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Posts posted by Tahoe

  1. My fiance and I are leaning toward a cruise (maybe in the Caribbean?) for our honeymoon. Neither of us have ever been on a cruise, so we really have no idea about certain cruise lines, destinations, etc. We would really prefer an adult only cruise. :wub:


    1. What cruise line do you recommend?


    2. What destination(s) do you recommend?



    Thanks in advance for your replies! :D



    Don't forget my travel website that I sent you!!!! PM me with any questions.

  2. Can someone please tell me what restaurants unincorporated Paulding has that serve alcohol Mon-Sat?


    Or is that not relevant to the topic? I mean, cause you know, I didn't mention wine or Jesus.



    For real! When I saw TBAR posting I knew which road this topic was going to take.... :wacko:


    Okay, my opinion.... if this is passed then it will attract more restuarants to Paulding. City of Hiram allows pouring on Sunday. That's why everything is in Hiram that's worth eating.


    So, I vote yes! :clapping:


  3. I was room mom for my son's class, but I also worked fulltime. So the availabilty of me helping in class wasn't an option.


    If you want some ideas of the things that I did in the beginning and during the year, send me a PM with your email and I will attach the newsletters that I sent to school.


    Good luck and have fun!!! My son is in 7th grade now and I miss the chaos of the parties and planning.



  4. We just got back this past weekend. A guy from Jasper, GA drowned on Thursday. Our friends saw him drown from their balcony.


    Double red flags, but people would still LET THEIR KIDS get in the ocean. The sheriff helicoptor would fly over the ocean and hover over people to get out. It was crazy!

  5. Well, that sucks! She already hates going over there. She says it's dirty and stinky. She comes back smelly and nasty from not bathing all weekend. It's rediculous!! Poor girl has 10 more years of this!?!?! Where is the justice in that decision?



    Is it your step-daughter? Does she live with you fulltime or her mom?

  6. It sicken's me that a judge has to dicatate what YOUR child wants. Parents need to get their heads out of the sand and think about their childs feelings instead of letting a piece of paper and stranger outline their little lives.


    Of course you have some mothers that would let their kids go live with their dad, let the dad pay for everything, but still want the money because legally it is still owed to them. So the dad's are FORCED to go back to court because you can't trust the mother.


    Okay, my vent for the day........


    BTW, Good luck with your situation.

  7. well okay.. I was wondering how that worked.


    So how much does a board member get paid? Is it just the per meeting pay?



    So will she be looking for another job?



    If she finds her another job then she will have a difficult time attending all the board meetings.


    Remember she stated that she attends all board meetings and encourgaged all parents as well. My job doesn't give me the flexabilty to attend the meetings. Being a bus driver or on call for a substitute does allow you that freedom of time.


    As far as pay, she probably will make the same or more being a board member than what she makes as a bus driver or substitute. I think they only make $12K or less a year, but I am not sure.

  8. Ooh, where do I begin? Shoes, purses, gift bags, make-up, plastic containers of all kinds, magazines, candles, every piece of artwork my kids ever brought home from school, picture frames, jewelry, to-go condiments, the list just goes on and on...


    I just realized I need help or I'm going to end up like one of those "collectors" on the Dr. Phil Show! :(




    See the post below from krwills. She has a great idea. Sounds like you and me have the same pack rat problem.




    QUOTE (krwills @ Jul 14 2008, 02:34 PM)

    Hey, it might incourage you to clean out some of that stuff, if you'd load it up and take it to a local children's home, or nursing home, depending on the purse styles.

    The older girls at Calvary home in Powder Springs or The Open Door home in Rome LOVE makeup and makeup samples and would love to have the stuff to go through.


    WARNING: The joy on those faces is addictive and you'll find yourself actually buying stuff, to have a reason to go there.


  9. Hey, it might incourage you to clean out some of that stuff, if you'd load it up and take it to a local children's home, or nursing home, depending on the purse styles.

    The older girls at Calvary home in Powder Springs or The Open Door home in Rome LOVE makeup and makeup samples and would love to have the stuff to go through.


    WARNING: The joy on those faces is addictive and you'll find yourself actually buying stuff, to have a reason to go there. :lol:



    Those are GREAT ideas!! I would have never thought of those. Thanks so much!!!

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