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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. For real busymom, i think he should have waited until she droped her child off, I wouldnt want my child going into school crying and scared. I remember when my dad got pulled over once for the 1st time on our way to schoold, he had stopped at dunkin donuts and got me some donuts and a drink, I think my dad ran a stop sign, he put his lights on, I was scared to death I hid my food and drink beside the door and started crying because I thought we were in trouble becasue I was drinking and eating and my dad was driving!!! :o :lol: :blink: I was so upset.



    Did you mean for that to be directed at "Mom22girls"? If so, I agree. He should have waited. I'm sure it ruined that childs entire day at school worried about their mom.

  2. I would love to see most of you sit around a table and dicuss these things.



    YAP, YAP, YAP, I know more than youuu, na na na na na na . Some of the topics on here, my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink:


    It's a song, for crying out loud!!!!!!! He made millions off his crime story!


    Yep, I'm in a mood. :blush: :wub:

  3. The list in question does not deal with users but dealers, manufacturers and traffickers of meth who are out of prison and probably still on parole.



    Excuse me... thanks for clearing that up....



    Until you have "personally" been on that side of the fence with someone with this problem you will never understand what it does to the person or their family and friends. :) Believe me I do.


    Again, I do know of people who have been in trouble with this and have turned their life around. I'm sorry, but I would much rather murders and thieves who have served time and are on parole be tracked for their crimes. Those who are truely rehabilitated will not want this black cloud hanging over their head for the rest of their life. They are ashamed enough for what they did, well, at least some of them are. Some just really don't care who they hurt and will continue to be selfish and do what they want.


    Hopefully, we can have enough faith in our law enforcement that they would be able to acquire information about this person "making trouble again."


    No matter what is done, it will unfortuntely continue. We have a county, state and country wide epedemic.

  4. You act as though you are educating me, but your not telling me anything that I do not already know.

    I know that it destroys lives, and I did not read that in a book. -_-


    I understand from your post that you do not know any recovering addicts. I do. It is possible.




    I am for the sex offenders list, but not for the other. Simply because I would hate for my child to see his dad's name (MY EX husband) on a list. He is a recovering meth user and is doing well.


    I know of recovering addicts that are now preachers, successful business owners and professionals. Committing a sexual act to violate another human being is totally different than hurting yourself with drugs.


    Maybe if more people were caught and sent to prison for making it and/or distributing then we wouldn't have to worry about a list of there where abouts. We would know there address.

  5. This is a seriously good question!! I was educated with a larger class size - 32 - 35 per classroom and parapros were not "invented". However, we're not comparing apples to apples in that area due to massive changes in the way teachers are allowed to interact with students (Yes, I received a paddling in the hallway for talking too much Imagine That!) AND our teachers weren't inundated with the paperwork and reporting requirements as they are now.

    "SPLOST dollars have funded the construction of six elementry schools, two middle schools and two high schools since 1997. This number includes the North Paulding complex (elementry, middle and high school off Harmony Grove, and an additional elementry school."


    Huh? You can not count schools that have not been built. True, the construction has started, but is a long way from being finished.

    Let's say this correctly:

    SPLOST dollars have funded the construction of five elementary, one middle and one high school since 1997.

    Quite a difference, don't you think?


    I'm wondering about this too.........Can someone 'plain it to Lucy??

    How can a bond referendum in September 2006 delay double sessions in August 2007? It takes longer than that to build a school, much less several schools.

    That's the $64,000 question that has me wondering if that isn't a scare tactic........First off, we'd need double the amount of teachers, twice the gas for busses - the logistics would take a year to put into place -so is this plan in place at this time, what will be the deciding factor and how will the referendum delay those sessions?? Will it enable more schools to break ground immediately??? If so, is everything ready - plans, permits, land acquisition??? I mean, there are so many unanswered questions and I feel like there are some scare tactics being used......Why could this vote not have been added in the November voting (since I understand everything wasn't ready for the July voting) and who are these private individuals paying for this voting??? I want the kids to truly benefit from whatever we do, but I want some straight answers......Where are all those annoying pre recorded phone calls when you truly want them??



