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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. My first job was the Dairy Queen when I was 14, for those of you who do not know this, there was a DQ where the Grey stone building is, now I think it is a bank...



    WHOA!!! You are showing your age too. Remember when everybody use to "cruise" and park at Denton's.

  2. My 1st job was I washed dishes @ the Alfredo Restaurant in the Paulding Plaza which now is a Mexican Restaurant man has that been along time ago does anyone remember that restaurant?



    Yeah, I remember. I think they still have the same carpet that Alfredo's had..... :lol:

  3. I was sixteen working at Revco in Hiram in the shopping center that Hiram Station and Trashy Vision aka World Trash is at.


    Revco was where the auto parts place is now, Hiram Station was Flag Auto Parts, DV was a Curtis Mathis store, Great American Fitness was Winn Dixie!!!! Does anybody remember?????


    Boy am I showing my age...... :huh:

  4. I got this in an email. Thought it was pretty good....




    DRUG TEST.............




    Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem.




    What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them??




    Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sitting on their a**, doing drugs, while I work... Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check ?????




    Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though..... something has to change in this country and soon!!!


  5. UMMMM, relax and hope they don't come back home with their wives and kids, be glad to not have to pick up ten pairs of shoes and have to wash 5 loads of clothes a day, break up fights...should I go on!


    Of course mine are 11,10 9. I still got a few years. But hopefully, I'll get a break from the ballfield unless they go pro and start supporting me!!!!


    I love my boys very much!!!! I do look forward to grandkids and big Sunday lunches after church with all my "babies" coming to see me and PawPaw.

  6. We need 8 - 10 thousand pieces of candy. Right now, the plans for our booth are a short movie (we hope to make ourselves, about 10 minutes in length tops) with the kids sitting around on haybales after the movie they are led thru the back door into the maze and when they exit the maze they can participate in "Pumpkin Bowling" with prizes that parks and recs are providing us. We will also be giving out candy.It's quite a big project and could use all the assistance you wish to give us. We need assistance with the production of the movie (storyline is written and ties in the maze and bowling), volunteers to assist greeting and directing them in, assistance with the maze (Thoughts has graciously took on the planning and design) and many to help with the bowling. We will also need help with set up on Friday and take down on Saturday.
    Have you ever been to the Trick or Treat Village? :wacko: I am not being sarcastic, but you will have SO many kids coming through that a 10 minute movie will have the line backed up. We literally gave out Candy so fast that we didn't even have time to turn and look at all the kids as they walked by. We were sitting down on hay bails and the kids could circle through our booth. It's crazy at all the kids that come!!! If you pull it off then my hats off to you, but it is a hectic 5 hours!!!
    The wording used in the post was to bring put Volunteers for the village and Donations for candy in the spirit of the holiday. We can dress up, and i have already mentioned that it can not be too scary in post 4Are you volunteering :D
    Sorry, already taken.... :blush: I will be there Friday setting up and late Saturday night tearing down!!!!
  7. Well, I'm 37 and I feel like I'm at a point in my life where I need to change; my career specifically. I find that I'm more interested in social work, helping people who need some support, guidance or a life change plan (kind of ironic isn't it). I didn't have the opportunity to attend college.


    I work in commercial insurance at present.


    I have 2 daughters, both under the age of 3..... 3 cats and 2 dogs, a husband, a house to keep, a marrage to try to pay attention to - and a demanding career. I just want to enjoy life, I feel like I'm missing out on what's important, to be able to stop and smell the roses so to speak.


    Does anyone have any ideas of work from home careers; medical transcription, proofreading etc.....? I may look into something of the kind. What do you think?



    Do you have a husband that helps?????

  8. The Trick or Treat Village will be set up at the haunted Paulding Meadows Oktober 27th, 2-7.


    In preparation we are seeking ghouls and ghosts, goblins and special creatures of every kind who are dying to come out to help raise the village from the dead on freaky Friday Oktober 26th. Don’t lose your head if you can’t make Friday there are a few more things to do.


    Monsters and fairies beware there will be pumpkin bowling and we’ll need some super natural assistance with this activity, any four spooks, princesses, or mummy’s with an free limb please post here


    If you’re still hanging around and would like to help scare up some fun there is a need for two creatures to lure the humans inside


    We are also howling for candy donations to satisfy the little beasties. Let the screaming begin



    According to the meeting we had at Parks and Recreation, she said it could not be scary. They will make you take it down if they think it is.


    Just wanted to remind you. :)

  9. we all have too much to do and many people depending on us - sometimes the stress level becomes too much to handle. I'm just looking for a group of people who are going through the same life passages, trials and tribulations - just to meet and offer each other support, guidance and possibly ideas to help turn your life around.



    Honestly, I am too busy to be able to meet with anybody. :D


    How many kids are you juggling? What is your day to day activities like?

  10. Charlies is SO good! We go alot! Oyster Special, Wings, Fried Shrimp, oh my gosh it's so good!!


    Oyster King was on Hwy 41. It was owned by foreignors. The food was good. Back in 1993, before I was married, me and all my friends went EVERY Sunday! The only thing is that you didn't go to the bathroom before you ate because you would throw up!! It stunk so bad. It has been bulldozed and they are building a new one.


    I'll probably keep going to Charlies.


    Also, Georgia Peach on Buchanan Highway is Charlies brother. His food is really good too, place is very clean. I have been there one time. Kinda spooky going in, but it's fine once inside. Everybody was really nice. It's a controversial place.... :rolleyes:

  11. He is the one that said "no WAY!!!" I think he is more protective of his grandchildren!!!



    You can't live in Burnt Hickory and not ride a four wheeler!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) Tell Pop's "she might go huntin' with you" ... that may change his mind.

  12. Normally by this time, I am just about finished, or at least I know exactly what I am going to get.

    I HAVE NO CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!! This year I will have 3 kids!!! tha baby will not know anything so lets say I have 2 kids, lily wont really understand but she will more than last year.


    Lyric is 6 and wants a four wheeler!!!! DADDY SAYS NO WAY!!! She will kill herself!!!


    So now what do I do, she wont tell me anything else. I am supposed to deliver a baby sometime by Dec.

    I am so frustrated!!!! Thanks for letting me vent!!! :)



    You tell him I said to get that baby a four wheeler. She can come over and ride with my hellcats!!!! They can teach her how to jump hills.... :D Just tell her Papa Geno, he will buy it!


    Hey, I may have a 90 fourwheeler for sale. It's automatic with electric start. Perfect for beginners. Let me know if you are interested.

  13. Our tax dollars at work?

    This says the SECOND meeting, I didn't know there had been a FIRST!


    And I work until 6:00, so no, I didn't make it. I saw the signs, but I work too late.

    Please come to our second public workshop and give us your feed back on our draft recommendations and priorities:


    Tuesday, August 28th


    Paulding County Senior Center


    54 Industrial Way North


    Dallas, Georgia


    4-7 pm



    The first was advertised in the New Era, Paulding Sentinnal, and Paulding Neighbor. Also, Paulding.com posted it from the commissioner meeting topics.

  14. Red Red Wine reminds me of some TIMES.....when I first started driving. I liked Robert Plant without Led Zepplin.


    I was 16 in 88 and 89, but always like ACDC, Lynard Skynard, Bad Company,..... cause my big sis was 7 years older. While she was a teenager I listened to her stuff.


    GOSH....to be 16 to 22 again!!!!!!! :wub:

  15. ok, I'll go.




    Blonde hair, short bob cut. Not too tall, about average height I guess and I'll bet she's got a mid size belly by now.





    WRRRROOOOONNGGGGGG!!! She is a very attractive lady though.

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