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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. HI QUASI! It is great to read your posts again! We have never met but I remember you on here long ago and I've wondered how you were doing, hope everything has been going well for you! Good to see you back!! :)


    Edited to add: well in light of the newer threads I now see that you have been posting on here all along but just as someone different (not as Q), so I guess it's not welcome back and boy do I feel stupid.

  2. If you are not on the lease, if the cars are in his name and not yours - then I'm not understanding how YOU could get cited for them - you say the officer told you that whoever opened the door got the citation? That sounds like a crock of S - what if it was a juvinile? What if it was a neighbor that happened to be visiting? What if it was a repairman that happened to be there fixing something in the house? Yeah - if that's what you were really told, giving a citation to whoever answers doesn't sound at all like anything that could hold up in a court so it would be waste to issue it! You need to speak with a lawyer about this that's for sure! As for towing the cars - again, if you are not on the lease, and if the cars are not in your name - at all - then you need to talk to a lawyer before you have them towed or that man whose name IS on the lease and IS listed as owner of the cars could probably press a heck of a lot of charges against you, I would think. Be careful, seek legal advice before you do anything - maybe your divorce attorney can assist you on this.

  3. The grand jury decision just made every Police Officers job in the entire United States more dangerous than it already was, as well as it shows that while Politicians may make the laws, they don't have to follow them it seems.

  4. HI, I just posted in the other gardening topic that is going on. I think a garden forum on this board, one that pertains to those of us in this part of Georgia, would be an extremely useful and GREAT idea!! GardenWeb is a great site out there, and they have a Georgia Forum which is really great for getting help and advice and for swapping things but what could be better than having that same sort of thing here locally! Yippee!!

  5. Thanks for starting the tread! All day yesterday I thought of starting one to see who was eating from their garden, and I wake up to see your thread...I thought it was MY birthday!


    There is a great website called GardenWeb, and they have a tomato forum. The regulars there post pics of their mater samiches. We should do that! I have always like to garden, but really just piddled until a few years ago when we starting reading about heirloom fruits and vegetables. We planted 60 varieties that year, just so we could try all the different ones...pear shaped, bi-color, yellows, pinks, blacks, etc! (Talk about a pretty salsa.) We were hooked. And ever since then, we spend most of our waking hours gardening, talking about gardening, reading about gardening...and eating stuff from the garden when we are lucky! And we know we have only scratched the surface. So if I sound like a know-it-all, feel free to remind me that a gardening friend threatens to turn me in to the Eggplant Abuse Authorities on a regular basis!


    GARDENWEB - it is great! They have a GEORGIA GARDENER forum that is really great as you get a lot of advice particular to this zone. Can I post the link on here? If so, here it is..if not..then the mods will delete it I'm sure but you can find it by doing a search:




    A garden forum on this board that pertains to those of us in just this part of Georgia would be really great and useful, but I think another topic has already been started about that.

  6. I might just be eating mater samiches by the end of the month!


    Anybody else?


    I decided against a big garden this year so I only planted a few tomatoe, pepper and herb plants this year; I picked a few red cherry tomatoes last week and earlier today, those things ripen up fast being so little. The larger tomatoe plants still have mostly gteen ones, but I did get one red one off it today, and there are a few more that are turning too. The worst thing is, I put them in where I had elephant ears last year, the ee's weren't coming back up and all my other ones already were up and sprouting, so I thought I had killed them and figured it was safe to plant my tomatoes there. Nope - I had heard you can't kill an EE and I guess that's right! Soon as I fertilized my tomatoes the sleeping EE came back and now they are towering over and shading my veggie plants. Live and learn I guess!! Next year I got to find a different spot.

  7. HI, that's awful about your car but I just want to mention that people are sue happy these days and sometimes the law of the land is almost as bad, so even the best of intentions can put you in harms way if you ever so innocently lay a hand on a child to walk them to their parents house or hold them for the authorities, or even if you just scream and holler at them for being such idiots...no matter how much they deserve it..so just be careful about how you handle these situations is all I'm saying, so you aren't the one that ends up in trouble.

