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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Hi, I don't watch that show, but I'm guessing it's filmed in NY like the other morning shows, right? Well I don't know abut the EPHS students, but I know there was a Ladies group from a Paulding County church that was in NY this past weekend, and today too I think, so maybe they were part of that church group (if they were female, you didn't say)...and if they weren't together - WOW - then that would be TWO Paulding County groups in NY this weekend/today!

  2. HERE is the link to the original story from Oct 31 - his PICTURE and ADDRESS is in this original story so you can track who it is to be on the lookout for:






    Unfortunately, this perv got out on a $3,000 bond. The state asked for NO BOND, his attorney asked for a $10,000 bond, but Good Ole Judge Osborne felt sorry for the mother because of her "lacks of funds to post bond". He kept on stating that Mr. Burnett had been charged with "looking at dirty pictures".

    I know everyone has rights and right to fair trial, but what about the rights of the victims and the neighbours around this guy.


    Everyone, please pray for the surrounding community.


    Note these details taken from that orignal story link posted above:


    "Police say they found thousands of pornographic images of children on Christopher Burnette's computer.


    They also found cameras, film, printed images and videotapes of child porn at Burnette's home


    the children in the images range from seven to 15 years old.


    It appears some of the pictures are homemade and include Burnette, according to officials "



    Well, if a judge in this county considers the possession of and the making of CHILD PORN to be nothing more than 'dirty pictures', what the heck does that say about him - Child porn - only dirty pictures?!?! That is a disgusting attitude for a judge to have! :angry:

  3. I am having a hard time deciding on an "issue" and thought that I would see if y'all could give me your honest opinion . . . .

    :unsure: OK here goes . . .

    My son's 8th Birthday is next Friday the 10th, but . . . . the gift that I am giving him was pre-ordered and will be released on Tuesday the 7th.


    My question is if it is "Ethical" to pick up the gift, :ninja: open it up and play it / practice when he's not at home :ninja:, and then wrap it up and give it to him for his Birthday?

    (dang, I really need to learn "FreeBird" before his friends come over to spend the night! B) )



    Thanks! That is what I was thinking too. Usually when there are a lot of :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: and a lot of B) B) B) and maybe some :unsure: :unsure: you can tell that the post is supposed to be a joke or somewhat humerous. Guess it didn't work . . . :wacko:



    Well, I'm sure that poster didn't take your OP as joke, I know I didn't know you were joking, but thanks for clarifying that -good to know you weren't really thinking about doing this.

  4. Well, it's posts like these that always make me wonder WTH I missed, because as usual I'm lost, but sometimes it's good being lost as it doesn't sound like anything I'd want to know about anyhow- so sood luck, good life - health, wealth, and all that stuff- to you.

  5. we should have a support group for it.. that's when I started too :D Mom thought it would be an 'ok' thing for me to try since it was just kinda bleachy streaky... she never thought I'd go over the edge into (literally) trying every color in the rainbow :D





    ...Good luck on your new look, it's always so much fun to try a new one. :)

  6. AHEM, this dog 'wandered' into this persons yard and to my knowledge this person has not had it to a vet or to the shelter to see if it is chipped or to see if anyone has been looking for it at the shelter, nor do I believe this person called all the local vets to see if anyone reported a lost dog. That being said, if I am wrong than I apologize, but, if none of that was done than it is not this persons right to "give" this dog that simply 'wandered into their yard' away to anyone. Someone somewhere could be searching for this dog, and could be heartbroken that it is gone, please - please - if someone takes this dog, please make attempts to at least see if it is chipped or if a lost dog notice has been placed with the shelter or the local vets - losing a dog and never finding it is heartbreaking, don't do that to someone..and then on the other hand...if it is not chipped and if no one is looking for it..than may happy tails wag in your future.

  7. Hi, no it is not wrong to feel as you do, but realize that part of that is the pressures put on by society; we read about others experiences (celebrities, CEO's and even common folk) and the expectations translate back to us that we should have more than we have, we should go more places, do more things, etc., but really, you just need to find happiness with what you have. Now, let me also tell you, speaking as someone that's been married 32 years last month, you will have your turn, in time, and when that time comes, you'll sit back in the quiet and wonder where the days with the children/teens/young adults went..I know now it seems like that day will never come...but it will. Enjoy today, enjoy everyday, for you never know what tomorrow brings. ~ Hugs ~ and Happy 22nd! :)

  8. This isn't about WHO got fired, it's about WHY they got fired - I read the story on several sites and I'm really PO'd that this was due to a dispute and lawsuit brought by those Spanish DJ's - THIS IS AMERICA - if they don't like things here then they should go home and broadcast from their own COUNTRY - then they won't have to piss and moan about AMERICANS being disrespectful to them and their culture. Clear Channel clearly wimped out on this one, taking the easy way out and they may think they made a good business decision in regards to the lawsuit, but they made a bad decision in regards to standing up for AMERICA; all things aren't as Disney as they seem.

