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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. I've always followed the case somewhat closely because I was living in Denver at the time of the murder and moved to Georgia around the same time the Ramsey's moved back to Georgia. I've had my suspicions on the parents and their son...but my consious reminds me that PEOPLE ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.


    This will really make for a highly publisized case...I do hope for the Ramsey's sake that the man caught is indeed the killer. (Though he admitted it...why would his ex-wife say he was in Alabama at the time of the murder...unless he "subcontracted"?)


    The newest press releases say that he wrote Patsey letters before her death (June 24th), and she had tipped off law enforcement about his possible involvment...though she is dead, I'm sure her spirit won't fully rest until justice is served.



    :o Really, you were in Denver at the time and then moved back to Ga at the same time they did?!? :o Hmm....so do tell, where were you on that night? :ninja:



  2. Question.


    was he arrested for JB Ramsey's case




    another charge and then he said he did it?




    As is often the case in early reports, details contradict one another : There have been news reports that he was already being detained in Thai for sex charges unrelated to the JB case. However, then have also been news reports quoting high up the chain Thai police saying he was not under any prior arrest or detention for any crimes committed in their country (really, do they even have sex crimes in that country, given their history, I didn't think there was such as a thing as a 'sex crime' over there :o ).




    No, he was arrested by the FBI for the 1st degree murder of JonBenet.

    The police have said that he knew details that ONLY the killer would know.

    And there was quite a bit of evidence at the crime scene that

    pointed to a lone intruder...



    IMO, there is no such thing as 'only the killer knowing certain details', even with things not being released publicly there is someone other than the killer that knows those details, and often times those someone's talk so it is really not hard for someone else to find out those details - especially if that someone else is obsessed with the case like this guy was. Yes, I do think it was someone 'outside' of the family, but I'm just not so convinced it was this guy, like I said earlier, I do so hope..we'll see.

  3. I so do hope they have the right person, and if they have DNA evidence tht matches to him that will certainly be the clincher to this case. However, in watching him and in reading some of the details on this and his background, I'm not getting a real good feeling about this guy actually being the one.


    He comes off a little to zealous for the attention, and he's spouting out answers way to easy - being almost 10 years later that seems way odd to me, that is, hiding it this long to act like that now, that just doesn't sit right. He has a history of being obsessed with this case (as well as another), to the point of doing research on this case and writing about it. One report even mentions that he interviewed her grandparents (See the WSB-TV article: http://www.wsbtv.com/news/9692939/detail.html ) . This obsession may explain knowing 'details that no others would know' - people obsessed like this often find ways to obtain details that even the most seasoned journalist can't dig up. Then there is also the issue of his family members claiming he was with them that night, spending Chrsitmas in Georgia or Alabama, but not anywhere near Colorado.


    Now as for being obsessed with this case, people obsessed like this actually convince themselves they did it, because in their own fantasy world 'they really did', but in the real world, not so. I'm going to sit back and watch this unfold, for I do so hope they have the right person and not just some sicko that gets a thrill from the publicity.

  4. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cause any confusion!


    I don't think, personally, that her parents had anything to do with her murder. But yes, like you have said, an arrest is not a conviction. My sentiment was that I truly, truly hope they found the person who really did this, can prove that, and once and for all leave this family alone!


    Agreed, it is only an arrest, let's hope they can make the case stick now.

  5. I truly hope this case can be resolved. I hope they can prove someone outside of the family perpetrated this crime. I hope that if it was someone outside of the family, that MONSTER can be caught and brought to some kind of justice.


    That would be such a relief and vindication to the family, who has lived under the shadow of suspicion for so many long and painful years. Supposing that they are truly innocent, I cannot imagine how losing their daughter and then having their lives be so disrupted by the media coverage and all of the hype this case has received for so long has just ruined their lives.


    Not saying that I fall on either side--but how great it would be if they found the one who killed this small child, and could lay the suspicion of the family to rest forever.


    I hope I hope I hope.


    HUH? They made an arrest..true the person is not convicted yet, but an arrest is something - they have to have some sort of evidence..so I'm not sure I understand your comments? Not trying to start a brawl with you, I just didn't understand.

  6. If this is indeed the killer it is so sad that Mrs. Ramsey did not live long enough to know who killed her daughter. She went to her grave knowing that some people thought that she was involved.


