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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Jennifers's husband is a State of Ga employee, with a pretty high up there job, so with Nancy's past ties to Atlanta it shouldn't be surprising that she reported on the murder of his wife.

  2. Imagine being this guys mom and dad...they are members of this very community too...I would think this would have to be very painful for them, to experience their offspring being accused of something so awful, something far worse than what he was previously convicted of (that already being the awful crime that it was)...you can lead your child to righteousness, but you can't make them be righteous..does anyone know these people?

  3. Thank You Southern Belle for starting this post as I felt the same way today after reading all the bashing post lately. I've always believed that one should never criticize others without having walked a mile in their shoes first.


    Our guys and gals in public safety are also sons and daughters. They are fathers and mothers. They are husbands and wives. But their job is unlike anything else. They deal with the worst society can throw at them. They deal with issues that will crush the average person. And when others are running away, they are running towards the problem.


    As in any group or community, there will always be a few less then desirable members. And yes, they make mistakes sometimes. They are not superhuman. They put their pants on the same way as you do. But their mistakes could cause someone to loose their life, including their own. What were the consequences of your last mistake at work? Had to rewrite a report or rebuild something?


    They all have different thoughts and feelings. The job will change the way they look at other people and life in general. It changes how they treat people, and they do not realize it most of the time. The stress of the job is unbelievable, and some times unbearable. Everybody has his or her own way of dealing with stress, and sometimes it's not pretty. The next time you have contact with one of our boys or girls in uniform and you feel they were less then friendly towards you, take a second to think that maybe they just arrested a child molester for raping a 3 year old little girl, or just come from an auto accident where a child (just like one of their own at home) was killed by a drunk or reckless driver! I have seen grown men and women officers cry like babies after coming from a bad accident scene or an investigation. I have attended way too many funerals of fellow officers that lost their lives in the line of duty, one a very good friend.


    Again, if you haven't walked a mile in someone else's shoes, you have no right to complain! I have. I have walked in their shoes for more then a decade. I have had some good friends loose their life to the profession. Some by their own hands because they could not handle the stress. I've had some good friends loose their jobs because they could not handle the stress. I left the job because of the job related stress and strain it put on me, and how it was changing my life.


    I tip my hat to our men and women in today’s public safety. The job is dirty and thankless. And it only keeps getting harder everyday. These folks deserve our support and gratitude! They do a job that very few will even consider because they don't have the guts. I applaud their efforts! And I want to say.......................


    Thank You!

    The rest of you, come back when you have walked a mile in their shoes! When you bash them in a public forum like this, and they do read it (and their families also), you sound just like the trash they have to deal with on a daily basis. After a while, it’s hard to tell the good folks from the bad.



    Now that is an EXCELLENT POST!

  4. Funny you post this, I do know how the system works. His word against mine. I have no solid proof, other than my word. He won't get much punishment. And JSYK, I have thought, numerous times, about joining our men and women in uniform. It just isn't feasible for me to do so with small children, and a husband that works full time as well. But my FIL had the B*^^s to make it through training, and lasted for nearly thirty years before he passed. I respect our emergency personnel, but what happened today was straight crap... I never said "they" are doing an awful job, I simply stated that this ONE officer was not his finest today. I also posted that I was not referring to ALL officers, just this one today... ;) And I do think that if an officer puts another life in danger, he should be reprimanded for it. If you or I had been swerving all around the road, passing on a double yellow line, we would have a nice large ticket, with our name on it - or worse.


    AJH, to you I was responding to what I bolded in your original post, your comment on the officer (was it really a Marshall or was it a Deputy - there is a difference?) only getting a slap on the wrist, and again you state above that the officer "won't get much punishment" I would like to ask you how you know that? I am not being a SA, but I really want to know, was it because of the response you received when calling in the concern, did it not seem to be taken seriously? Or do you have some sort of inside track to know, for a fact, what reprimands are or are not being passed out to the officers of this County in this day and age? As for you calling and reporting the incident, yes, you had every right to call if you truly felt endangered, my only question is why you believe that your call won't amount to anything, you have come on here twice now and quoted that so what is the reason behind it?

  5. Just reported at http://www.wsbtv.com/news/9583095/detail.html:


    "Ledford is a convicted rapist who served ten years in prison for an attack on another woman. He was released from prison in 2001 and is serving ten years probation.


