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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. I was looking in my closet this weekend and noticed all the pocketbooks I have. I am terrible about keeping pocketbooks thinking that I will use it "again".


    Also, when I get free gifts from Lancome or Estee Lauder, I ALWAYS keep all the bags, moisturizer, eyeshadow, etc. thinking that I will "use it one day"?


    What is your weakness?

  2. Nicolas, We're not concerned with Marietta & Cobb County. This is Paulding County and the voters in Paulding County are tired of being TAXED out the wazoo.... So, please let the VOTERS OF PAULDING COUNTY decide if they want to keep Shearin and his tax increases or vote for David Austin and bring about real change and a bright future.....



    Not very nice Weezy..... :nea:


    I too want to thank NCP for the post, it was a "relaxing" read without reading ROBBER MEGA BARRON DEVELOPERS in every paragraph. :good:

  3. Thanks it will be nice just to get a couple of days away from everything.


    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think we will be dining at Pauls-I just got off the phone with them.


    I've been to Paul's. One section of it is bar and dance with live band (yes I have been there...) I haven't ever been in the restuarant part. It's on Helens Top 10 Best Nightlife Review. When I was there it got pretty loud and a little wild.



    Just wanted to let you know.....didn't think you had that in mind ;)

  4. My husband and I are leaving in a couple weeks for a long weekend at Lake Burton. It is our anniversary so we were looking for a nice place in Helen to eat. I know the Dillard house and the Smith house are close but we were looking for something a little more romantic. Does anyone have any suggestions.



    Hey Girl!!


    The Hofbrau Restuarant is a nice little quaint place. There is not much to choose from in Helen. Have fun!!!



  5. When it comes to having "MORE" kids, it is always "are you having anymore?" the follows:


    "oh you dont need anymore" or

    "dontcha think you got enough?" or

    "dontcha think 3 is enough" or

    "they are so expensive these days" or

    "your crazy" or

    "be happy with what you got"



    I never ask for anyone's opinion on how many kids they think I should have but they always seem to haveta ask and comment on how many they think I should have. <_<


    It is like this I will have as many as i dang well choose, as long as your not raising them then it shouldnt matter!!! :D






    This topic is a breath of fresh air....however, I before I opened it I thought it was another gripe about the candidates.


    You have as many of those beautiful babies that you and W can produce. You have the prettiest little family!!!

  6. I will not do business with anyone who has a Shearin sign on their property. This means now are in the future.


    They have an absolute right to support anyone they care to support and I have the right to spend my money where I choose.


    Just so you know, there are a lot of people in my community that feel the same way.





    And I repeat myself.......God help us with attitudes like this in our community.

  7. Well, I was there. Sitting down front where I could see plainly. Theresa was damned uncomfortable.


    I think you need to re-read what Kim Cobb was saying, and look at who her opposition is. There was nothing inconsistent at all in Kim's comments that I could see.



    You can watch it on the cable channel. From where Teresa was sitting you can see her every move.

  8. I guess it's just because of how vocal you are, and how big the signature is. I did assume that you must be an owner.


    Personally, I would not want someone with my business tag, who looked to work there, to make any kind of political comments that might come back to me. That's just me, though.



    I thought the same thing and agree. You have got to be so very careful.....

  9. No, I would take it a step further...


    Make a list of the advertisers you normally do business with, and tell them you will not be back based on their ads with the Pulse of Paulding.


    I would do the same for any commercial establishment who is advertising a specific candidate you are against. For me, this would include:


    Westside Bank and the Chinese and Japanese resturants opening there.


    Highland Falls


    First Choice Bank


    You get the drift.....if your merchant has a sign up for Shearin or Paulette, tell them to drop dead and not to expect your business back. They have to assume you support the candidate they advertise if you continue to do business with them. If you pull the plug, I would be willing to bet they will pull the endorsements.


    Time to throw all the bums out.




    See this is what I mean, you all are just out right mean. Pretty much they way you all think is ...... IF YOU DON'T VOTE FOR WHO I AM FOR THEN PISS ON YOU AND YOUR LIVELY HOOD.


    God help us with attitudes like this in our community....

  10. I could care less who supports whom. I wouldn't let that stop me from doing business with someone. It is their right to support whomever they choose. Just like it is a Christians choice to be Christian, a Pagans choice to be Pagan, a Gay persons choice to be Gay, etc., etc. etc. We live in the land of Freedom. We can not force others to believe in and support the same things that we believe in. It's unrealistic.



