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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Do you want me to burst your bubble? If not - don't read the rest of this! - - - - - - -


    --- The answer is simple coding logic. All possible combination add up to a multiple of 9, and all the answers have the same symbol, but the symbols roate each time you 'start over' so it looks like it's giving you diff items:




    You pick a 2 digit #, add the numbers and subtract it from your original #, the answer will ALWAYS be multiple of 9 :


    10 - (1+0) = 9

    11 - (1+1)= 9

    and so on through the teen#'s;


    20 - (2+0) = 18

    21 - (2=!0 = 18

    as do the rest of the 20#'s


    30- (3+0)= 27

    31- (3+1)= 27

    and so on through the 30's


    and this goes on through the 40's (which add to 36),

    through the 50's (which add to 45),

    through the 60's (which add to 54),

    through the 70's (which add to 63),

    through the 80's(which add to 72,

    and through the 90s(which add to 81) -


    all those answers (9/18/27/36/45/54/63/72/81) all have the SAME symbol - but of course, the symbols rotate each time you 'start over' !


    (and if it didn't work for you, then you didn't add or subtract right! - if you choose a two digit # and ADD both the numbers and subtract it the only answer you can come to is one of the 9 numeric combos - work out all the combo's from 10 to 99, you'll see!) ;)


    Now I hope I didn't spoil anyone's night! :D

  2. IMO, If you have been separated for "a few years" as you said, then it's time for both of you to cut the ties, make it final, and do the big D - for gosh sakes then you can move on - it sounds like he already has, D or not. I see nothing wrong with his mom having dinner with them - she could be his next Mrs so of course she's not going to burn that bridge, meanwhile, the bridge between you and him is already burnt and don't be surprised if the smoke from that fire drives the MIL away - no matter what your relationship with her used to be, he is her son, you were just married into the family which soon will mean nothing - it is the rare family where the inlaws can all exist in harmony after a D, or even a separation! Good luck to you.

  3. onekid mom, that kroger around high shoals, do they have a specific sight picked out yet and/or have they started clearing the land yet?? is it north or south of high shoals rd. i had heard a while back that there was gonna be a grocery store that was gonna back up to the sheffield widelife mgmt. area...right close to braswell mtn. rd.


    thanks for any info


    oh, one more thing...this cannot be true, but my wife was at a yard sale last weekend on hwy 61 north and a lady said ga. power was down on hwy 61 doing work for a ...you guessed it, walmart....i think she was off her rocker...they got that 1 in acworth and the new one being built right next to the quick trip is exactly 2.8 miles from the old one...incredible.. you know all the growth rumors always include walmart stores..


    :huh: :huh: Really??? There is a Kroger going in on 61 by HS road? And there is a WM already being built you say by the QT - so I guess you mean the QT at 61 and 278? Really? Both were probably discussed prev on here but I guess I missed both of those topics! Wow. :blink:

  4. The land did indeed not pass perk, which the company should have known before they bought the place, duh! They offered it back to Gene [the guy who managed the dragstrip] and he told them to go to hell because he had already sold his equipment and before that the company were real asshats about letting the track stay open until they were ready to start building.


    So there were a couple guys out of South Carolina that were looking for a track to open and were very interested in "restoring" Southeastern Dragway and reopen it. However this fell through because Paulding County Commissioners said there would NEVER be another dragstrip in PC.


    PC then promised some developers they would get a sewer run out there and give them what they needed for sewage and so the company that bought it originally is selling it to a developer for a subdivision.


    Yay for greed. Dragstrip didn't bring in enough tax money to appease PC so they're bringing in more houses, traffic and congestion instead. While the kids are left with no legal track to race at, I wouldn't be surprised at all if street racing deaths rise since the track is gone.


    Oh and for where I got my information, we used to race there every Friday night and have talked to racers and the guys from SC that were interested in the track.



    I'm not understanding this, if they are going to run sewers for a residential subd to go in, then why would those sewers not be run for the commercial complex - why the difference, surely residential can't bring in more money than commercial, can it?

  5. if you don't like the laptop, get a docking station and you can then hook it up to your monitor, keyboard and mouse all at the same time..you won't even know you are on a laptop..and you can still detach your laptop and take it with you when you want to work wireless somewhere else.

  6. I'm glad the judges have some leniency here.


    This law requires a citizen to make a judgement call, which introduces a broad gray area.

    As such, the fine itself should be subject to a wide interpretation as well.

    Trust me when I tell you that if you swing blindly into an adjoining lane to abide by this law... and you slam into

    someone else... you will likely be ticketed for an unsafe/illegal lane change, failure to yield, or something like that.


    It's not, "Move over or else"... it's "Move over if you can safely do so... or slow down such that you could stop if you had to."

    Yes, that's generously paraphrasing it, but it's the spirit of the law as I understand it.

    Of course... IANAL and YMMV :D

    What one person may decide is enough room and/or time to pull over, may not be enough for someone else.

    Also, people may differ on what speed is slow enough that they could stop if they had to. Is it 20mph? 5mph? Whose call is that?

    This is always going to be a gray area.


    It's almost as bad of a gray area as the law that requires you to yield to all emergency vehicles.

    Ok... let's say it's a two lane bridge with traffic on both sides. What would you have us do, occifer?

    (That stretch of a point made... please know that I am among the majority who do whatever we can to get the heck

    out of the way for emergency vehicles... and get over when approaching any roadside emergency. When we can safely do so. )


    There isn't any gray area to it - you either move over or you get ticketed! Yes, of course if you can't move over then you CRAWL past - there is no speed in CRAWL, so again no grey area there either. Seems pretty black and white to me. Sometimes it's the simplest things that are so hard for so many to understand.

  7. I'm the opposite - I dont think $550 is high enough, how can anyone put a price on someone's LIFE! Yes, it is someone's life on the line when people don't move over. :angry: But now as for your sis, well good for her, but I hope this does not stop others from obeying this law..the judge may not be so lenient on others.

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