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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. Ahhh. But we are commanded to be learners, are we not? Click on the links in my siggy & you'll find tons of info. Being a disciple means we are constantly learning.


    What is there to respond to about Curtis? He's a good guy.


    "To think deeply in our culture is to grow angry and to anger others; and if you cannot tolerate this anger, you are wasting the time you spend thinking deeply. One of the rewards to deep thought is the hot glow of anger at discovering a wrong, but if anger is taboo, thought will starve to death."

    ---Jules Henry



    Sorry, but what I want to learn about is totally different that what you want to learn about.....



    "There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot."

    - Scott Adams




  2. But the Bible is not the law of the land. And thank God for it. If it were, whose interpretation would be the law? The Bible is the only safe rule & guide for our Xian Life, but I sure don't want it to be the law book for our nation because what if it is ME who decides how the Bible is interpretted? Or you? Or the Catholics? You're saying you won't compromise what the Bible says but every group has said that & were 100% positive they knew what it said --- & now you're 100% you know better than all those people before us who said =we= were the sinners? That is called arrogance.


    Understand that what you just said is the very thing the Founding Fathers did NOT want in our land & the very reason we have the 1st sentence in the 1st Amendment. Also realize that what you just said is considered un-Biblical by every denomination in the US & has been for a long, long time. We already had a theocracy one time & that is why Baptists were persecuted --- for being "sinners" & heretics.


    So you say everyone has the right to be treated the same, but you don't want to give "those people" the equal rights. That is called being a bigot. It is called discrimination. It is called being un-Biblical since X expressly said we are to stand up to injustices of all sorts, not everything except when dealing with gay people.


    I again ask you to sit down & we can discuss this like MATT 18 says. If you're not willing to do that, then why would you want to impose the Bible onto people when you won't even do what it says?



    Honey, you would not want me to be in the same room with you, I'd probably throw my Bible at you and then beat you over the head with it.... :D


    This is a no win situation for either of us or anybody else. I have said that earlier. I hate it that I am not as "educated" in this with all the theocracy, amendments, history, legal garbage, different types of religion,etc. I for one don't have to look to far to what I believe. I am okay with what I believe. If you are okay with what you believe then why spend so much time trying to prove yourself to everyone and trying to change the world.


    I am responsible for my actions and will give an account one day just as you with (no changing that one ;) ....). Sorry if my response is at the elementary level. I just use my time and study towards things that mean much more to me and my walk with the Lord.


    Why won't you respond to my comment about Preacher Turner????


    Then get off the computer and into the kitchen/bedroom or wherever else your husband tells you to go. He's holier than you after all...


    Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.



    Your weird.

  3. BUt you do choose to discriminate against them in matters of non-religion. The exact same arguments were used to discriminate against blacks.


    Does the Bible not also say that we are to stand for justice (& there is no qualifier on that)?


    Remember that the Congregationalists said that being Baptist was a sin . . . & they just KNEW that the Bible spoke against being Baptist.


    No one is condoning the lifestyle. We do say that all Americans should be treated the same. Sorry you chose to discriminate.


    I also see you're not interested in doing the command in MATT 18 like I offered in this post. Is there a reason you don't want to follow that Biblical command either?



    Why don't you call Preacher Turner and ask him about it?


    There is nothing more that I can say to you or anybody else to change how you feel. Lets agree to disagree.


    Yes, you are condoning the lifestyle, if you are willing to fight for their rights. According to your posts, you seem to condone excuse me "fight/argue" alot of things these days that you know are not right according to the BIBLE. Yes, the Bible, not the constitution. The constitution is not what is going to guide you in your Christian life. If I choose to live my life according to Gods word, then that is "my right".


    Everyone has a right to be treated the same, I agree. And it is sad that these "specific group" of people want the same benefits of every married man and woman. I realize that they have the same needs such as health insurance and also when their partner dies such as I will receive when my husband dies and much more. Its just sad situation all the way around.


    Bottom line - I will not compromise what the Bible says.

  4. We have a 12x16 shed that is falling down (literally). We are going to tear it down and put up a new one (12x20).


    The permit office is closed to day, and I'm just wondering, since there's an existing establishment there now, will we still need a permit? If so, what are the inspection requirements (is it the same as an addition, inspect after concrete laying, etc)? Do you have to get it sprayed for termites (like when a home addition is done)?


    Just trying to figure out "how" to co-ordinate this :blink:



    The county is working today. They don't have bankers hours.

