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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. Was a crazy show.. the end at least. I couldn't belive the part about Katheryns daughter!!! I knew something was up w/ that, but never saw that coming.



    Yeah, but I couldn't understand why Dylan got so upset unless she couldn't remember being adopted.

  2. You know, I just can't understand this. At our house, my husband's child support is paid before anything else! I cannot understand why anyone (man or woman) would not want to help support their own children! My children are the most important thing in my life. I am just so sorry that everyone doesn't feel that way! Don't get me wrong there have been times when I have been upset with his X, but I always remind myself that the money isn't for her (or it isn't suppose to be anyway) and I would NEVER see the kids do without! I love them way too much for that and their Dad does as well!




    =@ .... Yes, the money is owed no matter what, but every situation is different. I guess you can't instill values in the mother that has the kids and doesn't take care of them they way she should. Especially if the dad is paying, taking care of them and keeps them more than the mother does.... None of that matters to anyone, the only thing that matters is making sure the money changes hands like it should. In most womens eyes, its only about the money and how much "more" they can get. =@


    and Yes, I am effected by both sides of child support.

  3. I'm with you Madea and I wouldn't trust my kids to anyone else. If Dr. Sharon moves, we're going to have to go too! My son is a monster at the dentist, at least he used to be and it took about 4 adults to hold him down. Now, just 2 years later, he is begging to go and so excited about his appointment tomorrow. They turned him frown upside down -- seriously!







    Would that who be someone along the lines of North, South , East, West??

  4. Yes and all the drama just causes grief for the kids..... Too many kids these days knows what "Child Support" is and hear the parents talk about it daily in their home. It's sad. And yes, my ex owes me over $30M, but I am much happier knowing that my child is happy with no drama than making sure my pocketbook is taken care of. I am proud to say that I can support my child without it.


    Yes, I agree that both parents should support the child, but enough is enough sometimes. It does nothing but create trouble for the kids and they don't deserve it.



  5. Looked to me that the truck (older model Land Rover looking vehicle) was coming from the North and ended up in the ditch on the other side coming around the curb at the beginning of the guardrail. I thought he may have ran off on the right and over corrected.




    This is why I'm nervous about my son starting Kindergarden at Northside next year...Seems to be too many wrecks out that way.



    There are speeders in every school zone in the county. I have been living out in that area for 36 years and my son attended Northside and now McClure. There's nothing you can do about idiots on the road. They are everywhere.

  6. Do you wear your @$$ on your shoulders all the time?


    There was nothing derogatory about the remark. It was an observation (a fairly obvious observation). I would think the road has a pretty good chance of being named after Hal since it runs through his district.


    There is a road named after a member of my family (which proves you don't have to be a crook to have a road named after you in Paulding County). We would much rather have the family member here than to have the road named after him but we didn't get that choice. I think most people are intelligent enough to figure this out on their on.


    Edited to add: It's a state highway that is named after my family member so maybe you do have to be a crook to have a county road named after you........I'm just sayin'....I found a flaw in my original theory.



    No, actually I am the nicest person you would ever meet. You just bring it out in me.... =@


    I have four roads named after my family in Paulding. :p

  7. Tahoe


    If I have to explain then you are as ignorant as you seem.



    You are such a nice person!


    O.K., I am as ignorant as I seem. Now explain why you think the person's statement was tacky and immature.



    It was tacky and immature to make such a remark about a road being names after Steve and Hal. I'm sure that their families would much rather them be here than a road be named after them. That comment was uncalled for.



  8. My son will turn 12 next month and I have no idea what kind of party to have. I need suggestions.



    We have had his at Andretti Go Karts for the last two years. This year I rented a van and we took all of them. I told him this would be the last party with so many kids and them spending the night. When you got 13 twelve year old boys (avg of 100 to 120lbs) running through your house at 3:30AM in the morning, it gets to be too much, plus cooking breakfast for them!!!



  9. I never expected both my children to go to each other's friends' parties. My children had their own friends and I didn't think it was fair to either child to make them take their sibling with them to play with their friends. Then my child is tied to entertaining a sibling while all the friends get to play, or the child who doesn't know the other party guests is whining about being bored.


    Children should be allowed to have their own friends and celebrate with them.


    All that being said, I always told people with more than one child if all were invited or only the friend. It depending on the event itself. I've had some parties that ended up with 10-15 kids I didn't even know showing up with the invited guests, and others where only the invited guests were in attendance.



    I aqree with you Psycho. I have three boys ages 10, 11 and 12. If one gets invited to a party the other two do not go. They want to be with THEIR friends by themselves. Who wants a pesky brother around....


    Heck, my three sometimes don't even want the other two to come to their party. They all need a break from each other!!!


    And, don't call and ask the parents if it's okay. That puts her in an awkward position. Of course she is going to say yes, she doesn't want to hurt anyones feelings.

  10. I never expected both my children to go to each other's friends' parties. My children had their own friends and I didn't think it was fair to either child to make them take their sibling with them to play with their friends. Then my child is tied to entertaining a sibling while all the friends get to play, or the child who doesn't know the other party guests is whining about being bored.


    Children should be allowed to have their own friends and celebrate with them.


    All that being said, I always told people with more than one child if all were invited or only the friend. It depending on the event itself. I've had some parties that ended up with 10-15 kids I didn't even know showing up with the invited guests, and others where only the invited guests were in attendance.



    I aqree with you Psycho. I have three boys ages 10, 11 and 12. If one gets invited to a party the other two do not go. They want to be with THEIR friends by themselves. Who wants a pesky brother around....


    Heck, my three sometimes don't even want the other two to come to their party. They all need a break from each other!!!


    And, don't call and ask the parents if it's okay. That puts her in an awkward position. Of course she is going to say yes, she doesn't want to hurt anyones feelings.

  11. Yep, I remember!!! It's all these "transplants" from out of the county that complain and ruins it for everyone......I don't think my kids will ever be able to experience the fun that I had. Well, somethings I don't want them to experience.... :blush:

  12. Maybe if women did not download kids they can not afford from mulitple fathers who run away and we controlled the illegal population and Government did the job that they were intended to do based on the Constitution we would not complain so much about Government and the waste of tax dollars.


    But your right, idiots should not litter. I guess you would rather they send the Government workers home for the day and pay them since it is obvious they have nothing else to do.



    Where in the heck did this come from?????????? :huh:



  13. My neighbor loves The Hickory Hut. My husband went there a couple of weeks ago with him and said he will never eat there after the way the guy working there grabbed the french fries, stuffed them in a cup, and then mashed them down in there (with no gloves on, and after he put down whatever he was eating first, to get the fries).



    Oh come on....that's what makes the Hickory House so good!!! :lol: We love the Hickory House!!!

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