  8. There also was a bear sighting a few days ago in the backyards of homes in West Cobb, off of Antioch Road, just a few miles down from the Paulding County/ Hwy 92 and East Paulding Drive area. So, what IS it with the bears this year; they have always been around, lurking here or there, but this year, they are coming out everywhere, no more staying in the woods for them! I guess they've seen a few to many parades and civil righters from them there woods..next think you know they'll be hosting their own parade downtown or marching on Washington holding a 'bears have rights too' banner! :lol:

  9. If you are looking in the Paulding/Polk area then you just have to go look at Hightower Falls! (See the link a few posts up.) I was at a weddng there in May - the place just takes your breath away, and the people that run it are extremely nice. Oh, and the pictures - WOW - now those make some good memories. Really, go visit the place, now the website is nice - I had seen it prior to the wedding so I 'thought' I knew what to expect - but wow, until you actually 'see' the place you don't get the full effect, it really did take my breath away..it is a very romantic site for a wedding

  10. I agree with Lisa in that you need to go to www.bcbsga.com and register, then you can see your benefits and coverage, as well as track the claims and what is being paid.


    As for OB services, I do not believe that most doctors bill the insurance on a visit by visit basis - it's one lump sum billed after the delivery. Also, it is not unusual for a dr's office to request your portion (what is not being covered by insurance) to be paid in advance, but you should get a breakdown of what they are charging for a vag delivery and what the extra charge for a c-sec would be. Then, you would only prepay your portion on the lower cost of the vag delivery and if an emer c-sec was needed the extra portion would be billed afterwards (unless of course, there is a prexisting condition in that you and your dr already know you will require a c-sec, then of course, you will be asked to pay your portion of the c-sec fees).


    You also will be required to pay the hospital your part of what is not being covered, so you need to find out what those charges will be to so you are prepared.


    I'm not sure how they work the deductible on a OB claim, I know I've used BCBS for many other dr/surgery/hospital claims and whereas I don't have a deductible for normal dr visits, those associated with a surgical/hospital procedure do and it seems to come off of whatever bill BCBS gets first, be it the dr or the hospital, but in my cases, the doctor always beat the hospital to billing so the dr had the deductible taken against them.

  11. Hey to all of you that reside in Riverwood..I checked out that weblink just for lack of anything better to do and now I'm wondering, did you all give your permission to whoever created that website to have your names, addresses, phone numbers and websites posted out there in the contact section??? Even so, I would think it should at least be password protected to only residents, you might think of having that changed! ;)

  12. Yes they were at our house at 3 am this morning and were on their way to a shots fired at 92 and Antioch. They didn't think that they were related based on locations. I don't know what was going on last night, but the bullet was inches from having gotten my husband. It is scary that someone is shooting at cars, windows, places of establishments for kicks and giggles. Had he been driving slower, it probably would have gotten him through the car door or window. Needless to say, he was a bit rattled.



    3Am? Last night?? 92 & Antioch, that's, 92 right off of EPD right (do I have the right road in mind, Antioch)??? :blink: Hmmmm...that's pretty close to me - it's not spitting distance but it's close. So glad your hubby wasn't hit - but really - drive bys at 2-3Am, anytime for that matter, WTH is up with that, that crap has to stop! :angry:


    Edited becuase my original post was way to wordy, I was rambling, sorry.

  13. I would suspect that most people have heard and know about this law, but rather if they don't practice it that is because they make a concious choice to ignore it, such as they do wtih other traffic laws, like speed limits, stopping at stop signs and red lights, using turn signals, and the list goes on and on and on.


    There was and still is vast publicity on this law, espcially every time a public safety officer or road worker is hit, which is still - way to often! Case in point - a Marietta officer had their car door hit on I75, just last week I believe it was, and the law was talked about then, again, in print, radio, and tv news.


    The following website shows it went into effect July 1, 2003:




    Here is the actual State Code:




    Note: both those sites show the fine s/b $500, maybe it went up to $550 now, that I don't know.


    *if it were my sis I'd encourage her to pay up and deal with it - you do the crime you either pay the fine or do the time, good thing her crime is only a fine! If she does get off w/o paying, it does not mean that she is any less 'guilty', it just means she "got lucky"! ;) *

  14. I wouldn't think anything of it...06-06-2006....it's not just a 666 :o To me there's no differnce in 6-6-06 than 6-6-96...but who am I?