  5. Okay, well this is going no where.



    To the ones who condone the homosexual lifestyle:


    It is obvious that you will never see past what you think is right. I pray that the Lord will convict your heart. I am not here to judge, this is an opinion forum, that's what we all are doing, openly expressing OUR opinions. I'm sorry that you think that I am a Bigot or that I discriminate, etc, but all I know is that one day I have to give an account to MY LORD JESUS CHRIST for my actions, PERIOD and one day you will too.


    I know in my heart that the Bible does not condone homosexuals and neither do I. I have family and friends that are homosexuals, but I don't bash them, I love them and I pray for them, as I will pray for all of you.


    May God Bless You!



  6. Thanks, I appreciate your degrading remarks...see if I stand up for you again in the school vent forum ;)


    I do understand what is going on in the world, and it makes me very sad...especially when I think of what my children will be exposed to as they grow up. If being a bigot means standing up for what you believe in and choosing to not condone sin...then I guess you are right on target. I am not judging anyone, I am only speaking truths that God has given us in His word. Yes, we are to love and show compassion to everyone, but not turn a blind eye to their sin...and that is what I am guilty of doing. Not once, have I bashed gays or said that I hated them, because that is not the case. I simply disagree with how they choose to live their life and I will not enable it by agreeing with civil unions or whatever it is they want to do to digrade the sanctity of marriage.




    Well said!!!!! You go girl!!!



  7. But it does state;


    1 Corinthians 16:13 (New International Version)

    13Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.



    2 Corinthians 1:24 (New International Version)

    New International Version (NIV)


    24Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm.




    Ephesians 6:14 (New International Version)

    New International Version (NIV)


    14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,




    Philippians 1:27 (New International Version)

    New International Version (NIV)


    27Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel




    2 Timothy 2:19 (New International Version)

    New International Version (NIV)


    19Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his,"[a] and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."






    1 Corinthians 15:58 (New International Version)

    New International Version (NIV)


    58Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.






    1 Corinthians 16:13 (New International Version)

    New International Version (NIV)


    13Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.



    and much more, but you get the idea. I can't help but wonder where your allegiance really is; but that isn't my call, it's between you and God.







  8. Again, I simply choose not to toot my own horn of all things for which I am involved. I think being a braggart is also a sin.


    If you choose to believe I am not involved in other things & tell others that misinformation, that is between you & God.



    TOOT YOUR OWN HORN, now that's an understandment. You boldly TOOT YOUR HORN to only crap. The only thing you post on here is about the rights of gays, the rights of athesits and how you want to take God out of everything becuase of the rights for those who don't believe. "A Braggart is a sin", well.....I would much rather brag about being involved in children,meth alliance, etc, than for everyone to know that you fight against the Bible and the Lord.


    TBAR, you are pitiful!! I am really disappointed in you. You are at the top of my prayer list.










    Tha hanging part was just a figure of speech, sorry.


    Why are you saying that I am judging? I believe because that Bible says it. Read Romans 1:26-32; Leviticus 20:13 - With this be said, I believe that today the penalty of death comes in the form of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.


    Unfortunatley, Catholics believe somewhat different than I do. I attended a Catholica funeral a few weeks ago. It was the coldest funeral I have ever been too. The priest was basically praying the decesed into Heaven. Me personally, its a little too late to pray that person in Heaven. It really made me sad knowing that possibly my friend was burning in Hell.


    Also, I simply addressed my comment to TBAR, I am curious about what he believes these days.


  10. Yes, just like all citizens do.


    Are you suggesting the Bible should replace the Constitution? Be careful . . . that is called theocracy & is against every statement of faith of all denominations.


    We're not talking about church membership but rights of American citizens. Please tell us you're not saying gay people should be thrown in jail & persecuted.

    Doesn't the Bible also say that we are to stand up for those not treated fairly? Please, show us in the Bible where it says we are to discriminate politically against those who don't believe as we do.


    Homosexual behavior is called a sin in the Bible, but we're not talking about righteous behavior but about the rights of American citizens.


    Okay TBAR, lets not put words in my mouth..... I have a family member that is gay, I love him just as everyone else in my family; HOWEVER, when he told me of how he and his partner would love to adopt a child, I basically well.....told him what I thought. IMAGINE THAT!


