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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. Actually, it was 2 different pastors, both Southern Baptist, one here in Paulding & another in NC. And 3 weeks ago, Surepip & I had the same conversation with 2 Baptists from the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship & another with the Baptist General Conference.



    Do they agree with you? Did you tell them what you thought about the nativity scene in the City of Dallas?

  2. Q! You da man!


    I appreciate the good words, dude. Like I told a good pastor friend of mine yesterday, if someone doesn't =say= it, no one will ever =discuss= it.

    I really do appreciate the good words. And I apologize for not seeing the thread earlier!


    BTW, 2010. World Cup. Just around the corner. Can't wait!





    So, what does this mean? What type of pastor friend?

  3. You can never go wrong with night pants. Those flannel big legged pants. They have a ton of them at Kohls and they are cheap! Less than $12.00. Or you could get a nice pair of jeans.


    I give presents that people will use, not anything that is off the wall such as a foot massager.

  4. Then I don't understand the point of sign ups if teams are stacked. How do they know their teams are if they have even signed up yet?



    Happened with us this past Spring season. He was still eligible to play 7-8, but wanted to move up to 9-10. We signed up under 9-10 and later found out that the only 9-10 team at that field was full before sign ups even began. So he had to play another year of 7-8. It all worked out for the best, he got his confidence built up since he was "the oldest" and did really well.


    Most of the teams that have been playing together for a while try to stay together.

  5. So you saying if we want to sign up we need to be their the first day to get on a team or Are you already full because the teams from last year are staying together?



    Alot of teams are "stacked" just about anywhere you go....

  6. I took my son there and Dr. West told me he needed like 3 crowns and some other major work. So, I took him to the Dentist my husband has used all his life for a second opinion. Didn't need any of it. Watch these pediatric Dentist.



    I had the same exact experience with Dr West and my child about 4 years ago. She said he needed a root canel. I took him to my dentist and he said no. I questioned her (Dr West) and she sent me packing. Sent me a letter that said that I needed to find a new dentist since I questioned her ability to treat my son.

  7. It's not the prayer, it's the complicating of the prayer. It would have been easy to have most of the state pray at the same time. Just not necessary to get on television and do it. That seemed to negate the sincerity.


    I will respect ANYONE that takes a stand. ANY STAND! It takes the same amount of 'nads. I think Tahoe has some mighty big 'nads to stand up for what she believes. More power to her!



    Hey, I'll take that as a compliment!!!! Thanks!!! :D

  8. OKAY HERE IT GOES, I am jumping into a pool of sharks :D .....


    All I know is I thank the Good Lord for the rain that He did give us. People who are not Christians cannot understand the power of prayer to our Lord, nor do they understand how it feels to be so full of the Lord. I was at church last night and didn't want to leave because I knew once I walk out those doors, the bearing of the world being so negative becomes "real" again. Don't misunderstand me, my God is with me everyday, every second of the day, and I don't have to be at church to feel his presence with me, But it is when you get in the His house and sing the songs and listen to our preacher that you just forget all your worries and problems and hear that you know that one day all this crap that's going on now will be gone. You are reminded that the Lord loves you no matter what, unconditionally!


    Everyone can make fun and say "Funny that he decided to pray when it was predicted to have rain...". If the Laliy Bamma or whatever his name decided to do whatever it is that they do or the Pope or whoever else serves in a "Positive Position" in the world wanted to pray or do something to bring rain then the media would have loved it and thought it was the grandest thing. BUT you take someone who is a Christian that ASKS the state, county, country to SHARE in his time of prayer for rain then it is absolutely obserd, offending, construted as a spectical and a waste of taxpayers money. GOD HELP US ALL!





    I go to Northside Baptist Church in Dallas. The young adults of our church is putting on a play for Christmas. It's not about the birth of Jesus, it's about something that will happen one day. I invite everyone to come. I don't know the date yet. As soon as I do I will post it. It is an eye opening play! Just come and see for yourself, if you don't like it then you can bash me on paulding.com the next day...... :D

  9. No sucker punch, just a true statement. And that would go both ways (refering to your comment about non-believers). I don't care if you worship dog squeeze; just don't beat someone else up with it ( another general statement, the word "you" is not directed at you personally).


    Just to clarify, I don't live my life to make you are anyone on this board "proud" of me. I do what I think is right, I have worked hard all my life, I can do pretty much anything I would like to do (this side of buying that new G5 Gulfstream). I have a wife, two daughters, four grandkids and they are all proud to be mine. That's pretty much all I care about.


    I have seen prayer work and I believe in God. As for "church", no thanks. Been there, got an ulcer. Way too much hate for fellow human beings. I'll let God judge people if and when He sees fit. I'm just here for the party.



    See, this is what kills me with any kind of topic on here. I started this topic with the attitude of how I was proud of what Gov Perdue did and now it's turned into this. I didn't post in the other topic that was titled, "Perdue, we don't need your prayers" the way that I really felt about what the OP posted. I simply started one because of how I personally felt.


    Frankly, you threw the first punch on the statement, I just came back with how I believed, I didn't come back with how your way is wrong, it's none of my business. Frankly, I'm not concerned with how you live your life. You are responsible for your own decisions, not me. How you live your life is your business, but you don't see me rubbing it in your face about what you believe or not believe is right or wrong. I am the only one who has to give an account for my actions.


