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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. well for those of you that can shoot straight and get what you're intending to get this may not seem like a big deal, but I agree with MrsH there that that the thought of someone shooting in a subd is more scary than any dang Coyote.. a stray bullet to a kid or family pet is going to be just as devastating as a coyote attack, or maybe even worse because the coyote may never have attacked.

  2. wow, that's a lot of questions - I got stuck on the first one, what time did I get up this morning..do you mean the first time I got up (woke) after midnight, or after 11:59 last night, or which time are you talking about as I tend to get up lots of times in the morning...or do you mean the first time I got out of my bed (feet on the floor) after midnight, and is that both feet or does one foot count...and does going back to bed count, or are you meaning getting up and staying up, and for how long...geez..this is only # 1, how many to go, I don't think I have enough time for this quiz. ?!? :lol:

  3. Uh-oh, another walmart thread! Pull up a chair and get comfortable, these usually go on and on! Now from the viewpoints of many on this site, it seems that we have our little revolt going against WM so for the life of me I can't figure out just WHO all those people ARE every day in that Hiram store..I'm almost begining to think that WM solicits customers and pays them to be present at the store, so they LOOK busy - gasp - could it be, a conspiracy is what it is! :o


    Ok, so I found out earlier I'm not very good at humor so forget that...seriously though...the thing about labor and purchasing out of the country is everywhere...I'm in a 'global company' myself, which I've come to think is the new buzz word that means "we have more employees out of the US than in the US but we still want you to THINK we're a US company so you buy our stuff"!

  4. the best way to tell the difference between coyotes and dogs is a coyote does not wag its tail and it sticks straight out. a coyote looks a lot loke a german shepard but just a little smaller. :)


    Um, 'it' sticks straight out..are you still talking about his tail? :o


    Oh, and um, duh, yeah, I do know the difference, guess it's hard to tell humor on here..that's why I rarely try..back to being serious I guess. sigh.

  5. I do see a lot more USPS trucks now, but in the past I know that RR carriers had to provide their own vehicles..at least part timers did (or used to)..and not many are going to fork out the money for a special vehicle. Not sure if the vehicles are furnished now or if the carrier still provides their own transportation.

  6. Where is Hunters Glen, isn't that on Dallas Hwy just west of 92..the entrance being down from where that Dallas Dodge used car lot just closed? You are a little too far from the new WM going in up the road on Dallas hwy for them to have been rousted from there, but is there any new building or clearing going on around you that may have pushed them from their home or familiar surroundings into your subd? It's sort of strange that they would just be showing up there all of a sudden, unless they were liking those used cars that are now gone, maybe they had a food source at that lot that isn't there anymore, did any salesman disappear from that business? :blink:


    But b4 you go shooting them, reading that description, heck, if my dog was loose (which it isn't and hopefully won't ever be!) he could pass for one of those - and some of my neighbors dogs could too on some of these points: pointy ears, reddish-blonde, bushy tail, keen eyesight, acute sense of smell, high pitched cries, shrieks or yips heard late in the evening, along with growling, barking and whining - yep - well I'll be dang, I got me a COYOTE and didn't know it! How many of YOU have one too?!?! What are we going to do now, do we shoot them all?!? :p :D :p

  7. well, You say the ladies license was lost in the transaction, and well YEAH, of course they are going to look for it! I'm not seeing why if you were in such a hurry that you couldn't have picked UP your stuff and taken it to another line..they may have all been backed up but it would have been better than getting mad about it.

    Also, you say you took a drink of a soda and left it w/o paying, huh? Well, you didn't leave the store with it, but technically, isn't that sort of shoplifting - it's a loss to the store so I would think it would be similiar..that is..if they even NOTICED that you drank out of it b4 they put it back and someone else may get that soda - EWWW - YUCK! So sorry, I'm with WW on this one, much as I hate to admit that, but it sounds to me as if you may have been the rude one here and I'm guessing that cashier ignored you on purpose rather then get in a hissy fit with you.

  8. Hi, it won't be quiet all the time even when they are grown and gone, they still come back to visit you know; you will be so proud when you sit back and watch them at that stage in their life, reminisicing as your mom does now about you, and you'll realize that stage in their life (and yours) is just as precious be it ever so different than their childhood stage was. Meanwhile, enjoy every minute because the minutes are what memories are made of! Oh, and if you are blessed with grandchildren, that's the icing on the cake - whipped cream icing at that!! :)

  9. HI, I'm off EPD between 92 and Dallas hwy and last night, heard the 'booms' - went outside, heard the noise from EPHS FB and thought it was that..but the Picketts Mill Battle reenactment down 92 makes more sense since they were louder than normal for the FB game..didn't shake my house or anything though..just loud. I also recall the 'boom' around the noon timeframe, but again where I'm at it didn't shake my house or anything...sounded like a transformer somewhere in the distance blowing up to me, heard those b4 and that's what I figured it was. Now as for the WalMart that is going in on 120/Dallas Hwy between EPD and 92 (by citizens square) I'm pretty sure they are done blasting as the building is already up - they 'were' blasting the property for what seemed like months, and that DID shake my house and rattle my windows but haven't heard it in awhile now..I sure hope they are done with the blasting for good now over there!

