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its mr sarcastic to you

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Everything posted by its mr sarcastic to you

  1. No way in heck would I try to keep you buncha hoodlums in line...
  2. Congrats! We just finished the inspections and appraisal so it looks like we are all set on closing at the end of the month. We were really lucky, the inspection corrections were less than 100.00 and the appraisal was good as well. And she has had five offers in so she is already learning that she has no choice but patience! I will get her to check it out just thinking hard, thanks....
  3. If so, can you pm me the info? My niece is looking for a starter home, should be in a decent area and is looking to buy before fall.... She is ok with cosmetic issues as long as the structure is sound. She has been working with a realtor but she is growing tired of the foreclosure/short sale bid process....
  4. I find this no different than all the enraged people who boycotted Chickfila and gave me evil glares because I still ate there... Now their rage has faded and are right back to their waffle fries. Chickfila and the Boy Scouts have always been more than courteous and welcoming to all I have ever seen. My son loves Scouts and I love experiencing it with him and nothing has changed in regards to that....
  5. I am not positive but I believe the member Glassman Glassdogs can do that....
  6. How much is the home? They say a good rule of thumb is 3 percent of the sales price is a good estimation of closing costs. We have ours under contract and they asked for 3 percent in closing costs with $5k off the list price, we countered with 3 percent and $1000 off the sales price and they accepted. I have no idea what their actual closing costs will be....
  7. I am guessing she will get the same she is getting now, nothing... But usually losing your license or going to jail is a wake up call to do the right thing and take care of your kid.. Just a guess...
  8. But Person of Interest is only on 1... Thankfully they gave up before it came on...
  9. I beg your pardon, my boy child just did a microburst that made me wish the wind would pick up and move the air along....
  10. How many times do they need to say the exact same thing OVER and OVER....
  11. Are you stocked up on toilet paper? If not you better add that to the list!
  12. I guess I am not understanding how so many people would fall out of an airplane with parachutes on... Most people don't wear parachutes in a plane unless they are jumping.... Do they do any of the sky diving in Paulding?
  13. Hopefully you are not naive enough to think that if your kid wants to have sex they can't find those few minutes without you knowing. It is physically impossible unless you keep them by your side 24/7. Even the best schools will not guarantee you that your kid is being watched every single moment of the day...
  14. Since so many of you are on the giving side, I think I will balance the pool and go with receiving. What you got?
  15. I agree, I would leave it alone at this point. That is ridiculous that she doesn't respond to her inquiries better than that.... Busy or not, if she initiated the communications she should do everything necessary to at least conduct the phone interview. Very unprofessional.
  16. Bigger question is why care what happened??!!?
  17. Try to watch for the free dining promo, we saved a good bit of money going that route... I believe they do it a couple times a year.
  18. Blue Cross is the most popular choice it seems, but I believe if your issue has been diagnosed then it would be considered pre existing and subject to a long waiting period.
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