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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. I am not sure you know, but J Honyesuckle is a VERY invasive plant. Yes, it smells good, but enjoy it in the wild and do a happy dance if you don't have it already invading your property, you are one of few.


    Here are just a few introductory links on it, but if you do a search you will find lots more:








  2. BM, it IS FREE and Hp would not put it there if they didn't want you to use it so you ain't stealing (in reference to your CD comment!) - it is an actual honest to goodness freebie - gasp - such a thing in today's world is so hard to comprehend I know!!


    GG - there are lots of cards and stationary designs out there - there is a real cute kids truck border design in the whimsical stationary section. I'm only trying to help but if you can't find what you are looking for then perhaps you need to spend that $20 and buy that software that BM is promoting! :lol:


    Good luck to you!

  3. u could always buy a cheap program for about 20 dollars, and then you could use it for as many holidays as u like. They have thousands and thousands of pics and borders



    Save your $20, go to the HP Activity Center and get projects for free! Check out the link I posted.

    Yeah you're right but you pay for what you get. "Nothings Free"




    Did you go look at the site, and try some of the projects? I'm really not understanding your reply here?

  4. u could always buy a cheap program for about 20 dollars, and then you could use it for as many holidays as u like. They have thousands and thousands of pics and borders



    Save your $20, go to the HP Activity Center and get projects for free! Check out the link I posted.

  5. I have worked at a gas station before, and after a certain time, it was prepay only. And never fail, every night, i was yelled at by multiples of customers because they think they should'nt have to prepay. I think it's ridiculous thatmany can't understand this concept. We need to find something to help prevent drive-off's, and if it's those little cards, so be it. There is going to problems with it, because of course, nothing is fool-proof, but as long as there are drive-offs, gas prices aren't going to lower. People complain about what are representatives are doing about it. Those people should have a little something called a Voter's Registration Card. At the next county-wide, state-wide, and nation-wide election, GO VOTE. If you can't make it on election day, file for an absentee ballot. Don't just complain about prices, steal gas, and think things will change. You have to take action, write a letter to the government. Do something other than STEAL and get yourself in trouble.



    And just exactly WHO are you talking to in your post? :angry2: I read all the posts on this thread, my previous one included, and I don't see anyone stating THEY stole gas or that THEY condone it :excl:

  6. They had a news report on recently about gas stealing, they then talked with one gas station owner who said when pump prices go up he's paying more to get it too (okay, I figured that one); he said he actually only makes a few cents per gallon (well that's what he said so who am I to know any different); so he said that when someone drives off with a $50 tank of gas he litterly has to sell THOUSANDS of gallons to make up the majority of that money that he lost - the money he already paid out to the gasoline company!!


    Oh, and ALWAYS get a receipt, especially if you are paying CASH, but even if you are paying by credit/debit card. It's a good piece of proof - right then and there - that you PAID in case the finger is pointed at you in a case of mistaken identity or the clerk has a memory lapse or is dishonest! <_<

  7. Hi, I know someone that got a toddler tux from Bridal World in HIram recently for a wedding the little guy is in next month (you responded to my previous post asking for suggestions and I told them to check you out). Well, I heard that you were really helpful and that your prices are really good!! Thanks! :)

  8. Just saw the swat team and six sheriff's go by the old greystone building. Anyone know what's going on??????????



    Why do you even care what SWAT is doing? If its not directly involving you, its none of your buisness



    Why do you care what this post is about then? You evidentally have NO CLUE! If this was in your neighborhood would you not be curious to what has happened???



    In MY OPINION, sometimes to much information to soon can be a bad thing; they are either out there doing a job or doing training. If they are doing a JOB then it's probably not wise to post the details on here before they get into position even - and - regardless of it is around your 'hood, if you were in danger you'd be notifed - either to stay put or evacuate! <_< Now, once they are in position or have apprehended the subjects they set out to apprehend, then post away - at that point their mission isn't compromised!

  9. When I worked in the high rise office bldg over by Perimeter Mall, we used to have to do FIRE DRILLS, mandated by the county over there, and we had like 4K+ people milling around on the streets - fire trucks on site (planned drill, but they always sent several out anyhow) and Police (to keep the roudy's in control, you let someone out from a cubicle no telling WHAT they'd do :p )! It always threw others in the area into a frenzy - the stories that went around about why we were all evacuated showed what great imagination Corporate America had! :lol:

  10. It was not the entire county, I've been here all day and mine never went off at all, they didn't even flicker today; I'm off East Paulding and Lucille, that's the road across from WalMart Road (yeah, I know it's not called WalMart Road but it might as well be! ;) ) ..but...I have Cobb EMC over here whereas most of the county I think has Greystone or Ga Power so that could be why mine didn't go off when others did. :) Did anyone ever find out what it was that caused this wide outage?

  11. HI, I don't have a car so I can't help with that, just wanted to say that I'm glad you are okay. I hate that things are so tough for you as it sounds as if you are burning the candle at both ends AND the middle too! I hope everything works out. :)

  12. They have confirmed 2 tornadoes in Polk, and two in Cobb. I've been thru tornadoes before and the wind we had in Dallas seemed to be just straightline winds.


    And yes, I heard the sirens in Dallas, it's what woke us up.


    HI, I heard the same on the news this morning, F1's they said. Listen to the people on the news and read the things on here and then think - F1's ?!?! - wow, can you even imagine what the higher F numbers are like then! :o And guess what was playing on TV yesterday afternoon on TBS - I saw it on around noon/1oclock-ish: TWISTER!! :blink:

  13. Sounds like mo have power back, but not me and not those in my area. There is a line down in my front yard from where the pine tree top fell on it - man that is a BIG tree top..I went out there, took a big SNIFF, then thought - eww- eww - I got to go SHOPPING, bake cookies, start cooking - then I snapped out if it and realized it's not CHRISTMAS, just smells like it out there! :lol:


    I called the Cobb EMC (wow, those folks are always so nice, really are good people there) but lots of outages so no telling when they'll get to this. It may even be a cable line, I can't tell - all I know is it's a line off of the pole.


    UH oh - now my laptop battery is puttzing out on me, won't be on here for long.


    Sounds like mo have power back, but not me and not those in my area. There is a line down in my front yard from where the pine tree top fell on it - man that is a BIG tree top..I went out there, took a big SNIFF, then thought - eww- eww - I got to go SHOPPING, bake cookies, start cooking - then I snapped out if it and realized it's not CHRISTMAS, just smells like it out there! :lol:


    I called the Cobb EMC (wow, those folks are always so nice, really are good people there) but lots of outages so no telling when they'll get to this. It may even be a cable line, I can't tell - all I know is it's a line off of the pole.


    UH oh - now my laptop battery is puttzing out on me, won't be on here for long.

  14. It's getting light out now and the birds are out and chirping, guess they must know it's over huh! Uh oh - I got a big pine tree top sitting half in the front yard and half in the street. That's not good but I'm sure a lot of others have it a lot worse.

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