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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. FYI - a few weeks ago on Paulding.com a company solicted their services to set up bi-weekly payments for mortgages. Thought I would pass on this useful information from my ole buddy Clark..... hope its helpful to someone :)




    Accelerated mortgages are a rip-off

    Clark's Consumer Action Center has been receiving a lot of questions about accelerated mortgage offers. People are wondering if these offers are a new kind of scam. Clark thinks "scam" is too strong of a word, but he does think this is a serious rip-off -- and he wants to show you how to avoid it! First, let's take a look at the offer. It arrives as a friendly letter inviting you to pay off your mortgage years quicker than you normally would. The deal is that you have to pay your bank or an appointed marketing company $200-$400 to set you up on a bi-weekly payment plan. It also stipulates that you'll be billed another couple bucks each time you make a payment, or alternately that you'll pay nothing up front but every bi-weekly payment will be assessed a fee. This plan will have you paying half your monthly mortgage payment every two weeks. That's equivalent to 26 half-payments in a year. At the end of year, the bank or marketing company also makes one additional payment on your mortgage. So the end result is that you pay 13 months in a 12-month period. But because you probably paid an initial fee to set this up, the bank held some of your money all year long and got rich of the interest.


    Here's what you should do instead. Clark wants you to keep making monthly mortgage payments and add one-twelfth extra in the additional principle box on your monthly coupon. So if your monthly payment is $1,200, pay $1,300 instead. That way you'll do for free what your bank wants to charge you for -- and you'll bring your principle down quicker. There's one more possible bank rip-off related to your mortgage that you should avoid. They're going to try to sell you "croak and choke" insurance -- otherwise known as mortgage life and disability insurance. It states that if you buy their policy and die, they'll pay your mortgage. But Clark sees two problems here. First, you're paying an insurance premium to protect the bank. At the time of your death, there may be better uses of your money for your heirs. So you're better off with a standard life insurance policy. Second, the bank charges a premium that's about 10 times as much as your plain old life insurance policy. Sometimes Clark wonders where the ethics in banking have gone!

  2. Lord Have Mercy!!!! Why doesn't everybody gripe just a little. Seriously, if you wanted the bridge replaced and GDOT had not done that yet, then you would be griping about that.


    Come on' people, it's going to better the area. Suffer just two months, I promise it will be okay once it is over and done with. It's called "Growing Pains" and we ALL suffer.

  3. I thought I'd just post the link.




    What are your views? Do you think this could become an invasion of privacy issue down the road? For example, what if the government gave police the right to test individual sewer taps? I suppose more rural areas would be exempt, having septic tanks instead of county sewer.


    I don't reckon I have much of an opinion. I just thought this was "thinking outside the box" type stuff when I read it. In the past, anonymous surveys were done to research drug use. But most illegal drug users wouldn't buy into the anonymity part of such a thing, so results were dubious at best.



    Is your wife Ashley Hicks?

  4. I always watched it too! Loved it, was all about some Kevin and Winnie. Hannah Montana and Drake & Josh drive me bonkers. Most of the kids TV shows do, tho! :wacko: Cartoons suck now too! All that Digimon and Pokemon..... :blink: I am always wondering what in the world these shows are talking about?? I make the boys turn it. Could be subliminal messages for all I know!! But the Disney shows I have to endure b/c there really isn't anything wrong with them except I don't like them. Makes me feel like my Mom! "Go watch that crap in your room!!" :D
    Dido on that.... Those shows are so STUPID, they act goofy!!!! Calling each other idiots, telling them to shut up, talking to their parents like their don't have any sense. Which some of the parents act like they don't. Now I know Kevin told his older brother to shut up, but it was usually when he was mean to him.....
    Who doesn't love Winnie Cooper? Better yet Danica McKellar...other than The West Wing, she's really basically just done voices in cartoons and movies. Don't understand why:
    OH MY!!!!! Check Winnie OUT!!!!!!
  5. It comes on at 10:00 on Comcast on channel 4. I got my son to watch it when he went to bed last night (yes, I know he should have been asleep). I watched in my room. He actually liked it!!!!


