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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. I didn't know until today that there was a thread on this accident. My son and his father and I thank all of those who assisted him in the first minutes following the accident and for all thoughts and prayers and offers of assistance. He is home now and is doing very well. I feel very sure that I will never again have to tell him to buckle up...regardless of what the laws say regarding trucks and seatbelts, nor will I or his coach have to tell him to hydrate and pack on carbs before a meet. As dangerous as high speed or lack of seat belts are, they are rivaled by "burning the candle at both ends". My son is a hard worker and a strong athlete and he ambitiously combines these two things with being a solid student and having a social life. I know many young people like him...trying so hard to do it ALL. Exhaustion is also a killer. I urge parents to make sure their children are making time for REST. Lack of it almost cost me the life of my son.


    By the way, the accident took place on a downhill slope. While I am pretty sure he wasn't going the speed limit (I don't see hardly anyone doing the speed limit on any of the roads around here regardless of their age), I do know that he gained speed as he went downhill and never touched the brakes until he came back up on the pavement. I know he was in a hurry to get home from the meet and retrieve his work uniform so he could report for his shift. I say this because I am a little put off by Lady Liberty's comments. Certainly, there are no terrible drivers in Illinois and everyone who is driving in Georgia is from here originally and learned to drive here on narrow, curvy, two-lane roads many of which have steep inclines vs. flat, straight roadways in the heart of the prairie lands.


    Again, thank you for all of the concern shown for my son. I thank the Lord that he survived this and with so little injury when all was said and done. We appreciate everything.




    I am so glad he is okay. I grew up on High Shoals, yes, you know who I am. You came to support my family and our community a few months ago. I called your brother to check on him. He and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers since the day it happened.


    As far as the "Lady Liberty's" ignorant comments and anyone else, don't worry about it. There are always posters on here that think they do no wrong and have all of lifes answers for everyone.


    Shame on everyone for their lane brain comments!!

  2. Me and my child is going on this same trip....... I was wondering the same thing....


    I am going on the trip as well. I don't understand this part.... If we are going to Hard Rock Cafe, then why did I have to check if my child and I would be eating from the lunchroom or bringing our lunch.


    Does anyone know if we are eating there?

  3. If the builders don't continue to build houses, they won't have any money coming in a weekly basis through their bank draws. If no houses are selling then they have no cash flow to pay their personal bills. Like it or not the building industry is more of a gamble than playing the lottery. The builders may walk out of the closing with a check for $10's of thousands, but I guarantee it is going to pay for billls on the house that is 60 days past due with their suppliers.


    Have you looked at the New Era this week???? We have a 3rd section just for forclosures. Their are at least 15 listings on builders being foreclosed on; not to mention all the houses that were bought in 2004 and 2005 and now the homeowners are loosing them.


    Our mortgage industry can blamed for alot of the unneeded growth in the nation. They have created "every and all loan program" for people who have no business purchasing a home. Now, their credit is ruined.

  4. I know this is the wrong topic, but it said I didn't have permission to start a new topic in "Got The Goods".



    2000 Buick Regal - Black

    128,000 miles

    Leather interior



    Automatic Transmission




    Call 770-330-4879

  5. I had always done my own on Turbo Tax. Then we heard of a guy in Cartersville that worked for the IRS for over 15 years. I was kind of leary at first. I completed mine on turbo tax with the same information that I provided him. He was able to get me over $3500 more than what I was going to get back with turbo tax. He also was able to deduct more things that I didn't know you could deduct, such as my husband holding a CDL license.


    His name is Larry with Heath Tax Service in Cartersville. It was only $75. We filed Saturday and it will be deposited on February 2nd. I will use him from now on.

  6. We were victims of what they call "stacking the teams". My son signed up the first Saturday in January. We find out that the team he signed up for was already full and he was the first one to sign up. Funny thing, the ballfield didn't know this until the next week. They were signing kids up not knowing there wasn't anymore spots.


    The coach had already "picked" his players from his team from last year. My son is having to play on the lower age group again. He was eligible to move up or stay down in age group. He's not to happy about it, nor are me and my husband, but there's nothing you can do about it.

  7. What about toiletries items? Can I still drop things off at the church? Have they been in touch with the Red Cross? They will give them vouchers to Walmart or Kmart.


    I didn't know who this was until Monday. My son goes to school with Nathan. My heart goes out to them, we went through the same thing. We lost everything. My son even made the comment that he knows what they are going through and wanted to help.

  8. It is in Douglasville. We ate there Saturday after shopping at Arbor. It was great! Prices were reasonable.


    It is located in front of Toys R Us where Chops use to be. Just thought I'd get the word out. I know I am a little tired of Longhorn, Zaxby and mexician.

