8. From TMZ: So...yeah. Like his acting, even his attempts at being a bad boy are lame. (i keed, i keed.)
  9. Great, now I can't get the B52's song out of my head. I saw a picture of chips and salsa and a margarita earlier. That's what I want for dinner.
  10. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  11. I would have said, "HEY APRIL, whatcha readin!?"
  12. I think she wanted a little sumpin' sumpin' while her hubby went out of town. Hubby called on his way home and she panicked... said.. oh heyul naw, I'm not coming back.
  13. I say -- she went to her BF's house, heard her Dh was coming home and panicked. Stayed at BF's house. :popcorn:
  14. Black Dagger series. I tried so hard to like Gena Showalter but can't get into her
  15. Haven't heard of those. I'll have to check them out. Thanks!
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