    I always watched it. It's kind of neat the way that it narrates Kevin's feelings. Considering he is in the same grade as my son, I thought he could SOME HOW relate to it.


    It's much better that Hannah Montana or Drake and Josh. Those shows stress me out when I hear them.


    What do y'all think?

  6. End of Summer special... Prices increase Sept


    Grooming, bath, nails, teeth, etc... $20

    Trim, bath, nails, teeth, etc.... $15

    Bath, nails, teeth, etc.... $10

    Call anytime for appt.


    Located off 61 north



    770 443-4134



    What do you do to their teeth??? What do you put on them? I can bring my little babe to you......Let me know.

  7. It always help to click on the reply button under the topic in which you are replying. That way we know to whom your statement is directed (or in this case question).


    Actually, I am interested in hearing more than one opinion. That's why I didn't click the reply button..... :)

  8. It means I don't like it if they are robbing Peter to pay Paul.


    If the fire department is being funded by the fire tax instead of expanding as they promised (see Freebirds link) then there is 2 mills worth of money in the general budget that was supposed to go to the fire department that is quietly being shifted to other departments.


    I don't have any problem with fixing the roads, as long as they don't use whoever's brother in law's company did Harmony Grove Church which started falling apart 2 weeks after signoff, but since we passed the fire tax I expected it to expand the fire department, not pay for all these other functions.


    The way it's presented in the budget, it looks like the "Fire Tax" was nothing of the kind, it is being used as a slick way to increase the general fund. The fire department appears to have the same budget (well + 4 people) and since the general fund millage rate is not dropping by the 2 mills shifted to the fire tax, the other departments seem to be getting the xx million or so. Note that I doubt we will see any of those insurance benefits until we get a fully staffed system. My understanding is that all those Fire stations you see usually only have two drivers in them to get the trucks to the fire site. That they have to sit at the fire and wait for the volunteers to get there before they can safely fight the fire? (God bless all of them, anyone who would fight fires for pay is great, but for free is a wonderful person in my book!) Look at the accidents and fire's we've had in the last few weeks. They have to call out the reserves for house fires! We need a fully manned system and this tax was to give it to us. Instead the original fire funding has been shifted to other items.


    Freebird - do you have the chairmans individual email? The website has the same email for every single commissioner. commissioners@paulding.gov.


    Hey I'm open minded, if the Chairman can explain how we're not getting ripped by this, then I'll be all for it. But it looks strange now.





    So where does the money come from for road improvements?

  9. Hmmm. Just read the cover letter.


    He's planning on using the fire tax to fund the fire department at THE SAME LEVEL rather than using it to staff up and give our firefighers some real support.


    Many here suspected thats' what would happen, but we did hope otherwise.


    So consider that same 7 mills in the county budget to be a 2 mill increase for the developers services team. :blink:


    Time to write Jerry again....


    I voted for that tax to get a fully staffed fire department, not to fund the damned DOT or whatever with the "saved money".


    I recommend anyone else here to do the same.





    What does this comment mean? I thought roads and bridges were important to us because of all the growth.

  10. Ok....right now.....in this thread.......I am picturing a drunk driver running through a pasture of dandy lions and killing a newborn baby and it's parents that just happened to innocently be in that pasture!!!!




    Oh, I understand now.... I just read all your signatures about auto accidents and statistics. You are a car hater not a drunk hater....... :lol:



  11. mistake? lapse in judement? or whatever I wish to call it. I wish to call it stupid, idiotic, selfish, without reguard for others lives, crazy, dumb, insane, a moron ..........I could go on forever.


    As for all of us who are bashing him.....get a life? Like he could have so easily taken our very lives that you are sitting here telling us to get? Doesn't make any sense!


