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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. I have tenants. By law you can give any tenant, under lease or not , 30 days notice to vacate a premises. If they do not you can file a dispossesory warrant. If they do not answer the warrant, it will be about 2-3 weeks before they are put out if they don't get out. I would want to protect myself if I were the landlord. If anything else happens now that this has come to light, someone could attempt to take legal action against the landlord under certain circumstances. If I were the landlord I would post haste get that guy outta there. For everyone's protection....the kids, the parents, the landlord, and sadly enough...the demon seed child molester. <_<



    Can you provide me with written information that this is absolutley true under GA laws? I would like to have a copy of it. Thanks!

  2. 1stimemom, did they take him back to jail?



    No they did not take him to jail. He said he was bouncing a tennis ball on the wall. The sheriff did say that he was acting like he was on something.


    Bottom line - the DA went into court unprepared. They thought they must have had a "slam dunk" case. It was unnecessary that the neighbours had to speak out for the truth the be told and put theirselves in danger. They have to live beside him until FRIDAY.


    If the DA had already done their homework this would have never took place. We can't even depend on the DA's office to ASK ANY QUESTIONS to protect us! They/Lane are lazy.Wasn't that one of the proven facts when Lane vs Donovan? If Donovan had been elected we wouldn't have to worry about this right now! Hind sight is 20/20.

  3. Well, I said in a new post but I will add it here too.


    I am very proud of you and the boys!!! You have a HUGE heart. I'm just thankful that I can call you my best friend! Very lucky dogs!


    Also, I have been able to tell people that not only do I know the "New TS girlfriend :huh: ", but I know the girl on the news.


    TOUCH ME.... I have famous friends! B)

  4. I just want to start my very on topic to express how proud I am of "REV". I have been knowing her since we were in elementary school...


    She has done something for Lily that deserves much appreciation. We get so caught up in our day to day lives that we don't think about committing our time to something like this. She has works a fulltime job, has two teenage boys (another fulltime job). Should I say more, that's enough work in itself!


    Angie, I am so very proud of you and the boys for taking care of this precious pup and her babies. There not another one like you out there!!!!


    P.S. My mom said you did good on TVand she was very proud of you too!


    Your very best friend -"Tahoe"


    I also want to say how proud of how our community came together when there was a need. You guys at pcom have alot to be proud of yourself! Y'all are alllllright!!!!!!! ;)

  5. Unfortunately, this perv got out on a $3,000 bond. The state asked for NO BOND, his attorney asked for a $10,000 bond, but Good Ole Judge Osborne felt sorry for the mother because of her "lacks of funds to post bond". He kept on stating that Mr. Burnett had been charged with "looking at dirty pictures".


    I know everyone has rights and right to fair trial, but what about the rights of the victims and the neighbours around this guy.


    Everyone, please pray for the surrounding community.

  6. West Atlanta is the only group of doctor that my child has ever seen. He actually diaganoised our orthopedic problem at 2 days old. I was so glad when they opened an office in Dallas.


    I never like the nurse practioner, Nancy. I do like Young and of course Carter. Dyer is okay, not my favorite.

  7. I am so sorry for your situation.


    Please excuse some of the "KNOW IT ALLS" that post on this board. I guess they have all the answers to all of lifes problems and money.


    I will pray for you. Is there anything that I can do to help you right now? Do you have a church that you regularly attend? What are the ages of your children and where to they attend school? You can PM me.


    I am regularly bashed and my post made invisible for my comments concerning a benefit that will be taking place soon. I thinks our efforts would be more effective to support a family in this condition than that of another.


    Let me know by PM what you need.

  8. Hey...I got 9 puppies that I need to find great homes for and fast....animal control has given me until November 13th to get rid of them and then the puppies are gonna be euthanized....they are part german shepard and part retriever...beautiful puppies...gonna be kinda big....PLEASE HELP...i can't stand the thought of them being killed....i'll put pictures up in a day or so...THANKS



    I want one!!! Are you selling them or graciously giving them away?

  9. All I want to know is who's paying for the things, and should the NO! group be registered as a PAC with the state. (Who knows, maybe y'all are being underwritten by big builders in other counties who want to dry up the demand for homes in Paulding.) :D


    You can put the signs wherever the law allows.



    Why don't you shut up! "Dry up the demand for homes in Paulding", well that about the "stuppiedest" one I have heard yet.


    I am about sick and tired of this crap! I am voting NO because I am sick and tired of paying more taxes. I am so poor I can't even pay attention.

  10. Whether you believe it or not the BOE expansion WAS necessary. As I have said before schools are being built constantly and the BOE has the best interest of our children at hand.



    I reckon' we agree to disagree. Are you enjoying your new office? ;)

  11. The money for the new building was put to good use. Did you see inside the other building, that was a tin can. The new building is up to date, and it has the resources that the teachers, and other administrators need in the county to help your children learn! It was a much needed building.



    apsmome and forgiiven44,


    I cannot believe that you just typed that.... I'm sorry, but I would much rather my and everybody elses child be in an up to date building, have the resources that THEY need to learn. I don't want my/our children sitting in tin cans everyday. I'm sure the new office is plushed out with cherry furniture and tailored curtains.


    Sacrifices need and have to be made, it's just all according to who wants to sacrifice what. Unfortunately, it is at our teachers and childrens expense.


    I'm sure everyone at the BOE got excited about their new office, furniture etc and couldn't wait to smell the fresh paint on the walls and the new carpet. Well, what about our kids they deserve just as much and more!

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