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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. I haven't heard suicide - just that she wasn't on the winning end of a police chase/gunfight.
  2. It was my attempt at humor. Unrelated: I call most people dude, regardless of gender.
  3. someone just wants to blow sheeze up. lol "dude, send out a message. pcom will explode if we start blasting and not let them know."
  4. It was an adjustment - but honestly I don't miss any of the extended stuff. It either comes out on netflix (for 10 bucks a month) or I forget about it. I actually found I was still watching nbc,cbs,abc,fox, and pbs more than anything else anyway. The kids don't miss anything. Heck, they can watch 50 episodes back to back of Fineas and Ferb or iCarly any time they want to.
  5. Basic cable. I get all the local channels. It's 11 bucks a month compared to OMGWHAT? a month. We do netflix though, so I eventually see stuff.
  6. I know???? I hope they put it on netflix. I'll watch them ALL.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HAUmII_hcg I'm so mad I don't get TLC. I'd so be into this show. LOL
  8. I said it on Facebook but I'll say it here too. Jacob is so far in the closet, he's found Narnia. That is all.
  9. NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  10. Whine. I want HBO but can't afford it. /whine
  11. I'm such a bad mom. I have nothing planned.
  12. I dislike the beginning of the season for Bachlorette/Bachelor because it takes a half hour to count out all the roses w/ added OMGSUSPENSE And.... how are some of these guys truly heartbroken when they got to spend ONE night with this chick? Tears? Really guys? Really? anybody else in this with me? lol
  13. They come in with their bad influence friends... dust bunnies.
  14. Got it! And by 'ricing' you mean cooking it in the microwave w/ a few tablespoons of water? like steaming it?
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