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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Hey, I'm being critical because you messed up a great and funny joke. Okay, I'll give you a break because you say you got it this way in YOUR email so you didn't mess it up but whoever started that email you got needs not be passing on jokes if they can't get them right! :D So, if you thought your version was funny, I figured you would really like to see the real version because it actually IS funny, and it was posted on here just a few days b4 yours, had it not been, I would not even have pointed out to you how lame your version of the joke was and I would have just ignored it. Sorry if you can't take a little criticism, but if you are going to tell jokes, you got to be up for both the grins and groans! :)

  2. Well well well..the moral of the story (as I'm reading it here) is that if you are in IT don't ever give a notice - just quit at the end of the day on the Friday when you know you aren't coming back on Monday - wow - that's sure got to bite from a company perspective :excl: ..but at least in this case those other '8' employees know how to do it when they leave! <_< Oh, and so sorry for you and your hubby, this was a hard lesson it seems - a great big THANK YOU for making the sacrifice and SERVING OUR COUNTRY (again it sounds like)...if he can't do consulting or freelance work, have him check out some temp agencies - sometimes they have temp jobs open..in fact..check out the HIRING forum on here,just the other day someone advertised jobs at JVC in Kennesaw - for about a 2 month timeframe I think they said (not IT work but it's a job), maybe they'd work with him for a month instead of two? Doesn't hurt to call the number in the ad! Found the link for you to that post:




    Good luck!

  3. I love it..well, I mostly drink water but when I do drink soda I'd rather be drinking Vanilla Coke! I'll be looking to stock up but the problem with that is the more I have around here the more I'll drink it, that's not a good thing either! Well, now come to think of it - THANK COCA COLA - you just gave me another reason to drink more water!..unless I like the black cherry vanilla...ew..that sounds sort of yummy too. sounds sweet, but could be good....

  4. It drives me nuts to see people post articles on here word for word from COPYRIGHTED news sites! I try to put the link to the article on here and tell you what it's about if you WANT to go read it you can, if not, that's your choice..but for someone to go copy the story and post it in another topic...arrggghhhh....that's just not right! Do people not know about copyright laws?!?! Sorry, little things drive me over the edge some days!! :excl: :angry: :wacko:

  5. I've seen a lot of topics about thefts and burglaries lately on here, and suprised I didnt see this post this morning (maybe it's bumped down and I missed it so if this is a dup please excuse!) but there was a bust of a burglary ring that was on the news yesterday and they said they believed some of the burglaries occurred in PAULDING..so here's the link I found on 11Alive and there is a phone# to Bartow County for victims to call...hope this helps someone:



    Burglary ring


    The last part of the article states:


    "Anyone who thinks they may be a victim of the burglary ring is asked to call Bartow County Sheriff’s investigators at 770-382-5050. "

  6. I used to get the neighbor newspaper dlvd to my house weekly on Thursdays for years, then a few months back it just stopped, I couldn't really even tell you when, I just know it's been several months now that it hasn't been dlvrd. So, I got to thinking about that, and wondered - is anyone else still getting the neighbor dlvrd for free, or did they change their dlvry policies to paid subs only( the entire neighborhood used to get it but I don't see anyone getting it here now)?


    Also, I used to buy the Dallas New Era every now and then but the BP says they don't carry it anymore, so did the Dallas New Era go to subs only too, or is it just this particular BP that dropped the account?

  7. Hey, just check out the ADS BY GOOGLE that pop up on the bottom of this post - there's about 4 of them: Snake Repellant, Snake AWAY Repellant, Snake Toys (I sure hope they mean 'snake toys' as in stuffed ones 'cause who in their right mind is gonna buy a toy to play with a snake! :blink: ) , and the 4th one I don't remember...anyhow, there you go - at least two links to something that might help..or three if you really are into playing with them and want to get them a toy or two! :p

  8. I am so so sorry; a drowning of a little boy about this same age happened in my neighborhood years back, I was on my deck and could hear the mom's screams, and now even 10 years later I read this and I can recall those screams as vividly as the day I first heard them..I can still recall it all...oh I am so so sorry.....

    ...Please, let me pray...Oh Lord, please put a reassurring, caring hand on the shoulder of everyone at that scene yesterday, of anyone touched by this event, please comfort them through this tragedy; please take the family of this little boy into your embrace, calm them, and cradle them with your love, help them to understand that your will and your way is what it is and that this little one lives eternally in your kingdom now, provide them goodness and mercy all through their days, watch over them Lord, so that one day when it's time, long into the future, you can host a homecoming and they can all reunite in your joy. This I ask you Lord, Amen.

  9. You looking for family? Great! My MIL is coming in so I'll send her to your place! :p


    ..hmmm..where's that list..found it - marking off "what to do with MIL for 10 days!"..oh, did I not tell you she'll be with you for 10 days? :D

  10. Here's a few suggestions:


    One Hand, One Heart, from West Side Story Soundtrack


    You Light Up My Life, by Debbie Boone


    Grow Old with Me, by Mary Chapin Carpenter


    I Do, by Paul Brandt


    Keeper of the Stars, By Tracy Byrd


    From This Moment On, by Shania Twain/Bryan White


    and my all time personall favorite:


    ** Here & Now, by Luther Vandross **


    Good Luck! ..and Congratulations!!

  11. Trust me on this one, if YOU had to sort that mail and deliver it, you'd think 39cents wasn't high enough! It was a job from H when I did it years ago and I chose to quit, now I'll never B*$@h about the price of mailing anything, ever; those folks earn every last penney they make and by golly if stamp price was based on the rigors of the job none of us would ever be able to afford them!

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