    Oh, I think she knows what took place today....this is just so soon after Patsy passed, and I'm a strong believer in the paranormal and I'm certain she had something to do with clues and/or evidence turning up..a mama never gives up, even from the other side! May they both rest a little more peaceful now.

  7. HI BBM, your user id says it all - you surely are "Blessed By Many" ..many people, many things..there are so many good people and things in your life, yet right now, that may be hard to see. You have a lot of friends on here and a lot will be there to pamper you - sometimes you need that, it's good!! My thoughts to you during this difficult time, chin up girl - you'll make it through this! :)

  8. You are a NEW customer and you have been waiting HOW LONG?!? I'm with WADE - and I'm not a new customer (and I think they'd be even nicer to a NEW customer versus someone they already are doing service for already) - well so I called them one day a month or so back to ask if I could get another can because the bottom of mine was cracked and she said sure, and then she APOLOGIZED because she said the pickup people should have noticed that for me (but in their defense, the bottom of the can was really dirty so I don't think they could even tell it was cracked, only when I went and cleaned it out did I even notice it!), and then she APOLOGIZED AGAIN because she said they wouldn't be able to get it to me "that day" but it would be a 'few days maybe' : the guy brought me a brand new one the very next day!! Now THAT is GREAT SERVICE! :)

  9. I just saw the report on the news - yes, it is THE Jimmy that they showed. I have met him on occasion and he is really a swell guy. While I can't say that I understand his devotion to the worst of the worst, I believe he is not out to get them a free ride, but he does play the game that our justice system has created in the courts, and he plays it oh so well. That is my opinion, you are certainly entitled to yours.

  10. When my son left for Parris Island (Marine boot camp) I was a basket case the entire time he was there.

    He on the other hand, did exceptionally well with it! Afterwards, I realized that I was more traumatized by it than he was - I'm the mom and didn't want to let go, but he was a man spreading his wings, and flying! ...your daughter is spreading her wings and flying, speaking figuratively now but soon that will be more literal - hang in there mom , she'll do fine, you'll do fine!! (send her lots of letters and cards to keep her spirits up and keep her encouraged, but don't expect a whole lot of correspondence back - keep us updated as you do hear from her) :)

  11. She lost before and she came back - like a bad nail fungus: irritating, ugly, smells bad, you think you get rid of it - but it comes back! And the REAL SCARY thing is that some 40% of the people actually VOTED for her, so what was up with THAT, did she pay off the majority of those..or have her goons threaten them...or maybe - and this is likely the key - they are just as racist as she is so of course they support her! No, the fungus may be dead this time, but I don't think we've seen the last of it, unfortunate as that is for Georgia.

  12. Yeah, well I watched the bus come down my road this morning and none of the children even rode it today - the bus crawled past my neighbors houses watching and waiting for some sign of little life but there was none. Now I understand parents wanting to take their children to school on the first day, but I thought, geez -

    WHAT A WASTE for that bus to be driving around empty through the subdivisions! It sure seems like there ought to be a better way to communicate who's riding from where and when.

  13. From what I've read in parenting books/magazines this can be an all to common thing in part they say because new parents are sleep deprived and not in the 'habit' yet of having someone to keep up with. The solution offered - take a stuffed animal - small enough to put in your purse (or for a guy, your pocket) but big enough to be 'noticed' if you put it in your purse/pocket; put that stuffed animal in the car seat; when you put your child in the carseat - take the stuffed animal and put it in your purse/pocket; when you take your child OUT of the carseat, put the stuffed animal back in the car seat; if you dare get into work, a store, or the house - and you STILL HAVE that stuffed animal in your purse/pocket then you will immediately know you left your CHILD in the car (hence this is why it must be big enough to be something you will NOTICE right away) ! I thought that solution made a lot of sense! I hope it helps someone.

  14. I'm amazed about how you can state your personal opinion by saying 'we don't need to know the rest' - I wasn't aware of the existence of paulding.com's collective conscience. :D


    Of course it's a leak, duh. So? Since when is that a problem on here?


    Anyways, thank goodness I asked before ending up having to defend myself (or my 'leaks' :lol: ) before the forum's internal information tribuneral. Have a great day.


