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Everything posted by stbarts

  1. I got Skittles because I always hear the schools fussing about 'peanuts'. I hope I don't get sued for passing out Skittles and causing a child a cavity ! Heaven forbid ! Some people are never happy
  2. stbarts

    Job Fair

    Take many copies of your resume to give to all companies you are interested in . Also take a pen , some get mad at people who are not prepared . Although , many companies will most likely be passing out free pens & goodies. GOOD LUCK !
  3. Had 200 between 6-7:30 , had to turn the porch light off . Next year I will have to buy more ! Plus , this was a Wednesday and many children were at church functions . So remind me next year to have 500 pieces of candy .. Now I have to find some 50% off chocolate for me !
  4. Went to Crossroads Library today . It took about 15 minutes . My daughter went with me . This is the first year she is able to vote . The poll worker told her she was so proud about how many young people were voting this year . I thought it was very nice of that woman to chat with my daughter .
  5. We had 200 Halloween size bags of Skittles . Kids starting coming around 6, all candy was gone by 7:30 . My daughter asked me to run & get more but it was too late so we just turned our lights off . I felt bad because there were still tons of kids running around . I don't know who any of the kids were , if they live here or not . But they were all so darn cute ! I dont care if they live here or not ! Oh , and some were older which I dont mind either . It's kids night & lasting memories for them !
  6. I just put Weather Channel on . This is crazy
  7. Wind is already blowing around my house
  8. feelip I needed a good laugh tonight
  9. I can't watch . My blood pressure can't take it
  10. I have the Shark vav / steam mop and I love it
  11. She looks like a sweet cat . We have enough , but I am bumping this up for you
  12. 1 debate does not sway my opinion . Most of my friends and my life have been turned upside down the last 3 years ! I want to smack that smirk off of obamas face ! They talk about weapons, women, college . But what about the middle class & lower middle class man . Do they have no rights ? Mt vote will be determined on the h-e-l-l- i have had to endure the last 3 years . My friends whose husbands have lost their jobs , retirement & benefits > My crappy $10.00 an hour job I am trying to raise my family on .. obama had 'tutors' for this debate . I bet he took ritalin !
  13. Not to highjack , but if your kids go to clubs , look up the drug 'Molly'. It's a big thing now . And you hear the name 'Molly" in many songs . Sounds sweet & innocent , but it's not
  14. he's a wonderful man. stay strong
  15. I am so proud of whoever the young lady is who called 911 and reported him ! If she reads this , I'd like her to know my prayers are with her and the other girl involved . I do not judge , I pray she can move ahead & never look back . Monsters like him need to be stopped ! Thank God he was stopped before he killed someone .Thats what happens to all these missing girls ! He is truely a sicko !
  16. I feel for you . I know what your going through . I was robbed at a place of work about 6 years ago and I was very traumatized . It's so scary, I know how you feel . It actually gave me anxiety attacks . And my situation was not even half as bad as yours . my thoughts and prayers are with you . just get some rest and count your blessings
  17. I think it's a sad society when he is treated like an adult if he had been abused for years , and freed when he turned 18 ! Diane Sawyer had a special with Jaycee Dugard and the story sickened me .Jaycee was over 18 when she was found . Her community supported her. I heard today that they had taken Mitch's eye glasses away , and an eye doctor has donated a new pair ! Thats what I'm talking about ! Jaycee also said she found comfort in horse therapy , people need to donate time and talent . Even though Mitch wasn't kidnapped . he was held against his will. I feel his mother is the most gu
  18. I went to that class with my daughter , we also took a couple of her friends. A police officer talked candidly about accidents . They showed videos of reenactments of teens in accidents. The videos are good, not lame, and they do make an impression on you . They also had a guest speaker and Judge Anderson spoke. Every parent should go and every teen. It's a wonderful program. It is very tastefully done , and does make an impact
  19. Mine is up $200.00 from last year . And it's $200.00 higher than what it was when my house was worth $70,000 more .. Hoping the ecomomy picks up so I can sell it .
  20. He is a great speaker & I voted for him back in the day. I bet he could talk anyone into buying a time share or snake oil My neice ran into him at O'Hare airport and he graciously posed for a picture with his children
  21. years ago I almost got on a wrong ramp out that way . I forgot which ramp it was but I remember the way it was set up was something I had never seen before and confused me . So I put my emergency breaks on and backed out of there ! I did not get very far down the ramp before I realized what I was doing . But it's no mistake when someone is driving 80 mph for miles the wrong way ! These people are crazy !
  22. I still have the newspapers from that day . And a 45 record of the recording . Im old enough to remember it In 1974 we were at the tulip festival in Holland , Michigan and Neil was honored and in te parade . He shook my hand & we chatted a bit . He was a very nive man . Closer to heaven now !
  23. Animal , what a cool bucket list You have me laughing here
  24. My dear friend Janice found out Friday that she only has 6 mos to live. She is in her 40's , married with 2 girls ages 16 @ 21 .She was sick in the stomach last Sept , and after many tests they found cancer.During surgery, they removed most of her stomach . radiation , chemo .2 mos ago she was told she was cancer free . The last 2 weeks se wasnt feeling right . went to her doctor @ was told to get her affairs in order. I have had many hardships and financial challanges. But Janice has made me see that I can struggle through this .My heart is heavy . As far as people taking their own lives,
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