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Everything posted by quicksilver

  1. Georgia Bulldogs... Georgia 24 ---- Arkansas 31...Woof Woof..
  2. Woof Woof... Woof Woof... Arkansas 31 Georgia 24 Woof Woof...
  3. They run the county on the backs of homeowners!
  4. If a tree falls in the woods and there's no one there, does it make a sound? If you tickle a cow, will milk come out of her nose? How much wood, could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  5. You've heard one...you've heard 'em all. Same beat, same lame lyrics and I've seen more modesty in a strip Club! Oops...did I really say that!
  6. Yes to the above...a very laid-back place which is catering to those who might want to sit-a-spell...or just hang-out!
  7. OMG... I can't wait for someone to say this is simply a "Stage Outfit"! Nice shoes by-the-way!!! What are those lyrics again? Oooh Lah..Oooh Lah, Lah, Lah...Boom boom Sis-boom bah...Lah Lah Lady Ga Ga Ga.... What talent!
  8. www.folklorehauntedhouse.com
  9. They forgot one.... Sea Urchin. Several species are edible. However, the vast majority of the 750 odd sea urchins species are unfit for human consumption.
  10. Nah...just some very good friends of mine. I'm in the gallery...can't say any more!
  11. Oh no...I always thought it was short for Naughty Chic #17 I already knew #12, #5 and #22...
  12. Just buy basic cable service, it will be much cheaper in the long run... By the time you get an outside antenna, pay the emergency room bill when you fall off the roof and buy the converter box...you could have had basic cable for 3-4 years! I'm just sayin' Check out these sites for deals.. http://www2.whitefence.com/white-papers/cableTV/cheap-cable.html http://www.ehow.com/how_4821656_cheap-cable-television.html
  13. You're absolutely right JC...thanks for posting. I think the 'negativity' comes mostly from folks worries and concerns for the state of the country right now. May God Bless America
  14. At the New Cigar Store in Hiram. What a great place, terrific inventory of excellent cigars. Kate is awsome!
  15. I thought he would have said....It's Yahoo, dummy! LOL
  16. A regular 'cream' gravy would be very good, made from the pan drippings just like if you were frying sausage or chicken.
  17. One more..... Ready? Two Arabs walk into a Camel Store, inquiring about buying a Camel for a very long ride across the desert to see relatives. The salesman says, "I've got the perfect speciman right here...this baby'll go 400 miles on one drink of water. The two men pay for the Camel and ride off into the sunset...in about an hour here they come walking and practically dragging the poor animal behind them. What's wrong asks the salesman? This animal is defective, we were only about 1/2 hour away when he just stopped, tongue hanging out almost died on the way back. We
  18. The truck driver decides to order a bowl of chili... The waitress brings him his chili, and once again...with the thumb, this time it's in the bowl of chili. The truck driver calls her over and says "Why did you put your thumb into my coffee and again just now in my chili"? The waitress responds "I have arthritis in my thumb and it helps if I keep it close to something warm". After a second or two, the truck driver responds...well you can probably guess his response, "Then why don't you stick it in your_ _ _ then"? The waitress replies, "I do, when I'm back in the kitc
  19. I hope no one saw me with those bricks! OK...you asked for it! Truck driver goes into a Waffle House...Orders a cup of coffee. The waitress brings it to him as he notices she has her 'thumb' inside his cup. Stop me if you've heard this one!
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