    PUBBY: I'm absolutely willing to share what I know via PM, I hope that doesn't jeopardize my membership on paulding.com ;) If so, let me know and I will indeed surrender to the out-of-control hear-say on paulding.com about the case and let it be.



    I guess you read what YOU want to read- because I did state "IMO" on the beginnig of MY PREVIOUS POST..that means (let me SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU) : IN MY OPINION ... WE HAVE THE ARREST SO WE DON"T NEED TO KNOW THE REST" !! Yes, that is how I FEEL - IN MY OPINION "I", "ME", "MY" see no reason why anyone would need to know 'grim details' (your words, not mine) - obviously you have YOUR OPINION and you are just dying to tell what you know, WHATEVER!

  15. Why is it that there has to be a topic description with every new post? I think if someone gives a good title then a description should not be necessary. The attitude that everyone has had today is a bit on the annoying side. I know that alot of things have happened in our llittle part of the world the past couple of days but the way everyone is acting really is not the best way to go about getting new members...paying or non paying. I know quite a few people who after today are talking about not even bothering to come back here. They have told me that they are sick of the bashing and the belly aching and the arguing. I think everyone needs to take a step back and think about what you are going to say before you start typing it. This is just my opinion and my personal observation. Not trying to get any backs up on this but I felt the need to say something after I have read the topics that have been posted today. It is really very disturbing to me.


    The TOPIC is mandatory, you can't start a new thread without some hint of what it is about. The DESCRIPTION is 'optional' (it says that too) - that means put one if you want, or dont' put one if you don't want. Does that help?


    As for the rest of your post, I haven't read most of what's been on here today so I can't comment on the rest of your questions. Sorry, maybe another day.

  16. Mr Ewing is part of the Georgia Department if Industry and Trade for many, many years, and I would have to assume he, as well as Mrs Ewing have met with the Governor on many occaisions at various State and/or Industry events.


    I think the Governor would release a similar statement for any member of his staff and I applaud his compassion as a boss who has some compassion for his workers.


    Agreed. The very intro of the speech, "Mary and I", should give people a clue that it was a personal tragedy for them and the rest of the intro should give them a clue that it was a tragedy to the Team Georgia Family..I believe I've heard various Presidents of the United States make similar speeches at times when a death of a public official occurred, or spouse of one.

  17. From someone like me who supports our Law Enforcement, has had the pleasure in the past and present of working with Law Enforcement here and in another county, no matter what level they are in the agencies, I would like to use this public outlet to go public and state, THANK YOU to the fine and dedicated men and women of our Law Enforcement community for their hard work of the following agencies did in getting an arrest so fast of Michael William Ledford in the murder of Mrs. Jennifer Ewing of Cobb County.


    To the following Law and Law Enforcement Agencies:


    Paulding County Sheriffs Office

    Dallas PD

    The GBI & the GBI Crime Lab

    The State Patrol

    Smyrna Police

    The Marshall's office

    Cobb County PD

    …and the Paulding County DA's office


    A job well done and a huge Thanks again for your dedication and professionalism that you display each and every day in a job that always has an element of danger, is sometimes thankless, but nonetheless, helps keep us safe as best as possible and the pursuit of justice.


    May God rest Mrs. Jennifer Ewing soul and comfort her and may God comfort the Ewing family in their time of grief. To the family of Mrs. Ewing, we support you and have prayers for you in this time time of need. God Bless you.



    Absolutely. They may get complained about but they are there when we need them and they are always in the way of danger. We sometimes, as the public forget that part of it not to mention the low pay they get for putting their lives on the line for us.



    Good posts DW, I agree!

  18. I already posted this in one of the other Ewing-threads but since this is the most recent or updated one..


    I've heard some grim details about the case today (no hear-say, simple facts) but I'm not sure in which one of the numerous threads about the topic to post them. It concerns Ledford's injuries as well as how the connection was even made between him and the victim.. Let me know if at all (since those details have not been released yet) and where to post this or if anyone already did so..



    IMO - keep it to yourself! Whatever info you have is either false or it's a leak - any leaks of confidential info has the potential of jeopordizing the case against the DP. Besides, we have the arrest - we don't need to know the rest! Let it be.

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