  9. Where are you located and do you get the neighbor newspaper (do you remember what that is, one of those things that people used to read long before technology brought p.com to us! :lol: ) , anyhow, it listed a subdivsion sale over in the West Cobb/Powder Springs area for tomorow Sat the 21st, 8-3, Echo Mill subdivsion, on Corner Road between Dallas hwy and Macland Road and it said 'treasure maps at each entrance' - sounds like it might be worth checking out, but I'm not exactly sure where it is..the only Corner Rd I know is off of Lost Mountain Road so I'm hoping they have signs in that area, otherwise, I'll be the one driving around aimlessly in that area.

  10. Akat, I really was not going to reply to this thread, but something is compelling me to. There ARE (as others have put it) red flags all over this story - in the past her own todder dropping his baby sister and breaking her leg (!?), her havng a previous 'late night', and what exactly did that mean, was she partying or up with a sick child (!?), her not calling your daughter when the incident occurred (!?). Now I'm glad your grandson is okay, but, the incident should still be reported to the authorities, along with the other information you know about the prior incident and her late night status, so that this woman can be investigated and it can be determined if there was abuse or neglect, even if nothing comes out of the investigation, don't you bet she'll be on her toes a little more from then on out? Think of it this way - the life you save, may be that of another child, think of the 'what if'..what if your child had not been okay? what if there is abuse or neglect going on, the next unsuspecting parent and child that she takes in, or even one of her own, may not be so lucky? Again, there may be nothing to it and it may be just an accident, she may be cleared, but, at least you'll know you tried, you'll know there will be a report just in case they were wrong and there does happen to be another incident in the future, and, above all, she'll know that others are watching and not afraid to take action when they see or suspect foul play. She opened her home to childcare and took in a child for which she received compensation for watching, that's employment, and at that point she opened herself up to scrutiny at the highest level, so there is no feeling sorry for her about reporting an incident like this.

  11. The funeral home could be sending her parents the bill if they are the executors of her estate. His assets might be frozen, and if that's the case, then her estate should pay, not her parents. I know that doesn't sound nice, but really, why should the funeral home have to be the ones to lose? If I perform a service for you and you die, then your estate pays. It's only when the estate has no assets that the bill becomes uncollectable.



    sucks that she should be responsible for her own cremation after her hubby murdered her.

    When I worked at a dr's office and did collections, when a patient died and they had a large outstanding balance, we first of course had to make sure all insurance policies paid, and then that the estate paid if there was one. BUT in cases that were stuck in court, we had to wait our turn, we received a letter of promise from the attorneys stating that upon settlement the debt would be paid. What I would figure is they would at least have to hold the bill until his assets are decided upon and payment is sent where it is due. Not try to collect from anyone who they think would pay.


    BUT WAIT, you two are talking about someone BEING ALIVE and having a service performed, then they die, and how that debt is collected. In this case, SHE WAS ALREADY DEAD when the service was performed, so it's not like she arranged the service herself. Now, before any service WAS performed (service being cremation of a deceased person) a legal document would have been (should have been if the cremator was any type of legitimate business) written up and signed as to guarantee payment, so, whoever signed that document agreeing to payment is responsible - and from what was said here, that was him, right - he went in and requested the cremation and signed the forms agreeing to payment? Thus, he should be held responsible, but unfortunately, the two of them were still married at the time of her death, and so now they have probably found one of the loop holes in our system that 'allow' them to go after "her" estate to pay the debt (or maybe it's even written into the contract?) since they know they will never get it out of him. Besides, now that he plead guilty, and since they were married and Ga is a coproperty state, won't "his" estate/assests now become "her" estate/assets anyhow? I sure hope it ALL goes to her family and those little boys, but I'm forseeing a long legal process with his family in that regard, and another thing - how do you explain to two little boys that their mother is dead, never coming back, never will hold them or kiss them again, and that their dad is the awful person who took her away from them and left them to find her and report the act - I can never get over how a dad could do that to his own children - he's cold, he's cruel, and he should have got the death penalty himself - slow, and painful - I know you didn't ask, but I told you anyhow - that's how I feel about him and what he did. okay, off my soapbox now.

  12. Sometimes people only look at the deductible, but there is a lot more to compare than just the deductible...look at it in YEARLY costs and the current condition of your health.


    For example: The first plan you list is 2568.00 per year/ for the 2nd plan you listed 2 different monthly premium amounts: 275.00 and 249.55 (which is it?) - at 275.00 pm the 2nd plan w/b 3300.00 per year, at 249.55 the 2nd plan would be 2994.60 per year. Difference between plans 1 and 2 is either a 732.00 annual difference or a 426.60 annual difference.