    Ledford went to the Dallas Police Department at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday bleeding profusely from a wound on his penis, investigators at both the Dallas Police Department and the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office told Channel 2 Action News.


    Police say Ledford claimed he was negotiating with a prostitute for sex when she bit him on his genitals.


    Officers took him to the hospital for treatment."

    Have there been any reports at to the time that Ms. Ewing was biking on the trail? Sure hope this is the guy, and that his front rots off.



    I never have heard if they found any witnesses to confirm exactly when she put in on the trail. What I did hear was that she left around 2 - from her home in Sandy Spring I presume that meant (so you got to account for the drive time to the parking spot) and they said something about her going to run errands b4 going to ride her bike (but did she, and where, and for how long?) - and then you have the bike ride on the trail from where she put in at to MM14 or 17 (wherever it was, I've heard conflicting reports) , and then you would have the time of his drive (if it was him) from the trail to the DPD deparment, what would that be, maybe about 10 mintues from the place they found her...so 3:00 may or may not fit the timeline, depending on the variables - but one thing - I'm sure that DNA will reveal a lot. Besides, what sort of odds would it be that this guy got 'injured' in such a way, at the exact same timeframe, on the exact same day, with his past history, he'd have to be the unluckiest basT@#d to walk this earth if this wasn't related.

  6. You all really get me when you jump on the bandwagon bad mouthing our officers:


    Heard from the Captain, and informed him that I will be calling the Board of Commissioners. He was very understanding, but I just don't think that a slap on the wrist of the Marshall at fault is fair punishment for wreckless driving...


    You have NO CLUE what is going to happen to that Deputy (or Marshall as you called him) - so why are you assuming that he's going to get off with a slap on the wrist - all departments take complaints seriously and are investigated - repeat complaints - or first time serious ones - result in SUSPENSION (that's days off w/o pay!) or even DISMISSAL (that's being fired).



    We had a break in at our home and the so called detectives were a freaking joke. They did absolutely NOTHNG!! I was pegnant at the time and had 2 under the age of 5, do you think that made a difference, hell no. They did nothing to "protect & serve" my family!


    Oh how awful, they should have packed up their things and moved in with you, and stayed 24/7, and still be there, just so they can keep you safe.




    Same thing happened to us. I was pregnant with my oldest and someone broke into our home and vandalized it awfully bad. The police didn't do a single thing about it. They wrote up a report and left it at that. We even gave them a name of a person that may have done it. Still nothing. This was 11 years ago, we never did hear anything after the police left our house that day.



    Oh, so you had a 'name", and they were supposed to go out and arrest that person because you said you thought he/she may have done it - oh yes - that is bad bad police work for not arresting that person.




    WOW!! That sounds so firmiliar, except they did not even send an officer to our house. We filed the report over the phone and then I had to call this po-dunk detective everyday for weeks and weeks to see if he had done any investigating. Nothing came of it at all. Guess it is easy to be a criminal in this county. We need back that "good ole boy" mentality!!!!!

    Ok, you are right, I apoligize. Just burns me up so bad!!!!!


    So on one hand you call the detective 'po'dunk' (your words) but on the other hand you want the "good old boy mentality" back (again your words) - sounds like you don't know what you want but you do like to whine.



    If you all think they are doing such an awful job, then I challenge you to go apply, have the credentials to get hired and the B*^^s to get through the training, then go out and do a better job!

  7. ...I got this in email a few days ago:



    What Do You Do All Day?


    A man came home from work,

    and found his three children outside,

    still in their pajamas,

    playing in the mud,

    with empty food boxes and wrappers,

    strewn all around the front yard.

    The door of his wife's car was open,

    as was the front door to the house,

    and there was no sign of the dog.

    Proceeding into the entry,

    he found an even bigger mess.

    A lamp had been knocked over,

    and the throw rug was wadded against one wall.

    In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel,

    and the family room was strewn with toys,

    and various items of clothing.

    In the kitchen,

    dishes filled the sink,

    breakfast food was spilled on the counter,

    the fridge door was open wide,

    dog food was spilled on the floor,

    a broken glass lay under the table,

    and a small pile of sand was spread,

    by the back door.

