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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. So how do we get the pw and find out where this secret ladies only forum is at?


    edited to add: not that I'm interested in a pregancy topic - let me be pefectly clear on that! - but maybe there are other interesting topics for Ladies only in there that I might be interested in.


    edited again to add: AHA, I found it! (that didn't take long)..now to find the PW...hmm....

  2. Mrs H, Prayers sent up that God comforts both of them during this difficult time, as well as you Mrs H and the rest of your family...also sent up a Thank You God for sending Turtle such as an Angel to share the last 10 years with him and to be there with him until his end, proof once more that Angels do walk this earthly ground, and sometimes, they look just like you, or me, or the other guy. ~ hugs ~

  3. Does anyone have any interest in opening a consignment shop in Hiram? I really need to be working, and I am at my wits end,not being able to find anything having to do with animals(I have been a vet assitant for 12 years)


    Wenfen, I just sent you a PM but I don't think the link works, so go look at your other topic in the 4 leg frenzy forum (unless it gets moved, that's where it is at now) as the AJCJobs site has a vet tech job listed that just posted on 7/1 and it's in Marietta and not Atlanta (since you said you didn't want to go into Atlanta).

    Good luck!

  4. Did you see the job listing on AJCJobs.com, there is one that just posted on 7/1 on AJCjobs.com and it's in Marietta, not Atlanta. Go to the main link and search the job function listed as ANIMAL CARE:




    As of now, there are 16 listings under "animal care" on the site and only 4 of those are in Atlanta so you have 12 other choices to apply to. Good luck!

  5. Hmmm...from another state :huh: , well, maybe they are in a witness protection program :ninja: and don't want to talk to anyone because they aren't comfortable with their new identities yet :unsure: ..they might slip and tell you their 'old' name :o ...and then not only they would be in trouble but you would be too :( ..so then you'd both have to move :blink: ...and that would make you mad :angry: ...and they don't want to make you mad :mellow: ...so it's easier not to talk to you at all! :wacko: :p :D :p :wacko:

  6. I had just read the story on a news site b4 logging on here and something made me think - I sure hope authorities do some testing on the body to be sure it's really him - switching identities to fake his death would be small in comparison to what he's already convicted of doing! And if it really IS him, well, then my thoughts go out to his family as I think it would have to be hard to be related to this guy, but on the bright side for them, they will now have the proceeds from his life insurance policy(ies) won't they. <_<

  7. There will be plenty here if you'd like to come pull up a chair. :)

    Take hwy 92 toward D'ville. Go right at the light at Pine Valley Rd. Taylor Fram is a mile or two down Pine Valley on the right. Can't miss the signs. Oh yeah, after you turn on Pine Valley, look left at the big house surrounded by a high black fence. That is Travis Tritt's home. :)




    :unsure: , if you are going 92 towards douglasville (that would be going away from the Hiram shopping district around the 92/278 intersection), wouldn't you be taking a LEFT onto Pine Valley Rd and not a right? Now I know they've done a lot of road changes/construction but did they move 92 - or Travis' house?!? :lol:

  8. Okay, I tried this with my girlfriends and it didn't work out bc they live in Atlanta and I'm the only one that lives in "East Alabama". I want to have a sleepover. We can watch a movie or two, drink, eat, hang out, polish nails, etc. No, we will not be in lingerie having pillow fights.. I have a great house and the kids are gone for most of the summer, hubby is a pilot so he's gone most of the time. What do you think chicks?


    Were you watching one of the morning shows yesterday, or was it Monday? Where they talked about how lonely people were in this day and age, even with all the technology that connects us - they said we tend to stay on a superficial level/ arms length, and don't really get close to anyone anymore - the expert lady (whoever she was) said we chickies need to get our girliefriends together w/o distractions and have once a month sleepovers and talk, really talk about our life, love, and those things so we get 'connected' again! Now you post this topic, you must have seen that too huh?? ;)

  9. HI, I'm not sure if this will help as I'm not sure what research you already did on the web for your problem. Did you read the post on this site:




    In it is menntioned:

    "Oh and check to make sure your colour settings are CMYK, not RGB.

    Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK are for four colour print seperation settings

    used by commercial printers. Red, Green, Blue are Web page colour settings

    and look S when printed."

