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Big Cat

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Everything posted by Big Cat

  1. I know they are required to be installed and why. The part that irritates me is that most of the time they are installed incorrectly. Slopes exceeding ADA accessibility requirements, PED Heads in wrong location, truncated domes installed incorrectly, in wrong place, misalignment of ramp/crosswalk, crosswalk installed wrong....So, the local municipality or developer installs a new sidewalk and end up having to replace most of what is installed....
  2. I think they should give tickets for throwing butts out the window, as long as they know who did it.
  3. They are required to be installed. Do you not ever see anyone walking down 120 or 278? I have. The local municipality or GDOT can not afford to all of a sudden install ALL sidewalks on ALL existing roads at one time.
  4. Big Cat


    My last trip to Jamaica was on the beach, with mountains in the backdrop. If there are storm drain inlets near by, try calling Public Works and complaining. There is an illicit discharge ordinance required by Georgia to be regulated by the local governments. It will clog the storm drain, cause flooding and take time to clean out. Grass clippings and leaves should either be composted or bagged.
  5. I like Silk and Almond Milk. Neither is a powder though.
  6. People are going to complain no matter what. We can't get a sidewalk but they can? Sidewalk to nowhere> you have to start somewhere don't you? I believe you have to do sidewalks with handicap access when getting grants for public roads. You also can't fix a road without updating the handicap access. I don't mean filling a pothole, but doing repaving and widening type stuff.
  7. I live on a postage stamp sized lot, so not much to use for "farming". But, I do have some veggies on the ground and in pots. I do not have a large supply of food or water. Not nearly enough wood to burn. I do not own a gun, so hunting would be difficult. I am good outdoors and have a camper and a tent. I would probably eat fish I caught and veggies. After thinking about what I am currently typing, I need to get more supplies...
  8. You think Americans are lazy now....
  9. A lot of people do not live in a Subdivision. If you live along Hwy 92 are you supposed to walk up and down Hwy 92 to get candy? As long as I can remember people have gone to different subdivions to get candy.
  10. I sort of expect the youngins (baby or toddler) early trick or treater. If I am home from work, you get candy.
  11. I don't give a crap what pie chart or graph you pull out of some hole. Look where we are, look at our taxes. Look at our economy. Look at the gas prices. My wife's insurance is going up 18% next year. We get to pay 18% more. Thanks Obama, your Obama care is just peachy... Look around, get your head out of the sand. Since you mentioned Big Bird and PBS...It is crazy to think that Federal dollars (which we don't have) are being spent on a TV station!
  12. So you don't play outside in the snow either?? The last time I was out sledding down a driveway with friends, a limb fell really close to my friend's kids. The weight of the snow on the limb. What do you do if their are trees near you house, or close enough to hit your house if is falls? Stay out of the house too? Freak accidents happen. Enjoy life. I do feel for the injured child, sad. But, it sounds like it was an accident.
  13. I split a few and they were all "spoons" too.
  14. I work for a different municipality (not a police officer) and there are accident reports generated and we map them. With this we can see the trouble areas. We don't include rear end accidents and silly stuff. But you can see where your problems come from. So yes, there is Data to look at.
  15. Maybe install cameras? I think having police officers sit at busy intersection will bog down traffic even more. They could investigate the intersection to see if there is a design / construction error or if it is just driver errors. If it is a driver error, then what can you do about that?
  16. I am glad Obama kept on the mission Bush started. I am glad Obama said yes, when asked to take him out. I am glad Seal Team 6 got him. That is about it. I will be casting my vote, for Romney.
  17. $400 sounds good to a college kid. Ya'll have any friends in the restaurant industry? When I was in school, I worked in restaurants with a lot of folks my age and most of them had roommates.
  18. I find it funny how the lefties are saying Obama could not have gotten us out of this mess he walked into, in 4 years. Do you not remember HIM promising he would? He also said if the Country was not better in 4 years he would be a 1 term president? we didn't say it....HE did. Obama is a blamer. His whole debate is basically saying...nuh uh...that's not true...interrupting Romney and the moderator.. Look at the facts. Believe what you want to believe, but do your research. As easy as it is these days to look up the facts, there is no excuse for believing the lies.
  19. I also think the charts that show if you are overweight are a bunch of crap. People also stress too much over their actual weight. How do you feel? How do you look? How is your health? My weight changes a good bit depending on my work out routine and running routine. If I went by a number (weight) I would be going crazy. Muscle weighs more than fat.
  20. Also, if you are feeding your kid unhealthy food and letting them sit around getting obese.....then YES it is YOUR fault. Lead by example.
  21. We are a fat society and it is our fault. People used to work harder. Now kids are playing video games and watching TV instead of playing sports and playing outside (running around).We have jobs sitting on our butts, go home and sit down. Order take out or hit the drive thru instead of heading healthy. Too many sodas, supersized fries and drinks, etc. Lazy people. Everyone wants a quick fix. There is no pill, no quick fix. They don't want to spend all night at a gym. The ones that do want to, go way to far with a diet and exercize plan they cannot keep. Make a diet you can stick
  22. If you can have physical and verbal abuse, then yes words can be considered bullying.
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