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Everything posted by ivylove

  1. Listen to stradial, Markdavd. He is the voice of reason, here in Pcom land, and he is a very smart man! Plus, he has a great sense of humor. If he says it will all work out, then I would totally believe him. Sure, why not?
  2. Well, are you guys ready for that monorail yet? [media] [media] [mediahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QVGNXug99E[media]]
  3. You are right, I will have to mark my trail with something else.
  4. I like this format much better, also. But, I actually liked the old board better. I have felt a little lost, since the change.
  5. How do you really thank someone who has done so much?
  6. Just thought I would add some nice music, for everyone to listen and brainstorm to, until it can all be figured out, and solved, and our roads made safe.
  7. Ok.....sounds good! I'm all ears and waiting for suggestions on how to get people to slow down and drive responsibly. Then, of course, we will have to figure out a way, to actually get people to apply the good advice that has been suggested. (Now that's the hard part!)
  8. This is well said, and it's very good advice. Maybe all those who are doing stupid, inconsiderate, dangerous, horrendous, etc......things on the road, will read this and our problem will be solved? Maybe after they all read this, and realize what they are doing, the roads will be safer for everyone tomorrow.
  9. Well, if they were to put them side by side. Then it would be a blatant reminder of what would happen to you, if you didn't follow the 10 commandments. Would definitely make you stop and think for a minute. Reminds me of these old cartoons, with the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDLWbBrvA40 And it also makes me think of this old clip from the movie "Time Bandits." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw9IqUgGlzs
  10. I wish! Now that, I could really get onboard with!
  11. markdavd.......somehow....I guess my ESP....I just knew you were going to ask this. lol
  12. Now add in the initial cost of your vehicle, tag, taxes, maintenance, emissions, insurance, etc. as well as taxes to build and maintain roads, police and others to work accidents, etc. and then it starts to make more sense to have everyone just pitch in to build a monorail.
  13. Now I know that a lot of people on here think the fair tax is not fair at all, but one thing it seems to be, is much simpler, and much less convoluted. I still think I would just rather see a fair tax, if we have to pay more sales tax on things. http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer
  14. Interesting article. Thanks for posting.
  15. Postman, Aren't you talking about taxes here, not wages?
  16. This makes better sense to me. Different areas have different costs of living. For example, renting an apartment in Georgia vs. renting one in New York are very different, in cost, from what I have heard. What is our area's general, current min. wage right now, anyway?
  17. Does anyone know where to get K-1 Kerosene?
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