    And as far as thinking of his family having to read this..............I hope you can get control of that fool in your family before he ends up killing someone!!!!!!!!! If this doesn't indicate that this guy has a serious problem then nothing will!!!!!




    ivylove.....just breeeeeeeathhhhhhhh, think of a ocean view or running through a pasture of dandy lions, or the smell of a newborn baby after a good bath......it's all going to be oooooookaaaayyyyy.



  12. I stand firm that a "mistake" is one thing, but intentionally breaking the law and then trying to run from it when you screw up are totally different things. And, last I heard, driving while under the influence was against the law. So is losing control of your vehicle while driving under the influence. So is crashing into a building (or a car, or a 2 year old) while driving under the influence. So is choosing to drive away from an accident.


    Whenever you make a mistake, such as dropping something in your floorboard and reaching down for it, it can be considered an error of judgement. When you choose to partake of alcoholic beverages and then get behind the wheel of a car, you have broken the law. There lies the difference.


    Bash me if you want, but from what I have heard, this impaired driver ADMITTED he had drank alcohol and drove. IT WAS NOT A MISTAKE, IT WAS A CRIME WHEN HE CHOSE TO GET BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A CAR.


    Now, I have ONE rule before you bash me. Change the building he crashed into to the house next door to it with sleeping children in those rooms. I want to know if you still would consider it "a mistake" if children were dead. It was only a matter of a few feet that they are not. You are only calling this a "mistake" because he didn't hit the house next to it. Is it still a "mistake" if he killed the children instead? The same accident, only 15 feet the other direction. REMEMBER, he ADMITTED having alcohol before driving.


    Edited to add:

    I know the salon owner is fine with this, but remember, she was renting the building that belonged to someone else. It was some of her property being destroyed, but it was someone else's family heritage.



    You have the perfect screen name to go along with your postings.... :D

  13. Pubby and others,


    Many have personal feelings about people who CHOOSE to drink and drive. This is a board where opinions are often welcomed. Why all of the sudden are opinions going against this man, not welcomed?


    Just because you may not like someones opinion on this mater, don't automatically consider them a MOB. :rolleyes:



    I have made no mention about a MOB. All I am saying is that I think the opinions being said are a little harsh.


    I have family and many friends up and down Braswell Mountain Road. I also have a 16 year old nephew that could have been coming home turning onto Braswell Mtn Road the same time he ran the sign. Don't get the impression that I am happy about what he has done.


    I really do feel bad for him and his family. I hate so bad that this has happened. It wil forever haunt him and embarrass him, but talking about him like he is white trash is unnecessary. Did he make a bad decision to drive? YES


    Remember..."don't try to clean up under anybody elses door mat until you clean up under your own." ;)

  14. Boy are some of you quick to say "HANG HIM!!!".


    You know, there are the caught and the uncaught. Most of you probably have stories of years ago on "how you can't believe you made it home."


    I can't believe that some of you post the stuff that you do like "punish him to the fullest extent" and that "IF he is proven guilty, I hope his wife takes everything he has and leaves him. IF he was drinking, then he sure wasn't at home with his loving wife and family. IF he was at a friend's house as he claims, then he was partying sans family. Not a good role model for our children." BOY, HOPE YOU NEVER GET PICKED FOR JURY DUTY.... and i know you posted "if", but it was a little harsh.


    I know him and I frequent the BBQ place every week. I also know the people at where he was at. It was just a night with the guys playing cards. I don't condone drinking and I certainly don't condone drinking and driving, but this is a public forum. Let's maintain a little bit of concern for him AND his family that may be reading this. I'm sure he feels bad enough.


    If the lady of the salon is not bashing him, then why should paulding.com....

  15. Rancho Beans - These are really really good.


    1 lb. Ground Beef

    1 can Kidney Beans (drained)

    2 cans Pork and Beans

    1 pack Liptons Onion Soup Mix

    2 tblsp margrine

    1 cup Ketchup

    2 tblsp Mustard

    1 tsp brown sugar

    2 tsp vinegar

    1/2 cold water



    Put in a crock pot and let it cook. MMMMMMMMM!!!!

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