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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. I don't know what Dogwood will come back and tell you, but I know from my perspective, I'm figuring it's because if someone is looking for a realtor to sell their house, or looking for a buyers rep to help them buy a house, they'd rather go with someone that has had some deals under their belt, that is, someone with experience rather than someone without...it's advertising..and another reason is probably just because she's dang proud of the event, be it an under contract or a closed deal! Congrats Dogwood, hope it all goes to close easily.

  2. What I don't like about this up and down weather is that it seems that when it gets cold gradually I'm able to get used to the cold, but when it's warm like this in the high 50's and 60's one day and then down into the 20's and 30's a few days later, the cold feels even colder to me when it comes around! ~ Oh wow, there went a big BOOM while I was typing...the thunderstorms have begun again over here by me..just 10 mintues ago it was sunny and hot in my yard but dark and just starting to growl out front of the house - now the growls have turned into big booms and it's dark all over! :( ..so much for the nice day I guess.

  3. You have a really good relationship with your son in that you can post this about him on here for all to read, even the girl, his friends, his schoolmates, and he won't be bothered by it or be mad at you. My son is much older and even so I can't even fanthom the fallout that would happen if I ever posted something like this about him! You have me totally amazed, kudoes to you! ...And having an older son, yes, it does hurt to see them hurt but it's part of growing up, both for them and for us as parents...it's hard to let go (was for me anyhow) but it's a big difference from soothing a skinned knee..that's probably why your son went over to his bud's house, there are some times when only the company of their best buddie will do!

  4. My thoughts and prayers to Chris and his family..I'm keeping the faith that he'll come out of this okay, but no matter, it still will be a long road of recovery ahead of him and then there are the questions that will go through his mind..yes life changed in that split second for him and his family, I wish them the best and hope for as little linguring stress as possible in a situation such as this.

  5. well this should be a fairly simple round-a-about shouldn't it - like a version of "round-a-bout for dummies" since there aren't any side roads coming into it yet, that is, for now it's a simple straight away - you go right and go around it but if you forgot something, you can keep going around and go right back up to the store! So for now this should be a fairly simple learing experience for those that have never seen or used one - not like my first experience, in Europe, with cars whizzing around them faster than I could blink! In addition to Europe I've found them in Savannah, California, Hilton Head, and Mexico, and I actually think they are much simpler than a 4 way stop - but maybe not for Christmas shopping time - when it's every cardrivingmaniacshopper for themselves it seems - dont get in the way of one of those cardrivingmaniacshoppers that's for sure! Oh yeah, next year at this time will be awful with it I bet!

  6. Since it seems to be the time of 'firsts' for Ms Jesse postings, let me jump in here. I'm reading that she has a lot of 'friends' on here that will defend her; I'm reading that some say to just wave and say HI and she will instantly be transformed from a cussing yelling whatever she is to the fairy godmother. Well with you being her 'friend' that may be how you see her and her you, but she does not transform into that fairy godmother for everyone. I'm reading many say they know she has mental issues but she is no real threat, but how can anyone say they know for a fact that she will never harm someone, that she will never pull out a gun and shoot someone during one of her rants? A person with mental issues is not rational and they can do the unimaginable in a split second, in the time it takes to blink an eye! If she indeed has mental issues then she needs help working through those issues rather than support in terrrorizing the community and possibly committing a violent act that you as a friend were not capable of seeing her doing - it is always the friends you see on the news saying they just didn't believe the person would or could do such a thing!

  7. orignal post said the lady bought one sweater, paid $58, and then went back and got 6 more and paid the same price..makes me think of those credit card commericals about stolen credit cards, you know the ones..the funniest one I think was the guy with the big gut sitting around talking about buying a boost-e-a (however you spell that!)..she may have been legit but for some reason when I read that the first thing I thought of was those commercials! :p

  8. I learned today that if you put a dog in the freezer, it will bark until you let it out! :ninja:


    My kids tried this too, but they don't know how to bark!



    OMG - I really hope you are just joking because there isn't anything funny about the dog or the kids being in a freezer - just the thought of what the outcome could be, that's scarey! :o

  9. I don't usually go out on Black Friday, but last year I did..to Kohl's to get a carper cleaner that was a really good deal..and so there I was in line with my carpet cleaner when everyone else had arm fulls of stuff - the cashier was like "that's it?!?"..I probably made their list of wierdo's that year - to come in and get only ONE thing and a carpet cleaner at that! But other than me being the store wierdo that day, everyone in the store was really nice and polite, I felt like I had stepped through a time machine or was in a Norman Rockwell movie what with everyone smiling and standing around chatting with one another - where were all the fights, the screaming, the pushing and shoveing - I don't know but it wasn't in Kohl's when I was in there that's for sure! :)

  10. I'm not sure who told you there is no fence ordinace for pools in PC but you probably need to call the zoning office and if that's what they tell you, ask them to send that to you in writing, and I bet they won't because I know for a fact that an inground pool requires a fence, and the zoning group has to sign off on the permits they issue b4 it's a done deal - I think Paulding Yankee's advise is right on - that if the containment facility holds at least 24 inches of water it requires a fence! This won't solve your problem of the standing stagnant water though, and I can't give advice on that as I don't know anything about it BUt I'm thinking that if they don't have one/ can't afford one and the county pushes it, well that may be just the push they need to take down the eyesore and solve your other issue, you think?

  11. This story has been all over every news stations for the past several days, it gets wierder with every report they do. My opinion? She's 37 years old, I think it's sad for her that the best she could do was an inexperienced 15 year old, yeah, that really makes her a woman doesn't it; it's sad for him that he met this child molestor and that he grew up so fast, yeah, that really makes him a man doesn't it; and it's sad for Georgia that this made the news in other States too so that people ask - What IS going on there...to much sadness all around with this case.

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