  10. It's a real she said/he said thing between a couple of dopers, one turned murderer, so it's hard to believe either one of them, but I can't recall exactly, but wasn't the reward fund heavily publicized by the media that night? I mean, it wasn't a secret reward fund that came about after he was turned it..I thought I recall the media blaring it all throught the day, evening, night? SO, I'm tending to think this was all a setup, between the two of them, and that he did know her, that he went there to seek shelter and chill out from his actions because he knew dang well she'd have some dope, and that being as messed up as she was she'd take him in without a doubt. Then together they concocted the story of the evening, night and morning, and only when they had it down good did she call him in, both knowing she'd collect the money, guess they knew a good story would make better press and sell more books! I'm also tending to think that there was more to their 'deal' that she's not holding up to...maybe her keeping the money instead of whatever their agreement called for, maybe he's not liking what she's saying, or maybe this TOO is all part of their plan!! Yeah, I wonder when the real book will be out!

  11. Oh, and the ? about traffic lights - from what I saw recently they've been working a lot and have already put the base in at EPD and Lucille/Citizens square for a light on that side and on Dallas hwy I saw the base down from Citizens square rd (I think that's what that road is called, heck, they probably will rename it Wal Mart road soon! :p ) - anyhow, on Dallas Hwy it looks like they are going to be down a bit, by the entrance to Powder Mill and the entrance to the shopping center (good for the subd I bet!?)..but I did not see the traffic base at the corner of Citizens Square and Dallas hwy, which surprised me becasue I thought there will be a LOT of wrecks if they don't put in a light there..but I wondered...could it be that they will re-do the Dallas hwy median and make it so you can't go left off that road onto Dallas hwy or go left from Dallas hwy TO that road?? Or will they just leave it lightless like they did 278 in Hiram for so long..hmmm..


    Either way, sucks to be me coming out on EPD/Lucille and having to wait on a light now..mornings, it'll be good to get out - but lots of time - EPD is empty so it'll suck to have to wait on the light now..but then again...EPD may NEVER be empty again once the WM opens, sigh, the sounds of crickets in the night will be replaced by the honking of horns, the drone of the crowd, progess, sigh! :(

  12. I was thinking of this a few weeks back - of them opening b4 or after the Holidays and why they'd choose to wait until "after" and this was my theory on it : now if you are a WM shopper you're going to still go to WM for your Holiday goods - be it Hiram, EWConnector, Kennesaw, Marietta, where-ever your nearest and dearest WM is! But the January/February time, other than people spending those gift cards or cash they got, those months tend to be a little down for the retailers, most people just buying the necessities those months and being stingy at that, making less trips than they may normally make to the store..but now look at WM - They will have a brand new store opening to draw in those crowds at the end of January and in February - all those curious people that just can't resist going to see what the new store looks like and at the same time, plunking down that money..so WM gets the best of both worlds this way - they get people spending that money at WM not only during the Holidays now but also during the typical slower months following the Holidays! Anyhow, that's the way I thought of it and I figured it was down right crafty of them to come up with this and not have anyone figure it out!! <_<

  13. I guess this emergency guy has a point that no matter where someone lives they and their local governing bodies ought to be aware of what can happen in their area, have a plan for what can happen, and execute a plan after something happens, now that just seems like common sense doesn't it. But really, comparing a blizzard to a hurricane, hmm, I'm not going to go there.

  14. THANK YOU~ I so needed that this morning! Work woes...I'm so stressed..and yesterday my Dr says I need to unstress...yeah right! How in the world did life ever get this complicated...THANK you for the hug!!

  15. You all are kidding right? You really don't know what a well drink is?? Well if you don't, then my suggestion is drink up and enjoy at 2 for 1 because it's obvious you don't drink much and it's better you drink the well drinks instead of falling flat on your A@* drinking the name brand stuff..and actually..you can do just as good a job falling on you A@* drinking the well stuff too..but don't ask me how I know! :ph34r: ( a well drink ....order a 'rum and coke' and that's a well drink as it will be made with bar label alcohol (cheaper quality and thus lower price to the establishment) , but order a 'barcardi and coke' and that's brand name rum (usually - this is just an example!) so it's not included as it's stronger and a higher cost to the establishment - just like going into the liquor store - a bottle of Barcardi Rum or Jose Cuervo Tequila will cost you more than one of the other not-known name brands of rum or tequilla)

  16. I just had finished reading that Furr Ball post and I thought - whoa - $95.00 a ticket and an auction on top of that (more money spent)...good cause yes..but do people really go to those things..well I know they do, so my next thought is, who are those people and what kind of jobs do they have!

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