  10. It's just got to rain by me, I tell you, it's just got to! I was up at 4Am today putting water in my pool and watering my garden and shrubs (not my lawn, I don't give a flip about that), I figured I had better do it because there is no telling when they will announce a total ban on outdoor watering here since it seems to be hitting so many other counties already, and I really do think that is a 'when', not an 'if' because I'm certain it will happen soon. So, as I stood there, half asleep (it's just not natural to get up at 4Am on a Saturday!) I figured it just had to rain later today, that seemed to be a given for sure..but so far..just wind and a few big drops but nothing I'd call 'rain'...it is a sorry day when watering doesn't even bring on the rain, sorry indeed! ..still thundering..maybe there will be something falling soon...

  11. This just is not fair! It chased us out of the pool over here in the East Paulding area (near the WM on 120) and I would not care and would welcome the rain with open arms -BUT - all we got was a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of wind - down branches, twigs, and leaves everywhere - the yard is a mess, as is the pool - but - NO RAIN at all! Now I got a mess to clean up, and didn't even get any rain, that's just mean! :angry:

  12. OK, today around 10:00; I am sitting at the Redlight at Old Cartersville and Hwy 381. I am at the RED light on Old Cartersville (so, Dragstrip also had a red light). I hear sirens coming through,look up, and it is a HUGE RED RESCUE TRUCK (did I mention HUGE?). It started w/ it's sirens around where they are building the Waffle House. So, as I'm sitting there at my red light, I'm in sheer awe at all the IDIOTS that continue to go through the green light (on Hwy 381)...NONE stopped (well, the last one did, but about 5 just went on through)! The RESCUE TRUCK had to stop and yield to thier right away in the intersection :o .


    People...when you hear sirens, or see flashing lights coming...STOP AND YIELD TO THEM, you never ever know when it will be YOU who needs them as they are held up by all the morons who ignore them. When your life is teetering on death, seconds feel like hours and seconds can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!


    Use some COMMON SENSE!


    Oh you got that right, being the one waiting on that rescue truck for a loved one (not today, but in the past) I can testify to your statement about seconds feeling like hours and how seconds make a HUGE difference!

  13. See, I'm just at a loss here. I mean AC set at 82 freckin degrees?!?!!? :o Do you set your heat on 82 degrees in the winter?!?! 82 is not an indoor temperature!!!! :wacko:


    We have ours at 70. In the winter I have the heat at 68. We are on a budget plan with Greystone and our monthly bill (and we have a large home) is between $170 and $210.


    I mentioned I keep my AC between 80-84 (and I'm here most days), so are you asking me if I keep my heat on 80 in the winter? Yeah right, heat at 80 - who do you think I am - you'd have to be a billionaire of some sort (I heat with gas, enough said huh?). But if you must know, my heat stays at 63 to 65, yeah, that's sort of chilly - just like 80- 84 is sort of warm..and it's not that I'm a conservation nut, but now that the kids are gone, I'm just CHEAP and hate to pay out that $$$ so I deal with it! Getting a new Lennox heat and air system a few years back really helped on the bills, but I'm still cheap! :lol: Today, it's set at 84 again and it's rather pleasant in here..I guess it's all what you get used to. Now of course, if someone else were to be over then it gets adjusted, after all, I can't expect others to suffer because of my madness, it's insanity I tell you, insanity! :lol: :p :lol:

  14. During the cold in the winter we talked a few times about what degree people kept their gas or electric thermstats at to conserve energy/keep their prices low during the heating season, so now that it's SUMMER and near 100 outside, what do you keep your AC set at; is there anyone out there that does not have AC?


    Me, I'm trying to do 84 during the day and 80 in the evenings..but that 84 sure don't feel very cool in here..until I walk outside on a day like today that is!

  15. Here's the recomendations that I know of:



    Total Cholesterol - limit 100-199

    Triglyycerides limit 0-149

    HDL Choles limit 40-59

    *HDL choles values >59 mg/dl are associated with reduced cardiac risk

    VLDL Choles Cal limit 5-40

    LDL Choles - limit 0-99


    I know those limits because it's on the report I get every 6 months and I believe those limits are standard recomendations. Now the only number I had that was good was the HDL one, that one is better if it is above 59 and I had a really high number, yeah for one thing I guess. So at first, I did the regulating diet thing and it brought my numbers way down but not down enough, sometimes high choles isn't all about what you are eating! So, rather than risk a heart attack (or death!) I chose the medication route along with continuing to make a concious effort to watch what I eat and my numbers are - finally 2 years later - looking good! :)


    Diet? These are some of the things I know that's supposed to be good: Lots of Chicken, lots of fish, those are the best - limit red meat to not more than once per week or preferably once every two weeks even; eat things broiled, baked or grilled, eliminate fried items or eat it very infrequently; lots of veggies; whole grains or whitewheat items; and don't forget the cheerios, they really do help!


    Good luck!

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