    I haven't mentioned anything to you about "church" so no reason for you to explain that you say "no thanks' to it. Didn't ask about an ulcer that you claim on getting. Didn't ask about how you felt about "hate for fellow humans". I DIDN'T EVEN ASK HOW MANY KIDS OR GRANDKIDS YOU HAD. Why do you feel that you need to explain yourself about so much???


    This was a simply a topic about how I appreciate what our Governor did. My chance to express this and also give others the chance to express their appreciation. For ones to come into this topic and post their cut down comments is stupid.


    And yes I admit that I was stupid myself to fall into your little game of going back and forth. Next time I will refrain. :)

  10. QUOTE(feelip @ Nov 14 2007, 09:42 AM)

    I am for anyone that takes a stand. I hope the prayer does the trick. I have never been hurt by someone praying for me.


    PS: At the same time; I am against anyone that tries to force their beliefs on someone else.


    Crap, I was trying to agree with her. :wacko:




    The first sentence you seemed sincere. :wub: I am proud of you for that statement.


    The P.S. - You threw that sucker punch comment in the end.... :ninja:


    Your sarcastic remark about "Ahh! So your spiritual gift is mind reading." is stupid.... :)


    I expect that out of any of your posts anyways..you always come across kind of :blush: ..... well, never mind.

  11. My God lady; ease up!


    I wasn't saying that YOU did that. I was saying that people that can't carry on a converstaion without talking about their church or their religion just do not appeal to me. Heck, even Jesus went fishing every now and then. ;)



    WTHeck! I am simply referring to your P.S. Maybe you need to ease up..... What you were thinking and what you typed were two different thoughts, now weren't they???

  12. I am for anyone that takes a stand. I hope the prayer does the trick. I have never been hurt by someone praying for me.


    PS: At the same time; I am against anyone that tries to force their beliefs on someone else.



    Well, others openingly expressing their beliefs that they don't believe in God and don't believe in the power of prayer so what is the difference? I am just expressing my opinion as a believer just the same as those express their opinion of not believing.


    ****I am against anyone that tries to force their non-beliefs on some else.**** To each his own..... ;)

  13. If the other topic can mock Gov Perdue and make fun of him praying for rain then I can applaud him. God Bless our troubled world.


    I appreciate him taking a public stand for Christians and praying to our Heavenly Father, our Creator and the one who can and does control everything to help relieve us from this drought. I have Faith in the Lord that he will see us through. Our world is in the worst shape ever, what we need more is prayer.

  14. Hey! No problem!!! I understand. PM me and we will get together later. I still have yours and NO, I will not sell them to anyone else. Just let me know when you can meet.

    She is a very understanding person and is my neighbor, I am sure she wont be mad!!!
    AWWW, that's sweet. :wub:
  15. Here's more information and how to find it on AT&T website. It's hidden alright.....



    'Clark Said' Newsletter 7/02/07


    How to get the cheap $10 DSL deal from AT&T

    When AT&T took over Bellsouth, they were forced to offer an inexpensive plan as an option for consumers. They did, offering a slower (768k) DSL connection at $10 per month. It's a great deal. But they hide the link to this service on the website, making it almost impossible to find if you don't know where to look! Clark shows you how to find the deal


    Jun 26, 2007 -- A cheaper internet deal from AT&T

    AT&T has done something unethical. When they took over Bellsouth, as part of the deal they were forced to offer an inexpensive plan as one option. They did, offering a slower (768k) DSL connection at $10 per month. It's a great deal. But they hide the link to this service on the website, making it almost impossible to find if you don't know where to look! Well, Clark thinks this stinks, and wants you to know how to find the deal. Here's how:

    This direct link will show you all the details:


    Or, navigate to it this way:


    Go to att.com


    Click "View Internet services"


    Scroll down page, and just above Terms and Conditions look for the text link that says "Term contract plans available"


    See "FastAccess DSL Lite with term agreement" and follow the instructions from there!

  16. Wonder if you were us.....we have my husbands children all the time (which is what we want)!!!


    For the month of October we had them 26 days out of 31 and guess what?? she still got her check. Of course, she doesn't work and can't afford giving up custody "legally" because it will dispose of her income (no she doesn't have a husband either). That's what sad, but we don't care its worth just having them all the time than fighting her and her making it hard on them.

  17. So I don't guess the DOT, the engineers, the consultants or anyone else involved with the construction of the road has been to your house and met with you. All the information you used to tell me I was wrong came from the little meeting. Figures. Next time you decide to tell someone they are wrong, I SUGGEST you do a little discovery. Either make sure you are correct or refrain from telling someone else they are wrong.



    Where is your property?

  18. Never Mind


    Glad to know there is someone in the know. :wacko:



    And your point with the "neverminds" is........? :lol:


    Try calling Paulding DOT, hummm..... they may even have a map on the wall that you could look at. Then you will be in the "know". ;)


    Also, they are having a transportation meeting tonight at the Hiram Community Center from 4-7. You can ask all the questions you want and make comments too!

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