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Everything posted by Tahoe

  1. Have you called the Airport Authority and asked them that? OR you may find that the power bill is paid for by the IBA and not taxpayers....
  2. If you know of plenty of places then list them....please! Have you called the County Administrators office and told him about the lights that see on at night at various county offices? Maybe they don't know..... Have you called the Sheriff's office and asked them about the number of deputies at the courthouse?
  3. Please don't misunderstand my inital post. I am for SPLOST...I WILL VOTE YES...I am just trying to play devils advocate on this one....
  4. Okay, what ideas, instead of gripes, can everyone list that could improve the current budget situation with the County and BOE? Whether you like it or not the county and BOE have the buildings, expenses, etc...they have to be paid for? What constructive ideas do you have to share that will provide a solution to the problem that all county, school and city governments are facing all over the US? NO millege tax increase, NO renewal of SPLOST, NO spending....pay for and maintain what we got from here on out. Let's hear it!!!!
  5. I recently served on jury duty. The DA's office was SO unprepared...you would have thought that the assistant DA had just picked the file up that morning...they lost that case. The criminial attorney didn't have to do much work, he made the assistant DA look like an idiot...
  6. And plus all the cases that should have NEVER made it to the Grand Jury because of lack of evidence that cost innocent people ALOT of money.....Of course, I think it's a combination of poor work by the investigators at the Sheriff's department. Hopefully, our new sheriff is getting that mess cleaned up!
  7. Tahoe


    SPLOST is not used for regular maintenance. Those funds come from General Fund which is the money that is collected through property taxes, advlorum (sp) tax, etc.
  8. I remember Alfredo's too....Tequila's still have the same carpet...LOL Do you remember Jacks and the drug store beside the theater?
  9. No, but it feels good to do it..... I don't wear any..... Don't wear any....
  10. I am 7 years younger than my sister, but I always thought it was so cool to ride "uptown" at Dentons....When I got 16 (1988), we rode through the Plaza, down to Winn Dixie then circled back through McDonalds. There is no telling how many miles I rode between there every weekend....
  11. Yeah and you have a crystal ball and just ALWAYS know what is needed....WOW, why don't you run for office or get a job designing roads, consulting or even managing the County. The county would be a better place with genius like you who ALWAYS knows what to expect 20 to 30 years down the road and who can plan properly since you are ALWAYS so negative about anything the County does and most of all ALWAYS feels he is SOOOO RIGHT....
  12. So you would rather the light at 278 and 92 stay backed up and all the traffic continue to go through the City of Hiram..... Your kidding right? turn at Brownsville Road....You have no sense of direction.
  13. You should probably attend the Open House and ask those questions.
  14. Yeah and some moaning and groaning too.....
  15. Here's some info on East Hiram Parkway that some were wondering about..... http://www.paulding.gov/DocumentView.aspx?DID=413
  16. People....those of you who don't know anything about road design, obtaining ROW, wetland credits, road contruction, and obtaining state and federal monies....keep your lame comments to yourself. You have no idea what it takes to take on a road project from design to opening.
  17. Paulding County DOT did an excellent job with this bridge design and road work!!
  18. Tahoe

    Ex Stress

    Did your child make it home????
  19. That's terrible....it was a very nice thing you did. Don't let it bug you, he'll get his payback somehow. What a sorry piece of crap!!!
  20. It's took me a long time to polish my ability....thanks for the compliment!!!!
  21. Steven Lang is probably supported by welfare money.... Come on people get your dang head out the sand!! I am so sick and tired of hearing about the poor pitiful welfare recipants....I worked in banking a long time and on the 3rd day of the month I cashed alot of checks for people on welfare. I saw what came through the bank and how they dressed and buddy they PROUDLY stood in line and cashed their check. I would be drving through the 3 lane just so nobody would see me because of being embarrassed on being on welfare. These people are not.... It's rediculous the taxpayer money that is
  22. Men and women who are able could pick up trash on the roads, cut the grass at the government offices, etc. Things that don't require direct access to the public or a background check. Plus any that receive welfare for their children should be required to be tied and cut both male and female.....Surgery would be alot cheaper on the tax payer than them having multiple kids that they can't take care of.
  23. The ACLU said the drug testing of welfare recipients may be unconstitutional. Are you kidding!?....The ACLU defends the rights of all the sorry ones that's milking the system. UGH!
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