    He quickly headed up the stairs,

    stepping over toys and more piles of clothes,

    looking for his wife.

    He was worried she might be ill,

    or that something serious had happened.

    He was met with a small trickle of water,

    as it made its way out the bathroom door.

    As he peered inside he found wet towels,

    scummy soap,

    and more toys,

    strewn over the floor.

    Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap,

    and toothpaste had been smeared,

    over the mirror and walls.

    As he rushed to the bedroom,

    he found his wife,

    still curled up in the bed in her pajamas,

    reading a novel.

    She looked up at him,


    and asked how his day went.

    He looked at her bewildered and asked,

    "What happened here today?"

    She again smiled and answered,

    "You know every day,

    when you come home from work,

    and you ask me,

    what in the world I do all Day?"

    "Yes," was his incredulous reply.

    She answered,

    "Well, today I didn't do it."


  8. [quote name=Caped Crusader' date='Jul 26 2006, 04:01 PM' post='832927]

    Tragic But It Is reality...


    1 Reason To Become A Paying Member


    Today On My Way Home I Noticed A Channel 46 News Van.


    Not 1 Mind You But 2! I decided to follow them and they went to the SCT in Hiram.


    You will notice in the picture the news person is talking to a bicyclist trying to get a story.

    Without any luck he retreats and out comes someone else!


    I can appreciate good journalism but it really TICKS me OFF that the only time we get PRESS COVERAGE from the networks is when there is a LOSS of LIFE or someone calls

    a pop icon a name and puts it on their billboard.


    I spend at least 5 minutes a day reading p.com along with ALL of you!

    (Some of you spend more time)


    I was reading a post the other day as to why should I become a paying member?

    Because not only is p.com a Modern Day Hee Haw Gossip site!


    It is the only REAL TIME news source available to us currently!


    And SOOOOOOOOO MUCH GOOD comes from this site that I for one hope it stays around for a while!


    and it ONLY cost us @ 5 minutes a day A WHOPPING $18 Cents

    or 0.036 cents a minute!


    (I have NEVER met someone in my life that can't afford a Quarter a Day)


    I was told today that the reason the networks don't report Paulding on a daily basis is that we don't have enough TRAGIC happenings!


    Like I told you sir, I am glad that you are not here on a Daily Basis! And if you the networks would report more on GOOD things in a community instead of ALL the DOOM and GLOOM then maybe with people seeing GOOD things too that this world would slowly become a better place to live in for ALL! After all I said you NETWORKS have a major influence and RESPONSIBILITY to the people that view your channel!


    He told me that it "WAS not his JOb" to decide what to report he only takes orders from his Boss. And hopes I have A Nice Day!


    Folk's I ask you to take a moment and look around you.... and I hope you TRULY realize how BLESSED you are and I ask you to give praise to ALL the GOOD in your life!


    After all that could be your Mother,Sister,Daughter,Wife or Friend thay found in "OUR" Community today!


    I Feel Better Now!


    God Bless and My Prayers Go Out To This Family



    CC, Maybe you speak specific of the chanel you mentioned in your post - but WSB-TV/CH2 has done a LOT of coverage on Paulding county in the past months - Paulding county was in the news every few days for awhile there (and it wasn't all about the rest sign)! In fact, people on this very site were complaining that Paulding never got any coverage - then WSB-TV/Ch2 did so much coverage on so many stories that people on here actually started complaining that Paulding was on the news - groan - again - gasp!



    [quote name=Riograce' date='Jul 26 2006, 06:13 PM' post='833163]

    As my husband often says about the news, "If it bleeds, it leads."


    And with no slam intended towards Pubby or this site, it's not that much different here on P.com. All you have to do is look at the readership of a 'vent' thread vs. a 'good news' thread: the vents tend to be read by many more people than the good news posts. Controversial threads attract a lot more attention than the ones that discuss something with which most folks would be in agreement. And the posts of known instigators ;) :p tend to attract more readers than those of, uh, pacifists. This is just human nature, IMO.


    So don't be too hard on the news media --- I really think they're just giving people what they want. The phrase "no news is good news" originated for a reason. :)


    Riograce, excellent post!

  9. look on another thread, there is a pic of him there, it looks a little different but if you look close it is the same scum. He has jacked up ears and a tat on his neck, hopefully now he has a jacked up bit off dingy to match!!


