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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. Ok, so I'm new to the school thing since this was my daughter's first day of kindergarten. I packed her a lunch this morning, making sure to put food in it that she likes. Well, she wouldn't eat it. She said she wants the food from the cafeteria. So what do I have to do. I always took my lunch to school. Do I go to the cafeteria and pay for it there for the month or what? I know I sound stupid but really I don't know.



    My little angel did the same thing in kindergarten...she is showing that she's a "big girl now"!!!! Mine is in 6th grade and still eating in the lunch room. He hates sandwiches and chips. :wacko:


    Send a check every two weeks and go in debt to the school like the rest of us..... :D

  2. I grew up in a home that it was forbidden to flatculate in front of people. To this day I have never heard my Dad "poot". My mom has "let it slip" accidentally.


    BUT, me and my husband....... "Let it Rip Tater Chip!!!" :D


    I still don't it front of anybody else. My husband is the special "Chosen One" to experience that with me!!!!

  3. Open House - August 2nd, 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.


    Students and Parents are invited to attend the Fall Open House on Thursday, August 2nd, from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. The Fall Open House is not a formal program, so students and parents are invited to come by at any time during this time span. Participants will have the opportunity to meet their teachers and tour the facilities. Sixth Grade students are invited to attend a special 6th Grade Orientation at 2:00 p.m. (for more information, see the paragraph listed below).


    6th Grade Orientation - Aug. 2nd, 4 p.m.-8 p.m.


    The 6th Grade Orientation will be conducted on Thursday, August 2nd, from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. The 6th Grade Orientation is a formal program, and students will be involved in several activities beginning at 2 p.m. All 6th Grade students and parents are invited to report to the McClure Cafeteria on August 2nd at 2:00 p.m. Parents will be offered a separate presentation while the students are engaged in the 6th Grade activities.

  4. Get down on your knees and ask for God's help. Believe me....He is the Comforter of pain and grief. Been there, done that.....still praying everyday for strength and guidance.


    Last night, I wrote two pages front and back with two colums on each page of friends, family, and others that I want to remember in prayer. I will add your name. :)

  5. I too give through the United Way to this women's shelter.


    Only problem I have with this "Shephards battered womens shelter" is this....I know a woman who went there and lied to the shelter about her ex-husband choking her. She was able to file the paper work for a TPO that was going to take the kids away from the father for 12 months. He had to hire a lawyer and go to court. The courts dismissed everything and found out that she was lying. It cost her nothing to file, but cost him $4,000 for his lawyer and MOST OF ALL cost his children alot of hurt feelings not only because they love their daddy, but now they are resentful toward their mother for lying. They witnessed the argument between their mom and dad and they know that nothing like that happened.


    Don't get me wrong, I believe there are women that truley need protecting, but I think that they (the shelter) should be required to investigate a little further than to believe every woman who has a "scorned woman attitude".

  6. That's partly because people are getting approved for X amount of $$$ for their mortgage, and spend every. single. penny on the purchase of a home. When the bills start rolling in, they realize it's much more $$$ than they thought, and can't afford to continue paying the mortgage, utilities, and all the debt they racked up buying furniture for the new house.



    Yes and you can thank those eager mortgage lenders for that.


    The mortgage lenders know better than to give most of these homeowners the loans that they do. They know that homeowners ratios are maxed out, but don't counsel the borrowers on this. They want the the higher loan because the higher the loan the higher their commission!

  7. We got him one! He loves it, took a little while to get the manual clutch and we haven't told him how to get out of first gear yet...but he loves it. Don't know if him or his dad are enjoying more!


    We got a great buy on a 125 - basically brand new...Thanks for the input...now where around here can he go to ride it...weren't there some neighborhoods that were looking for riders?



    Good glad you found one! Just make him wear his helment no matter how much it makes him sweat!


    You can ride around my house. I usually have two fourwheelers and two motorcycles running around our pasture till dark. :D

  8. I agree, don't pay attention to some of the posts.


    My son has been riding four wheelers since he could sit up. He is 12 and has a Suzuki 160 and "knock on wood" Lord willing he has not had a bad wreck yet.


    I do have a 2005 Honda 70 motorcycle that my 10 yr old (120Lb) step son has outgrown. We have talked about selling it. If you are interested, PM me.

  9. Great now because I call to cuss his @ss out he is trying to have me arrested.

    What a true dead beat. Thank god I saved all his cussing me out phone calls.



    Leave him alone and let him get on with his pitiful life. He will be old and alone one day. Eventually, Ms. 20 year old will leave him for someone closer to her age. He's probably in a Mid Life Crisis.


    Be there for your kids. Be the strong one, don't stoop to his level. Teach your kids to be the "Bigger Person". Put yourself in their shoes, would you want to hear arguing all the time?????


    Finally, pray about it. The Lord will open doors for you if you will let Him. Trust me. Been there, done that.....

  10. Some parents are just more protective about who their child plays with. Maybe she feels like she doesn't know you well enough to let her child come over. I have to go to the house and see their parents, where they live and if they live in a junkyard before I let mine go.


    I was raised here. If we weren't related to the kids in my class then we knew who their family was. It was way different when I was my childs age.


    I just wished we did have so many transplants in the county like we do now. I don't even know anybody when I go to the store in our area anymore.

  11. Some parents are just more protective about who their child plays with. Maybe she feels like she doesn't know you well enough to let her child come over. I have to go to the house and see their parents, where they live and if they live in a junkyard before I let mine go.


    I was raised here. If we weren't related to the kids in my class then we knew who their family was. It was way different when I was my childs age.


    I just wished we did have so many transplants in the county like we do now. I don't even know anybody when I go to the store in our area anymore.

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