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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. so are you all saying that it's only 2K to put a well in? Really?? What with our drought conditions most years I wondered about putting one in just for landscaping purposes, to keep the shrubs/garden/flowers/trees irrigated, but I thought it would be way expensive, but only 2K, can that be right? Such a bargain if it is, and then I'd have to say - go for the well MC.

  2. Hang on, now ... when was the last time you SAW a "passenger train?" I can't remember the last time I saw an AMTRAK train. Freight trains, OTOH ... all the time. :lol:


    Ok I thinked and I thinked and I can't thinked no more - WTH does OTOH stand for?!?! :huh:


    And by the way, I just saw a 'passenger train' this past Sunday, and I rode one 2 weeks ago - the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway! It may not be Amtrac, but it is a passenger train! (but I best not see it flying past my yard here anytime soon!) :D :p :D


    ..as for the OP, how shallow of the station to profile someone like that for the story, what were they thinking!

  3. well my grandson tried to give my dog a few bb's the other day and the dog wouldnt have anything to do with them, but the dang dog does like them pop ice things..he'll sit and beg for some when someone is eating one..today I knocked the box out of the freezer and they went everywhere (frozen already) and he came running with a look like he had hit the jackpot in Vegas...he grabbed one as I picked up the others and I had to play chase with him to get it back - he kept ducking here and there and he was really beginning to P me off! (he's just a little jack rus mix but he's quick, quicker than me).

  4. Hi P, I know how long it is just driving back home to the Chicago area, but to keep on going up to the Wisc area, wow, you had one heck of a long drive...and with gas prices, whew, good thing you got one of those toyos! I hope your sis is healing well and I hope you all have a great visit. :)

  5. Thanks Andrea, but I do not believe this story is correct, as the latest reports I have heard is that he was not shot but he was injured from being rammed by the car as the perp tried to get away..chances are they have not updated their website from early reports (and no, it was not ME who gave them that early report - I only put incorrect early reports on here :lol: ).

  6. The story was just on Fox5 at 10..I'm sure it will be on the other stations at 11...a HS officer (not Ken) was NOT shot but was injured because he was rammed by the perps car.


    I do apologize for my misinformation in the beginning, but as is the case in these things, details are often sketchy at best when they first go 'round.

  7. Hey.......


    We were coming home from the mountains too!


    When we saw the traffic completely stopped we crossed and went back to Holly Springs and then over to Bells Ferry Rd and came in through 92 to Acworth.


    We did notice that an officer had the entrance to 575 Southbound blocked when we crossed.


    Post if you hear anything else. I sure hope Ken is safe tonight.


    ...yeah, well, it was a little bit past the HS exist, we were up there closer to it, but we turned around through the grass too once we saw all the activity going on as we knew it was going to be a long wait (when they taped off the other side of the hwy, yeah, we knew it was time to turn around).

  8. ..I know this isn't PC related but stay with me on this...I just came back from the mountains, I575 is closed down both ways over around Holly Springs - I also heard a report that an officer was shot in the leg * during a chase that ended with gunfire somewhere in Cherokee County and no report as to what agency the officer worked with (but the officer was reported to be stable and OKAY- I'm not so sure about the other guy) - at this time I DO NOT KNOW if the I575 closure/accident and the Police chase/shooting are related but given the amount of police and fire response that was over on I575 I suspect they were - it was a bad scene - however I could be totally wrong and they could be two totally unrelated incidents. Now, the reason I'm telling YOU this is that knowing that our friend Ken is out in HS, I thought you all might want to be aware of this, me, I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers out to him or whoever that officer was, positive thoughts and prayers never can hurt.


    *see correction below*

  9. OMG! Thats what hubby said.


    I was just interviewed by animal control, but I didn't really see what happened before the other dog had Caesar in his mouth....The other dog is older with not alot of teeth, but I think the grip that he get on Caesar was very powerful....


    Now he may have to quarantined for 10 days because one of the pits owners says she was bitten by Caesar during the altercation...


    Very sad.



    Are you saying AC now has to Q the hurt dog??? :o At the Shelter???? :o For God's sake - he was fighting for his LIFE - something is just so wrong with our animal laws in these parts! :angry:

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