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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. BLAH BLAH BLAH..........



    MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!!! :lol: Glad to know I wasn't the only one......



    I'm sure all this sounds right to you as long as the Christians are the majority or as long as the president or the governor is a Christian. How are you going to feel when a Muslim or a Jew get in a position where they can force their religion on you?


    Separation of church and state IS NOT ANTI-CHRISTIAN! It is just the opposite.


    IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE CHURCH TO GOVERN THE NATION! Take a look at Iran. Take a look at India. Is that the kind of place you would like to live in? The churches can barely govern themselves, what makes you think they should have any input in how this country is ran?


    Please tell me where the bible is being diluted. I can't for the life of me remember anywhere in the bible that teaches that Christians should be running any government. This thing of Christians needing to control everyone and everything is non-biblical and was started by a bunch of power hungry people.


    One things for sure. God will know that I know the difference in worshiping Him and trying to make a buck while hiding behind His name.


    I do want to see the verses that are being diluted.


    BTW, the founding fathers of this country were, for the most part, Christians. They were the ones that put this separation of church and state idea in place. Do you think they too were "playing with fire of a much higher God?"




    I guess I'll start ranting and raving like you ......

  2. Actually, the idea of separation of church & state has been a religious tenent on par with Believers' Baptist, Inspiration of Scripture, Soul Competency & even Salvation by Grace for at least 400 years. Thomas Helwys got his head chopped off 375 years ago for saying that. Roger Williams. John Leland. Isaac Backus. All Baptists who helped form the 1st Amendment because we were the ones being persecuted when other religions used gov't to coerce Baptist conscience.


    Every Baptist denomination in the world & all denominations that I'm aware of, have a statement that says separation of church & state is a Biblical mandate. The premise is that everyone has the right to chose for themselves & no one should be coerced . . . you know, the command of X in the Golden Rule. Just as Xians wouldn't want the Muslims to force their faith into gov't & make Xians live under Muslim rule, then Xians would be hypocritical to implement Xian dogma into law. The only way to protect Xians is to also protect other faiths today.


    Here's the Baptist Faith & Message article 17. This has not changed much in since the SBC first adopted it in 1925.






    I just find it odd that people would accuse some of heresy, those who hold the Biblical position of separation of church & state, when every denomination says that is a Biblical mandate. And then the Consititution clearly says that the gov't is not to even give a hint of =any= religion given special treatment.




    Here's the Methodist statement on it:






    No offense, but all your posts are stupid to me. They are too lengthy and too complicated to follow. Why can't you post something simple?


    I don't even waste my time reading all your "literary liberal garbage". Same goes for "Feelip".





  3. as·cen·dan·cy

    Function: noun

    Date: 1677

    : governing or controlling influence : domination




    :) It's actually pretty self explanatory. I love me some Jefferson! :wub: He was wise beyond his years and time.



    Listen, you're more than entitled to believe whatever you wish, as well to state those beliefs. That's cool by me! Seriously. I just honestly can't imagine anyone thinking that there is a "God" that wants to have religion and politics mixed, as well as that same "God" would damn a believer of theirs because they happened to believe in the separation of church and state. That is mind boggling to me, absurd, ludicrous, and just.... illogical at best. Again, I firmly believe you're entitled to hold that belief -- I just have a hard time comprehending it at all.


    If anything the last particular year on P.com has taught me, and all these related topics is, that *no one*, not any believer of any faith - certainly not Christianity, has *any room* to tell me that any of my beliefs are odd, or confusing, or so different from the "norm". The bottom line is that from another's perspective all of our individual beliefs are pretty darn wacky, I mean, big time.


    I'd rather try to stand *with you* for the betterment of *all* Americans, than all of us trying to divisively stand alone, therefore weakened, and sure to crumble at some point in time.