    Fatbacks is wonderful. I could give a sheeze what publication they advertise in. I love Asian Cuisine, so you can bet your bottom that I'm going to be trying out the new Japanese and Chinese food joints that will be opening beside Westside.



    GOOD POST!!!! :clapping: You go DnK!!!!

  11. Hey, your one of the Bible thumpers on this board I don't remember it being ok to make fun of others as long as they are making fun of you being taught in Sunday School, maybe I was sick that day.


    oh, and you left out part of your quote....



    "....some are just bigger and stink more then others."



    :rofl: ...... :blink: don't get it, what about Sunday School?



    I hadn't ever heard the rest of that quote, pretty good.

  12. Great response Kim...terrible post to respond to, but appropriate response.



    Hey I am just keeping the posting "honest". So, its okay to make "fun" of some but not all, huh??? Well, I see how everyone plays on here..... You give punches, but can't take em' huh?


    Why don't ALL of you consider hurting ALL candidates feelings instead of the select one that ALL of you are for? OR better yet why don't everyone grow up act like adults and quite this bashing. Once it's all voted on and said and done, we ALL have to live in this county together. It's going to be pretty sad how some can look others in the eye.


    I think this forum has become ridiculous being used the way it has been used through this political season. Everyone should be ashamed of themselves.


    Okay, thats my opinion. :good:


    P.S. "Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one."




  13. Can't wait!!! I need to save ALL of these posts so that 2 years from now when all of you start bashing ALL the ones that you are voting for then you can be reminded of how you wanted them in office!!!!!


    Everybody wants to changed the world. Bottom line.....growth sucks and growth is good, double edge sword.


    Hey, Whitey you just need to run the entire County and BOC since you have all the answers and let all the ones that chime in with you being your board.... :rofl: Let someone chew on all of you for a while.

  14. So are you running for office??? Just curious because you are very quick to point out all of the wrong doings but have you thought about being part of the solution instead of crying about all of the problems? Just a thought I mean since you are so opinionated about all of Jerry's doings.


    :clapping: GOOD POINT CORLEY MAMA... with all the ones one here that "know" so much, why don't they run for office.


  15. Did we attend the same debate?


    How did Kim try to embarass Paulette? I must of missed something?


    Kim came across as being very knowledgable, On all of the Issues, and Certainly got my attention, when she ststed that she Thought the School Board meetings Should be Broadcast on the local Public service station, Many people simply do not have the time to attend all of the meetings.


    Too many times We discover that our taxes have been raised, at a School BOARD MEETING, After the fact.


    I was stunned by the fact that Paulette, did not know how the GPS system actually worked, Dang this was common knowledge by most people.


    We have to protect the kids from Sexual Predators, who would track a bus route.


    If it operated as Paulette Suggested, As a Eight year Incumbent, And one who Approved this new System, She should have known how the System operated?


    The GPS system that Paulette Braddock spoke of does actually work its just not online.


    As far as parents attending all board meetings, some of us have real jobs that require 8 to 5 hours. I would love to donate more of my time to my childs school, but unfortunatley I have to work. As far as the night meetings, I am normally coming home from work and spending it with with my family. I resent the comment that she made about parents should be more involved which make me feels that she insinuated that "we that don't participate are bad parents". I happen to think that time spent with my child is more important than spending it at a board meeting. That is why we elect our board members to represent us.


    I happen to think that with what our county has been dealt with, as far as rapid growth, that they have done a good job. All in all, I think that Paulette Bradock and Teresa Phillips did the best job at the debate.


    As far as the board meetings being televised, I have a friend that works at the BOE. They said that they looked into that several years, but it would cost the taxpayers too much. I would love to see what goes on, but I don't want to pay for it.


    The fact that people are not showing up for board meetings shows that things must be going right. The only time that people show up is when they are upset or mad about something.


    Remember...opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one...... :clapping:




  16. Both of my eyes started twitching when warm weather arrived. Every time a pair of beautiful legs come walking by I suffer a severe attack of eye twitching.


    I have started staying in the house, by the air-conditioner, and not allowing a pair of beautiful legs to come by me.


    Nevertheless, there are other reasons for eye twitching! I think this is a good post. Maybe there is some common thing that causes it.




    Must be your avatar talking...... :rofl:


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