    Thanks, I did look at the other topic that Pubby posted above..I see the 2 pics there and they do look the same person on there..I'm sure it was the same guys pic on the news too and I just didn't get a good look at the screen. All in all, it doesn't really matter that I know what he looks like...my prayers for the family - so tragic - so sad.

  10. yeah, neither could I and that was checking the GBI and the paulding gov sites - and looking at the name of who they reported on the news he lives clear across town in Hiram but his pic looks different (but the GBI site may have an old pic on it and the news probably had a current one) ..I have no idea where the other poster found that info about the Snooky drive address.

  11. On the news they gave a last name of the suspect. They said he lived close by, I went on line to the Georgia Couny Sex Offenders and sure enough it gave his address as being on Snooky Drive, right by where they say the crime happened.


    How sad for this family. Prayers go out to her husband and 3 children.



    What name did you hear? Ch2 gave out info at 11, but that person's pic they showed, it doesn't match the person's pic on the GBI SO site nor is his address Snooky drive, so maybe they had the wrong name in their report?

  12. That does not make it right.


    (a)(1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation.

    (2) [b]On roads, streets, or highways with two or more lanes allowing for movement in the same direction, no person shall continue to operate a motor vehicle in the most left-hand lane at less than the maximum lawful speed limit once such person knows or should reasonably know that he is being overtaken in such lane from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed, except when such motor vehicle is preparing for a left turn. [/b]


    a1) She already said there was no traffic, so there was no one to impede - not until the cop got behind her that is. The only thing I can see wrong with what the poster did was that he was LE and so you need to get out of the way - even driving the speed limit - if you got a cop coming up on you then you need to get out of their way so they can go on with their business (they can not always drive lights and sirens to their calls).



    2b: See the part about 'less than the lawful speed limit" and the poster said she was driving the posted speed limit of 65 so she was not driving less than the lawful speed limit. This law does not prohibit someone from driving in the left lane AT the posted speed limit - only less than the posted speed limit if someone coming up behind you is going faster - and that would mean that the person behind you WAS doing the speed limit because we ALL know that speeding is illegal. Of course, maybe we don't all know that because from the many topics that have been posted on this subject in the last month or two, it seems that here in Pauding, rather than believe that speeding is illegal the majority believe "speeding is okay as long as everyone else is speeding"..I must have missed that road rule when I took drivers ed.

  13. MM 14 - the Florence rd trailhead is MM 11.6 and the Hiram at Seaboard trailhead is 14.66 (I believe) - so MM 14 would be..where...just b4 she would have got to the Hiram trailhead right? I've only been that way a time or two, I'm more of a Rambo to Coots lake person because the Hiram area was just to congested and populated (and that was more than a year ago, I haven't been on the trail for a long time, I imagine it's even more congested in that area nowadays with all the growth) - unreal that something bad could have happened over there - or was it something of natural causes - I don't think they have said yet have they. Prayers for the famly.

  14. Well I'm certainly NOT going to get into a pissing match with someone who still doesn't understand our check cashing policy, or any bank's policies for that matter. You can stand at the teller window all day with your ID, your husband's ID, etc. BUT IF YOUR HUSBAND IS NOT PRESENT, HOW CAN ANY TELLER KNOW THAT THE ID YOU HAVE BELONGS TO HIM ? I challenge you to go to any bank in town, and unless they are knowingly violating the policies, they are not supposed to CASH his check without him being present, in the flesh. Here's one easy solution : You can deposit the check all day long into an account with both of your names on it..... Then turn around and write yourself a check payable to CASH and take the money back out. HEY...remember, I didn't make the rules, we are required by law to enforce them. Remember 9/11 ??? Thanks to that very event, our goverment sees it necessary to watch you every chance they get. I'm not going to agree or disagree with that policy, we are only here to enforce it, or end up losing our bank charter.

    If you are offended that we actually do our jobs and do them according to the laws, and according to our customers' needs...then maybe you should bank somewhere else. I'd hate for those other banks who daily violate the rules to get audited by the state banking commission; they'd be out of business.