  9. The only problem with that is, IMO I don't see where talking bad about the dad to the kids would do any good. My dad did some mean stuff, but my mom never bad mouthed him to us. We eventually seen it on our own. Its never good to down the other parent.



    I am being sarcastic, don't take it so serious..... I don't recommend talking bad about anyone to children.


    Lighten up a little, it's past 11:PM.

  10. I am so sorry for you and your kids. I WAS married to someone who was self centered like that. Christmas he always would show up two hours late. He was just always inconsiderate of everyone's feelings. Honestly, he just didn't care.


    I don't know what to tell you. It takes to much energy to try to education men like that on the "Top ten reasons why your family should come first" topic.


    Just be there for your kids, one day they will thank you over and over.


    Picture it 30 years from now, your son can tell his kids, "Hey kids, see that tattoo on grandpa's arm. Well it was more important than my birthday. Why do you tell them about it Dad?" He will feel like an ass then. :blush:


    Best of luck to you!!!

  11. WHEN:

    I won’t address this to anyone in particular, but I am sure the right ones will read it:

    I was told until you’ve been there, next time just ask me when was I there.


    This is a small clip about our niece


    The body of Rita Ann, was found in a creek Monday night three miles away from her home. She had been strangled, according to an autopsy Tuesday by the Medical Examiner's Office, and dumped from a small bridge, about nine feet above the creek. Police said Tuesday they had no suspect in the slaying.


    I can tell you when: when we sat with her mom and dad, her sisters and her aunt and uncle’s and that includes me her cousins, friends from church, neighbors and friends.

    When we were trying to make sense out of where she was, she wasn’t home to sleep in her bed, she didn’t wake up the next morning in her bed, nor the next night or any night following.

    I can tell you when, we had to talk to the police, the investigators the news people

    I can tell you when we walk the woods, looked in dumpsters, hung posters with her pictures on it

    I can tell you when a little boy around eleven years old was walking his dog and found a body in the creek

    I can tell you when we got the call saying they had found the body of a female

    I can tell you when we stood up above on the road waiting for them to bring the body up from the creek

    I can tell you when the body had to be identified; that it was so bad that the dad said I think it’s her.

    I can tell you when the body was so brutally battered that her Mother couldn’t see her.

    I can tell you when we had her funeral with a closed casket because of the damage to her body,

    I can tell you how we feel; we love and miss her dearly,

    When I go out I look at people and wonder was it you.

    You know the pervert that killed her and other things he did to her has not been caught; he is still out there roaming around. So yes I look, no we all look and wonder who did it.

    So I guess you might try to understand why I did not attend at the courthouse, it is just too painful. So yes when it comes to perverts, killers and bad things I can tell you when

    It wasn’t yesterday, or last year its been awhile but the pain and memories are as fresh today as when it happened.

    So please don’t say until just ask me when. I can show you all kinds of news articles, to show you WHEN


    I sure hope they did something to the pervert today so he can never harm another human being.

    I am so sorry for the victims in this case, but thank God their families can put them to bed tonight.


    I am the one you are addressing this too....


    First, my heart goes out to your family and their loss.


    However, attacking Mr and Mrs Ragsdale as you did making unneccesary comments about him being an "old man", the way he should manage his rental property, hoping that he "looses" sleep and sarcasm about his past efforts in slowing speeders down while they come by his house was inappropiate.


    You were given an opportunity through Paulding.com to express your feelings and attitude concerning this serious situation that they are facing and you took the chance to make some "sucker punchs" towards the Ragsdale's. I'm sorry but I take grat offense to that and will not let it slide.


    I and the Ragsdale family have their own feelings of loss, fear and anger such as you experienced when you lost your love one. I can say that their situation is TOTALLY different that yours. Also, when you went though the loss of your neice you didn't have people and neighbors on Paulding.com bashing your family.


    BFY, this is my last post to you directly concerning this. I have already sent you my phone number, feel free to call. I did not start this, you did when you sent your first post (which I may add have been deleted from the topic) Thanks P.com police. I am mainly standing up to someone who is talking about people who mean the world to me. I've never met you and still don't understand your anger, but it needs to stop.




    Nothing has changed with Burnetts bond. Judge Osborne was aggravated. He did not change anything only to make the order state that he could not go outside. Pray for the Ragsdale's and the High Shoals Community.


    A special THANK YOU to those of you who came to support the Ragsdale's and the High Shoals community. The entire half side of the courtroom was filled. Also, thank you to those who tesitified.


    God Bless. Keep this in your prayers.

  12. The new law is for convicted sex offenders Can't be within 1000 ft of where children gather or live. If part of his bond condition is that he can't be around children, contact the authorities and they might would decide to revoke his bond and he's back in jail



    After the DA found out that his mother lied about children being within 2,000 feet of his home, the judge has scheduled another hearing tomorrow at 1:30.


    Pray that this community can get rid of this THING!!

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