    What she said... someone please address. :) I have little ones in school, as well.


    Why hasn't something like this been posted on channel 16 explaining the severity of the vote for this?


    Why aren't they "campaining" for this in the newspaper and/or mail if our kids could be faced with these options?


    I too would like to know who the "private donations" are collected from?


    The way that the Q&A reads immediately sends you into a panic of "of my gosh, this has to pass!"

  6. The Jones company does pay taxes on this property. Now I do not know how much they get paid for leasing it to the WMA. I am sure that it is more than the taxes knowing that the Jones' are smart people.


    The area that the county is looking to purchase for the industrial park is part of the City of Atlanta property which is under the WMA. It is ashame that this is the land that will be converted to industial land since it is probably some of the prettiest land in the county. But I do support the action of bringing industry to the county as it is much needed for better paying jobs and it would also shift some of the tax burden off the homeowners.



    Are you from Tahoe? If so, what are you doing here? I used to live outside of Tahoe and go there every year to ski. If my wife would move away from her family, I would be there in a heartbeat. This is no slam on Paulding as I enjoy it here but I am a mountain man at heart and I am not talking about 4-5,000 ft mountains which aren't even lake level in Tahoe.



    Nope, sorry to disappoint you but I was born and raised here in Dallas. I am related to ALOT of people in Paulding County. I have been to Lake Tahoe though, it is beautiful!!!


    Why did you ask??? Are you trying to tell me to go home if I was from there?

  7. My 10 year old son has one. His dad and I are divorced, so I feel like since he is older that he and his dad can communicate without having to go through me all the time. Also, when he is at his dad's I can call him and check on him every hour on the hour. :D


    My son cuts my parents and my aunts grass. He is actually excited about contributing to his phone bill. I'm not gonna harp and say that he HAS to pay for it. That is his own decision and I am proud of him.


    Yes, I was one of those kids whose parents bought me a car, paid my insurance,etc. So, I pray that I am able to do for my son like my parents did so graciously for me. I was raised to appreciate and have taught mine the same.

  8. How do you cook them?


    Just wondering...I can't answer about how to make 'em better unless I know how you're doing them now!?!?



    I drain the juice from the can, add pepper, salt, water. I have cooked them with olive oil or beef broth adding, garlic or season all. I have tried everything. I can get the metal taste out. It end up looking like dirty water.

  9. That's not unusual to feel that way. A lot of people feel that way. However, Xian is a very old Christian abbreviation. It derived from what I wrote before. TBAR, on p.com, is known to use it often -- so we've had this conversation in here several times before. :)


    Here's a quote from one article on this topic: "The word "Christ" and its compounds, including "Christmas", have been abbreviated for at least the past 1,000 years, long before the modern "Xmas" was commonly used. "Christ" was often written as "XP" or "Xt"; there are references in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as far back as 1021 AD. This X and P arose as the uppercase forms of the Greek letters χ and ρ), used in ancient abbreviations for Χριστος (Greek for "Christ") (see Labarum), and are still widely seen in many Eastern Orthodox icons depicting Jesus Christ."


    Ok. Sorry to hijack Lesley :D



    Thanks! I didn't know that!

  10. It's normally written as Xian. The "X" resembles the Greek letter Χ (Chi), the first letter of "Christ" in Greek Χριστός [Christos].


    This is only what I think about this, so don't get mad.


    I grew up being taught that I never write X-Mas. My dad always said "that is not a shorter way to write Christmas, it's just a way to take Christ out of Christmas". Now I guess, people are taking Christ out of the word Christian.


    Please read Post #57. I would like to know your response to that one. Unlike righteous, I rarely get into religious discussion with you because I know it's a no win situation, and I most definitely have never argued with you about religion, just trying to understand a little bit of where you're coming from. In the same way you are turned off by Christianity, I am turned off by your way of thinking. I am definitely one of God's children, but don't consider myself a warrior. I love everyone, even you. :D




    AMEN BROTHER/SISTER!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, don't know which one you are!!! Glad you decided to join in...I was by myself

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