    Hummmm, O-kay. :huh:


  4. All I can say, is that for those of you who profess to be Born Again Christians, but you stand for seperation of church and state, I believe that you are playing with fire to a much higher God. You can rant and rave and have your meetings, but one day you will be reminded of how you tried your best to delute the Bible and God's teachings and I believe that you will truley be sorry. Some how or some way your faith will be tried and the Lord will show you what is law.

  5. Putting up the signs is up to the DOT if all are conserned you can start a petition to have these signs put up. When a friend was killed in an accident we had to petition for a red light or a stop sign on Macland Rd. It took almost two years before we won though.



    FYI - State DOT not county.

  6. If I had an icon of someone "throwing up" that's what I would post.


    Our country does NOT need to live by the "World According to HARPO". Yes, she has entertaining shows and Yes she has done alot of good and humble things with all her fortune, BUT should not be a person that people should turn to for guidence of there politcal beliefs and religious beliefs.



  7. I came through about 8AM. It was a Snap-On truck driven by Charles Rosser. He has been a driver for over 15 years. I don't know if there was any other cars involved.


    There was absolutley nothing left of the truck. They had a bob cat loading the debris in a roll off container when I came through. All that was there was the chasis to the truck and the drivers seat.


    Everyone please pray for him. They had to life flight him, but I don't know where.

  8. You may want to look at some older threads before you start judging people, the story about her house was even on the news. You know about judging people right - I beleive the Jesus said not to do it. Something about the timber in your eye being removed before you worry about the speck in others......



    I know, I know :rolleyes: .... I have heard her "testimony" of her house many times on the Comcast channel. Not meaning to judge, but it really gripes me that she has done all this....


    Paulding.com has really opened my "Born, raised and related to half the people here in Paulding County" eyes. I thought I was living a sheltered life living here all my life.......almost feels like a California society!!






    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Takes one to know one!!!!!!!!!!



  9. You are so right. I would have a lot less time on my hands if my house was built according to the laws of this state and county.



    Why don't you spend more time working on your house than causing controversy everywhere?


    As for your house, you had every right before you bought your house to hire your own private building inspector. Why persecute everyone now, 10 or 15 years, later just because you are mad that you bought a lemon of a house. That is exactly what you are doing.


    Also, do you live in the City of Dallas and pay City taxes?


    Yes I learned through those meetings that talking to the commissioners is like talking to a wall.



    Everyone will listen when it is something worth listening too. What do you want them to do, buy your house from you????

  10. If you are including me in one of the TBAR's than I will have to tell you my motivation is about the law. I am tired of being had in this county. I bought a house that was constructed without any condiseration about the law and when i complained no one cared. For Christmas this year, one of my neighbors just found out that they don't own the land there house is on. Yeah, I am feeling a little scrooge. When we as a society don't hold our elected officials to the letter of the law we screw ourselves.



    Are you the one that would speak at the commissioners meetings with a brace on your arm that has a northern accent?


    I answered the original OP. It was me, myself and I and I will report any wrongdoings I see by our elected officials.



    You have absolutely too much time on your hands.....

  11. It is the same thing isn't it? If the city council were all Muslim and they voted to buy a Hajj display, what would you be saying then? I'll will say it again. You're a damn hypocrite. You want to support your religion but not anybody else's. Hypocrite.



    If I didn't like it I would move, why don't you and your tribe do the same..... :) Find somewhere that you can live and get along with everybody without causing controversy.

  12. We are all being manipulated. The mayor and city council are doing this so they can get elected for the next 20 years. They can say they stood up to the Godless antiChrists. Spend a lot of tax money too on something they know they can't win.



    The devil is manipulating you my friend.

  13. Just pray for these people who do things such as this......



    They just want to be able to look like those goof balls that are in Wisconson complaining about the "Christmas Tree" in the Capital. They want it to be a "Holiday Tree". Maybe they'll get to make dummies of themselves on an "I-Team Investigation".


    I can see the headlines now......"City of Dallas has a 100 year old Nativity Scene Tradition....... Atheists are protesting..... Details at 6 and 11......"

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