    You try to misrepresent the Bible with all your "rights for Amercians" bull crap. I for one would definetely not want to be in your shoes on judgement day. I realize that your are "fighting for the rights of all Americans", I'm sorry, but my preacher Pastor Curtis Turner (BTW I think you know him....) doesn't preach out of the pulpit that we should turn the other cheek to homosexuality. In Gods eyes, it is a sin, will always be a sin. You can't sugar coat that. Why do you think they call it "coming out of the closet"???Maybe because back in the day they would be hung. Unfortunately, due to people like you that fight for this that is why we have so many organizations that condone it.


    Why don't you use your energy towards things like rights for abused children, children of meth families, heck even for animal rights?????

    You can fight for what you BELIEVE thats your "American Right"; however if you are a Child of the King, well, I let you decifer that one. God Bless You, TBAR.

  11. Not true.


    You're assuming that one of the partners stays home & does not work. That is no different than a married spouse that doesn't work. That would mean no additional costs.


    But even if that partner is not covered, the gov't entitlements would still be there. No difference in cost if in civil union or not.


    And if the partner is working, his/her employer's health coverage is there.


    But that is not the point. Gay people pay taxes just like you & are entitled to the same benefits. They are Americans just like you & are entitled to the same liberties.


    You're kidding right? Your supposedly a preacher and you are condoning homosexuality. What and who are you now? And don't start with this equal right crap that you seem to be singing. My question to you is how are you able to speak, support, bring up, rationalize, weigh out all these idiotic topics that you start. What is your problem now, Rxxx?


    I haven't read any further than this post, but I had to stop and answer this one since there were 9 pages.

  12. BB, have you tried Mac's in Euharlee, since it reopened? I heard it was good, but haven't tried it yet



    We have and it is so good!!!!


    I'M HUNGRY!!!!!..... :blink:


    I have seen people working on the building for a few months and i noticed a few weeks ago that they have painted Coles Family Resturant on the front of the building. Does anyone know when they will open and what they are serving?



    Dudes, the original owner back in the 90's, was a good place!!!! The 2nd owner wasn't as good as the first.....

  13. Would you not feel safer if there was a traffic light at High Shoals Rd ?? When you pulled out to turn you wouldn't have to hold your breath , where you can't see over the hill and tell if anyone is coming or not.



    Of course it would be safer, BUT realistically it would not be the best way to spend taxpayer money. I can think of much more needed places to install traffic signals in Paulding County. There is not enough people traveling that road at one time to have a light. It would be crazy.





  14. What can be done to stop all the tragic accidents ?? It is so hearbreaking to see such a tragedy again on this road and this time a child . I travel this road every day, my husband , my daughter , my sister , my brother in law and all our friends travel this road every day . Something needs to be done. So many people have lost their lives just over the past 6 months . Even this morning on my way to take my little boy to daycare I was behind a school bus and I had people tailing me all the way to dallas. There is got to be something that can be done . Maybe putting up red lights at Braswell Mt, High Shoals and Northside or making the road a no passing zone or dropping the speed limit and having more officers patrol it. Any one have any suggestions ?Is there a petiton that can be done ? Looks like seeing all the crosses would give people a hint .



    I travel 61N everyday and have for the last 36 years of my life. I turn left coming from Dallas and pull out going towards Dallas from High Shoals Road on a daily basis to go to and from my families house. I also live on 61N at one of the three passing zones on 61N. I hold my breath everytime I turn in my driveway coming from Dallas, praying that someone who is coming from Cartersville sees me waiting to pull in my driveway and hope that they don't decide to pass because they will hit me head on.


    Bottom line... you can't fix stupid. Don't blame the structure of roads, GDOT or PDOT, blame the people who drive the roads and who abuse speed limits, passing zones, and who don't use caution in weather conditions.


    Everytime something happens anywhere everybody starts screaming its a county or state problem. Well, it's not, it's the citizens of Paulding and Georgia who create the tragedies. So maybe instead of peitioning for traffic lights, etc. at intersections that don't warrant a traffic light (which you are wasting time on) you should make up signs for the ROW that say, "Slow Down". Of course, you will probably be wasting you time on that too.


    People are the problem.....


    There now, I have had my vent for the day! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!



  15. Put in baking dish (makes it easier to clean up if you lay aluminum foil in dish), lay out pork chops and sprinkle garlic, pepper and also, if you have it any kind of season salt add that too. I use that seasoned meat tenderizor salt. Put butter on top and bottom of pork chops and cook till done.


    Its the easiest way to cook them!

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