    I will still put that staff up against any other in town...... And the reason you pay more bank fees everywhere you turn is because of the crooks that cost banks billions of dollars in losses each year. Is it unfair ? YES it is ! But the many always pay for the sins of the few. It is true in every business in the world.


    Finally, I want to apologize on behalf the the bank if you have not received the service that you feel you deserve. If you ever want to come in and talk to me about it, I will gladly give you my location and name in confidence.

    I'm sorry that we cannot resolve the situation, and please realize that getting to know a new staff, and vice versa takes only time. That's all we could ever ask of you.



    IMO Your response above as well as your prior ones have really turned me off to ever considering a relationship with your establishment. Since you have come on here as a representative of your company, I would fully expect you to engage in a professional manner and obtain full details of the situation(s) being discussed in order to remedy the situation(s) in an agreeable manner to all that are personally involved, rather than go off on a tangent posting in bold and capitals which is the equal of yelling and shouting, which by the way, I find very inmature and offensive coming from an employee to the very population that pays your salary! Perhaps you should review your corporate poicy on internal and external commincations, I've posted it here for you in case you've never seen it:






    Pay special attention to THIS:


    " Internet communications such as online forums, bulletin or message boards and chat rooms, give the appearance that communications are limited to a small group; however, those communications extend to a very large audience and are public in nature. Regions treats Internet communications like any other public statement. Only authorized spokespersons may issue public statements about Regions and our policies, practices and procedures. Regions prohibits Internet communications purported to be on behalf of Regions or in your capacity as an associate or based on information derived through your employment with Regions"

  15. Well, actually I was going to respond to your post, and forgot to, today has been the day from hell for me. :wacko: What I was going to say was that I tried to cash some coins in at a store and they wanted me to write my SS# and phone number on them, and I told them no way!

    I don't know what IANAL or YMMV means, but I detect a sarcastic tone in your post, so please excuse me, I forgot. <_<


    Hey Rev, thanks for clarifying, and I do totally understand days from H - mine are like that more than not. So, I'll take the chip off my shoulder now, sorry if my post sounded a little snippy, that's not usually like me.

  16. It sounds like she does have personal knowledge of this bank if she has been banking there for years.

    When you have banked with someone for years, you learn these folks names, they recognize you and I don't see what the big deal is. Isn't that all a part of customer service, knowing your customers? :huh: I guess not!! <_<

    While we are on the subject, I have a question, although whatever your answer might be will not be good enough, this policy (Regions) sucks.... My husband used to work for a company that banks with you, when I went in there to cash his check, which was drawed on your bank, they wanted to charge me $5. I politely told them that was highway robbery, and the teller agreed, but said it was "policy" and she had to follow the rules. I'll never dart the doors again.


    My bank does not do this, as long as the consumer has proper id, they should not be charged for cashing a check that is drawn on your bank <_<



    Just wondering, in your post above - why did you quote ME in your response? What did my response about an account# on the rolls have to do with what the bank employee said or with your reply? I was not slandering Regions bank, I was not even speaking in terms of Regions bank in my response, it was just my opinion about account #'s on rolls with any bank one would deal with. Geez, do we have to put an IMO, IANAL and YMMV on everything these days, if so, then consider that done.

  17. Which Kroger - you can view their weekly add on line but they vary by the store -


    go to: http://www.kroger.com


    then to savings,


    then metro Atlanta,


    then enter the city of the Paulding County stores you shop at to see their weekly ad:


    DOUGLASVILLE (that's the one on Ridge Road)


    DALLAS (that's the one at 278&61)


    HIRAM (that's the one at 278&92 - the one in the plaza with Kmart)


    ACWORTH (that's the one on 92&381 -crossroads)


    WOW, paulding has grown - 4 Krogers but all in different cities!!


    And yes folks - there is ONLY ONE HIRAM KROGER - the best KROGER in Paulding by the way (IMO) - even though Regina has been moved - I sure do miss her - but when you talk about the Ridge Rd Kroger, keep in mind that is DOUGLASVILLE, not HIRAM. ;)

  18. Double spatula, chrome plated (could look like stainless steel), $4.95 at the Lighthouse for the Blind, see link:




    Or perhaps this, it's sometimes called a double spatula but it's actually a spoon/spatula, and it's all stainless..but I'm not sure the average person would cook with this as it's more of a lab instrument..but who knows with a tv chef:



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