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Everything posted by stbarts

  1. I keeping my AC on 78 and using the ceiling fan & drapes closed. I am so afraid of a power outage. I can't imagine people who have to work outdoors ..
  2. stbarts


    Thank God for air conditioning ! I don't know how they did it in the olden days .. Or , during the Civil War .. Can you imagine ????
  3. If this is going to cost me more money . I will tell them to Stick It ! Sorry , it's not worth it to me I can always read , or EXERCISE !! ha
  4. I've been watching BET . And they talk about supporting 'their community', and helping 'their community' . I have always given & helped . I NEVER took into concideration which 'community' I was giving to . Sadly , I will now think twice . I am not going to be made a fool of
  5. stbarts


    90's the next few days We have a couple more months of this
  6. ia that why I haven't been getting BRAVO ? and our television pictures keep on breaking up (like puzzles) ??
  7. The ceremony was great ! The speech was awesome. One of the reasons for the big class size is when the built the new schools They let the East Paulding students finish their Junior and Senior year at East . Which I think is a great idea I had to park 6 blocks down the road . Not complaining . The sun was so hot. I saw 1 woman faint . Thank God there was a breeze It was a beautiful day !
  8. East Paulding's is tomorrow morning at 10 AM. Not looking forward to sitting in this heat ! I wish they would plan these indoors !
  9. <a href="http://graphicshunt.com/images/moon_dancing-3044.htm" target="_blank"><img src="http://images.paraorkut.com/img/pics/animations/m/moon_dancing-3044.gif" border="0" alt="Moon Dancing" /></a><br><br> Click Here For <b><a href="http://www.graphicshunt.com/" target="_blank">Images</a></b> & <br /> <a href="http://graphicshunt.com/images/moon_dancing-3044.htm" target="_blank">Moon Dancing Pictures</a>
  10. I used to be a room Mom . And we would pick a day , and call each parent and ask their child to bring 1 flower in that day. We made sure the teacher had a vase . And it would make a beautiful colorful flower arrangement . Cost to parent , $1 - $2
  11. this topic made me think of this so funny http://www.break.com/index/hillybilly-on-riding-mower-tasered.html
  12. Does anyone know the prom dates for East Paulding and North Paulding High ? I have never heard any dates . and they are not posted
  13. I remember him as the dad on Gentle Ben I loved that show
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