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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. I am not so sure about the Yahoo group. I just tried to join it. They had a question of why I watnted to join and I said becase a family member wouldi be needing some thinss in the future and they denied me because they wanted people who were willing to give things.


    So that group is a no go for help unless you join for other reasons.



    You got denied on the paulding freecycle registration??? That is wierd, the mod must have been having a bad day I guess. Now of course it does go both ways - if you get, you should be willing to give too - the whole idea of freecycle (as I understand it) is to keep things out of our landfills, why throw away stuff that someone else can use - so of course if you find something you can use, then you probably have something you'd like to depart with that someone else can use too..maybe I wasn't clear on that when I posted about it being a great place to find free stuff but also, just becasue you do find something doesn't mean you are obligated to give something..so I don't know why you got turned down, I'd try again if I were you.

  2. I was told those coins go into a counting machine and are rerolled. They do not give out the coins that you bring in because the amount inside is not verified, that is why the want your account number incase there is a problem when the count them.


    Well then if that is true, then perhaps they finally got wise - in the past I do know they used to pass those rolls back out.....as far as the # on them even when they passed them out, yeah, that was so that if whomever opened it complained they knew who to charge back - hopefully they are actually rerolling the things now - everything improves with age I guess - heck nowadays, they probably don't ask for the acct#'s because they probably don't even care about charging someone back for a few pennies, nickels, dimes or quarters - it's probably way more labor intensive to put the paperwork through for that small of an adjustment than it's worth, costs being what they are nowadays.

  3. Do you know about craigslist? *be sure you go craigslist - with an S in there - or you get a not so nice site without the S* They have a free section, and a for sale section and I've seen things in there really cheap sometimes, you might check it out:





    Also, are you familiar with freecycle? People give all kinds of good things away on that, you have to register but it's free to register so go ahead and start watching the postings for things you could use - but you got to be quick to responding as things go quick:




    There are others for the other counties around here, you have to register for each one, but it's really worth it if you want free stuff.


    Other than that, garage sales usually have some pretty good buys..


    ..but all that - the websites, the garale sales..they are all pretty hit or miss. Sorry I can't be of more help.

    Hang in there, things will get better!


    Good luck!

  4. IMO: If you have to put your acct # on them - NEVER put your full account# - encrypt your data by putting only the last few digits as you never know who is going to get those coins or what they will do with that wrapper (in case you don't know, they do pass them back out to the next customer that puts an order in for rolled coin). If your bank insists on your full account # - ask them for a written guarantee for losses you sustain due to identity theft (yeah, you aren't going to get that!) - argue the point if you have to with the branch manager -they probably never even thought of the potential themselves (go figure huh!) - but above all means, protect yourself - never give out your account # like that. IANAL, YMMV!!

  5. IMO - The entire RSO list is seriously flawed. It should have an A list and B list, one reserved for the serious offenders (rape, agravated child molestation, etc) and one for the kids in their teens or just barely out that get caught having consensual sex with someone younger then them - if it should even have the latter on a list at all is debatable in itself! When I look at the list - I want to know who is dangerous and I don't consider a teen that had consensual sex with someone whose daddy got mad as someone dangerous! YMMV

  6. Does he work outside or have a long commute home, it could be the heat and smog stuff getting to him.

    I'm sure he appreciates what you do for him, after all, not many men would turn down their favorite meal so he must be really really tired! :)

  7. I think it's probably just where your drain lines are - the grass is always greener over the sptic tank (or the fill lines that is)..especially in a drought when the rest of the grass isn't getting any liquid. But now, if the green lines you speak of are soppy/sloshy and stinky - then yeah - you have problems.

  8. I believe it can be pretty common for a cat to develop a URI due to the stress they go through being taken to a new home - while they are glad to be out of the cage, they get stressed to the max wondering where they now are! Hang in there with her - you'll be glad you did.

  9. Hi LR, I had not seen your post until just now (I try to read as many as I can but I don't always get to all the topics on here), and today when someone on another topic said 'welcome back' to you I wondered where you had been and that's how I came to find your post. I remember you and your niece from my garage sale last month, and even in the little time you were at my house (it was the first time I had met either of you, and actually, I didn't even know it was you at the time), I could tell she was very sweet - if her demeanor that day was any indication of the values you taught her, then I know you did a great job while she was under your wing, and the traits you have taught her are not things she will forget overnight. Thirteen is certainly a hard age for a girl, so I am sure this is a confusing time for her as well as it is hard for you..I hope each day gets easier..my thoughts and prayers will be with you both. If you ever want to do lunch or have someone to go shopping with, just let me know! Take care now.

  10. oh, and on the YIELD signs - regarding the WM roundabout (the WM on Dallas hwy) - they are YIELD signs and not STOP SIGNS!!! I always get behind the person that either has never been to that WM yet, or they still have NOT figured out how to manuver that roundabout! Yesterday, the person in front of me stopped, and sat there..and sat there..and sat there...and - there wasn't ANYONE around but me behind them! Thank God he was watching and he finally sent a car in from Dallas hwy so the guy in front of me could 'follow it'..I thought I'd still be sitting there today (oh of course I wouldn't be, I was about to jump the median and go around the guy - gosh - wouldn't that have freaked him out). One thing I have to add - folks, if you don't like or can't handle the WM rounabout - then a word of advice - DO NOT EVER go to Europe and rent a car! They are everywhere there, and they fly around those things so fast your head will spin around..and all that time my chiro wondered what happened to my neck! <_<

  11. It seems that people on 120 going toward Marietta love to practice rolling roadblocks. If you are in the left lane and someone passes you on the right you are in the wrong lane and you need to move over.


    You could very well be talking about me as drivers behind me seem to want to sit in the wayback of my SUV -I've even thought of getting a ramp, let them drive right up -serve coffee, some tea maybe, how about cake or a sandwich! :wacko: HOWEVER, until I put that ramp down, as long as I am doing the SPEED LIMIT (which I will be), then I have every right to be in that left lane. Now, if you wish to speed, then you have every right to go around me and proceed to kill yourself, otherwise, back the H off! (and I mean this in the nicest way possible, because of course, I'm sure you didn't mean those that were driving the speed limit in that left lane ;) )

  12. What is going on- has anybody elses went up too? I have never got a water bill soo high $50.00!!!!

    And the power has gone way up too?


    Water - have you done a lot of outdoor watering? Mine always runs high in the summertime.


    Power - it has been REALLY HOT..what temp is your AC set on?

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