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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. The Planning board does not stripe the roads. PDOT does! PDOT also does the widening of the roads on most county maintained roads. They either do the design inhouse or send it out to a company like I work for to be designed.



    Widening of the road requires property owners to give right of way so the road can be widened. Why don't you contact

    everyone that owns property on that road and ask them if they are willing to "donate" right of way to the county so they can widen it?


    The Paulding DOT can't widen something they don't own.....




  2. What is it called when a parent takes their kids to the emergency room all the time?


    My husbands ex wife takes their kids to the ER at least two times a month. We think it is for attention. Even the kids will say that nothing was really wrong with them.




  3. I was 21. My granddaddy died on this day and none of the family could leave. It was awful! Snow drifts were up to the top of our garage doors. No power, we had two people in our house with the stomach flu!


    The guy that I dated took me and another employee to the bank in Hiram that we worked at just so we could open the drive thru and cash checks because their wasn't any power for ATM's. I remember we had cars lined up all the way out into 278. We only had one drive thru lane opened. We couldn't open the bank because with no power our alarms didn't work.


    Needless to say, the Blizzard of 93 was not good memories for me.

  4. I have the $10 a month DSL Lite with At&T. You have to dig for it, but Clark Howard navigates you so you can find it. Here is the link to his newsletter.






    A cheaper internet deal from AT&T

    AT&T has done something unethical. When they took over Bellsouth, as part of the deal they were forced to offer an inexpensive plan as one option. They did, offering a slower (768k) DSL connection at $10 per month. It's a great deal. But they hide the link to this service on the website, making it almost impossible to find if you don't know where to look! Well, Clark thinks this stinks, and wants you to know how to find the deal. Here's how:

    This direct link will show you all the details:


    Or, navigate to it this way:


    Go to att.com


    Click "View Internet services"


    Scroll down page, and just above Terms and Conditions look for the text link that says "Term contract plans available"


    See "FastAccess DSL Lite with term agreement" and follow the instructions from there

  5. My wonderful husband just hands me the remote and says "Here's the remote baby....". He lets me watch anything I want and never complains. BUT when he watches his "gruntin'" shows, (deer and turkey hunting shows) I leave the room, can't stand to hear them calling them!!! :wacko:


    However, my dad, God Bless Him, drives my mother crazy. He watches everything with the MUTE on. She has her own den so they watch TV seperately. She says he will watch the race or football and try to figure out what's going on himself. :lol: It's funny to hear her talk about.

  6. I paid my car off a little over a year ago, and I was moving at the same time. I have a bunch of paperwork in different boxes, and I think my title is in one of those, but I haven't been able to find it. My question is, if I can't find it, what do I need to do about getting a replacement title?


    What sort of paperwork will I need, and how much should it cost me?


    I know I can call the tag office and get these answers, but I figure someone on here must know.




    You will probably have to get the bank to sign a T-4. This document is for the releasing of the lien from the bank. The bank more than likely signed the front of your title releasing their lien, but MV still shows that there is a lien on it. You will have to file it with your application for a replacement, if you don't then it will come back still showing your bank as leinholder.

  7. My boys get DVD or Playstation game, candy, clothes (t-shirt and shorts since the warm season is close by, hopefully), and books. I love to make their baskets! When my son was 4, he was into Thomas, he got a basket full of the little Thomas trains with Thomas books. It was one of my favorites.


    Of course, they are reminded what Easter is about, just like they are reminded about what Christmas is about.

  8. Hey Beach,


    How about moving the sh*t sprayers up to your end of the county since the smell doesn't seem to bother you.


    Of course you ARE used to being around politicians so the smell of the Corrupt Fields would be an improvement.



    Your attitude is worse than the smell. Your just pissed off because nobody likes you..... :p You need to back off of Beach Bum, from what I read he/she has tried to help you.



  9. BeSafe is the name



    I have the Child Safe program on my son's computer. When I loaded it, I typed in every rauchy word I could think of. It blocked everything. I also can see a report of sites that he has been in. So far, I am very pleased with it.


    NO!!! Meet her. Know who your childs friends and their families are. Meeting the mom raised the red flag in my gut ;)



    My nephew who is the same age as my son had a girlfriend over the summer. When he broke up with her the girls mom called my sister in law trying to get them back together!!!!!! The mom was more devestated that her daughter was!


    I guess I am leary of not only "fatal attraction girls", but "fatal attraction Moms"!!!!

  10. Tell me ladies what you think about this...


    My son is 12. He is "going out" (new term) with a girl the same age. The girl calls alot.....(in my day, you didn't call boys) anyways, her mother got on the phone and told him that she wanted to meet me and him.


    I realize that it's good to know who your kids are involved in, but this is only a situation that they see each other at school and talk on the phone. It's not like they are going to the movies (and he will not be going anytime soon unless I am sitting right there with them in between them :D ) or anything, but is it just me or am I being a little weirded out by her mother wanting to "meet" me? Isn't that a little to much for 12 year olds?


    BE HONEST!!! I am new to this...... I remember when I was 12 and can remember when I had a "boyfriend"!!!!! :rolleyes:

  11. Last week, I took my children to a restaurant.


    My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace.


    As we bowed our heads he said, "God is good, God is great. Thank you for the food , and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all! Amen!"


    Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for ice cream! Why, I never!"


    Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?"


    As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job, and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer."


    "Really?" my son asked.


    "Cross my heart," the man replied.


    Then, in a theatrical whisper, he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), "Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes."


    Naturally, I bought my kids ice cream at the en d of the meal. My son stared at his for a moment, and then did something I will remember the rest of my life.


    He picked up his sundae and, without a word, walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, "Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes; and my soul is good already."


  12. He's like the Energizer Bunny....


    he keeps going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and goinggoing and going,,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going,going and going......................................

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