    Well I don't think you are looking at it right, it's not the 06/06/2006 or the 6/6/06, but it's 06/06/06...at least that's what I thought, but then, just like who are you, who am I to know anything.

  15. Well for one thing, if this really happened as stated - you say it was a secretary, she's not part of HR, and not involved with the interview process in any way/shape/form yet she called and asked all these personal questions of several supers at the current job - then I think your friend needs to steer clear of that new company she interviewed with as it's not a very good indication of the ethics at that new company (common sense would tell the new company to keep things confidential, and if they have employees - an employee - that does this sort of backstabbing when you don't even work their yet, yikes, trouble on the horizon!). On the other hand, could the current employer be pulling her bluff, that is, was the call recorded and she heard it all or was she just told this is what took place? Could it be they know about the interview and are trying to steer your friend away from leaving and going to the other company? I've seen some pretty underhanded stuff in all my years, office politics bite, that's for sure

  16. I saw the news, and what was presented as the prosecuting video of the 'horrible conditions'. One thing that immediately struck me is the thought of why I was watching a 'video' showing me how horrible this place is, instead of showing me the place itself, as is the case in most of these stories - the news moves in and you get actual film footage of the property, not some video shot who knows when. As the story continued and they did pan the property the reasons for the video presentation became more clear as the property didn't look anything like it anymore. If at one time it really was as bad as the video presented, then who cleaned it up, did the owner/friends clean it up or did the government step in and clean it up (before they shut it down, now that would be strange wouldn't it)? And, if it's cleaned up, why shut it down now? Or maybe is the horrible part somewhere else on the property and was not shown on the news? The story left a lot of questions, and my gut feeling after seeing the news story the other day was that there are 3 sides to a story, one side, the other side, and somewhere in the middle, usually leaning more to one side or the other - the truth.

  17. Is he looking at renting a house or an apartment? If he is interested in Apartments, have him call AMLI in Paulding county, over on Dallas hwy by Macland (right next to the Hardy lot). Last I knew from someone that lived there, they had some really great apartments at good prices, and, they come with a washer and dryer included which you can't beat with 2 children. Have him tell them he's Police and they may give him a discount, he'll never know unless he *tells them* - never ever 'ask' for a discount - that's the surest way for a rookie to get in big trouble, some (maybe most) departments fire for that! Anyhow, it would have to beat paying $300 a week (Yikes!), and maybe he can sign a short term lease and look for a house to rent or even buy as he gets to know the Atlanta metro area a little more. Also, thanks to him and your hubby for what they do - keeping our streets in Atlanta a little safer each day! :)

  18. HA HA HA, good ones! And about that 'push 1 for English" thing, not only is it bad enough that we have to 'push 1' to hear the rest of the dang prerecorded-non-human-message in our own language, but we have to actually wait for the dang thing to go through the entire Spanish instructions before we can PUSH 1! I've tried it on several phone lines, to push it right away, b4 the recording is through, I get a pause (and sometimes I think I even hear a non human sigh, or maybe it's a groan) and then it starts the entire recording all over again, or it just disconnects me totally! Go figure! And another thing about it, 'push ONE for English" is four short words, but the Spanish line, geez, "push TWO for Spanish" is four short words in English so why does it take a half minute of conversation, or longer, in Spanish to get that point across to someone.

  19. I would like to know who I can report a GSP officer to, b/c there was a wreck on my road lastnight and after the clean up, there was a GSP sitting at the bottom of the hill on MY side of the road, and he seen I needed to get by and continued to sit there. So hubby attempted to go around him (keep in mind we are on the bottom of a hill that people fly down) and another car came over the hill ( luckly this car wasnt flying) and we slammed on our breaks to keep from being hit. Amd that DUMB cop had the nerve to look at us like WE were stupid!! I want to report him b/c I could have been killed, b/c of him not wanting to park his precious little car out of the raod. Thanks for listening!!



    You have got to be kidding? If not, now I have seen it all on this board, unbelievable that you would even think of calling and complaining about this.

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