    Now both plans allow copays of $40.00 for office visits - for plan 1 that is for the first 6 in the year but given your history of only going to the doctor once last year, 6 should be more than enough unless your health was to deteriorate this year.


    IF on the off chance you become sicker this year, or develop an illness of some sort - plan 1 has a 2K out of pocket max whereas plan 2 - not only did you pay more every month (to the tune of that 732.00 or 426.60 yearly figure) but you also have a very high out of pocket maximum of 7500.00.


    Okay, then why would you want to pay an extra 732.00 or 426.60 per year for plan 2, beats me, I'd go with plan 1.

  13. Solutions for old computers: sit it on the floor next to your desk that you have your new one on; put a hammer or baseball bat next to it; then when your NEW one crashes, locks up, gives you other problems, or you find something you don't like on the net, bash the heck out of the OLD one; slow internet site? BAM; bank shows you overdrawn, again? BAM; yeah, you get the idea, this will keep your new one new longer because you won't be bashing the heck out of that new keyboard, and it solves the issue of what to do with that old computer, works great, not that I would know though. :D

  14. Nelson is in Pickens county on the line with Cherokee..up 575/5 between Ballground and Jasper- OMG- they just had this on the news..I'm in another room but I *think* it was this wreck they were talking about and I *think* they said the car was down in the ditch for FIVE hours before they found it - and there are several children in the car..I may have heard wrong....they said they will update so I'm sure it will be on again at 5 and 6. Oh my, not Paudling but no matter, thoughts and prayers to whoever/whereever.


    Edit: follow up news story said this started as a missing persons case because the mom and her 2 children never showed up at the babysitters today; they found the overturned car in a ditch several hours later - mother was dead, 2 children in the car in serious condition - one was 4 years old and one was 7 months old. This is just to sad, that poor mom, those poor babies, so sad. :(

  15. Dream job would be to not have a job but still have lots and lots of money; Dream city would be to spend some of that lots and lots of money visiting everywhere but home would always be right here where I'm already at, close to the children and grandone. Ah dreams, they are what makes life so great! :)

  16. CANNON? Is that what THAT is (was)?!? If I go outside I can hear the band and even the cheering/jeering and I'm between one to two miles away - but then I'm inside and then came the BOOMS - and then there was lots of traffic zooming up/down/around the road - wow - I thought someone was shooting and chasing each other out there..guess the two weren't even related but for awhile there, me and dogs were about to get under the bed. :ninja:

  17. I've been a variable plan 4ever I think and last year I got the screws put to me; the experts out there are saying to keep on floating but I went ahead and locked in as I went back and looked at 2 years worth of bills and none of my monthly per therm prices were lower than what the fixed rate now is so I wondered what the real chance would be for the variable rates to stay low for many more months (this month the variable rate is actually lower than it has been for the entire last 2 years). Yeah, it's all a gamble but after last year I decided to do the fixed rate, so I'll see what happens through this year to know what I want to go next year.

  18. Yeah, you know who your dumb A$$ is! You had your 3 kids with you, a red tank top on and a tattoo of "liza" on your arm.


    WTF do you think you are doing, walking up to strangers asking if they "want to save money....no, seriously, I have $250 worth of food stamps and I'll sell them to you for $150!"?


    You asked the wrong person today! Yeah, I'm the one that blew your sorry a$$ in! Uh, huh, I want straight to the manger! Three kids you have!!! Don't be so selfish, if YOU don't want the food (and evidently, from your looks, your a good eater :o ) buy it for your kids! EVERYONE needs food, why not use it like it was meant to be used? Better yet, don't need food...STOP ACCEPTING THEM!!!! What were you going to do with the money...need some drugs, maybe?


    Now, I don't mind if a person is on WIC, foodstamps or other assistance...IF NEEDED and trying to better their lives, I was one that was on assistance....got our lives in order and no longer am! You OBVIOUSLY aren't trying to better your life by trying to "scam the governtment", and doing it infront of INNOCENT CHILDREN no less. Great, now we have the possiblity of having 3 more "no goods" running around this world!


    Uggh! You disgust me! Take your big butt and GET A JOB!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:



    Ok, so these were my thoughts as I read your above post: they were probably STOLEN, either that or the card was empty and she'd be long gone b4 the buyer found that out.

  19. we have used the shock collar for awhile and it works great. our dog has thick fur so we just shaved it around his neck.



    Bark Collars/ Shock collars, I looked at PMart and wow, those things are expensive, did you find somewhere cheaper?

  20. I have one with a gas starter..but it's been at least a decade, maybe more, since I used it and my house is old and I know I'd burn the place down if I tried to light anything in it..I got me an outside fireplace that's great for sitting around on chilly evenings, but that's not any good when it's downright cold out. sigh.

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