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Everything posted by thedeerslayer

  1. This guy has a weather blog from S.Carolina.He explains the weather maps and what could happen. http://mattheweast.blogspot.com/
  2. It's the Georgia outdoor news site.But this particular thread deals only with winter weather. http://forum.gon.com/showthread.php?t=580691&page=14
  3. Another site I visit has some amature weathermen,this is what they see right now.
  4. Maybe Bartow learned something when they lost Cabela's
  5. Wow,,,,finally,.good to hear surepip.Seems like so long ago when we the people met at your place and you showed exactly what was done to your place.
  6. once you get to the top of the hill on dripping rock,you are in bartow
  7. I can't remember if The Capitol s/d has gates or not,but it is connected to Senators Ridges by a common street in the back
  8. Sad situation,but it does appear that the parents cared enough about the child to leave it with a responsible adult. Good luck
  9. I got no problem sending them to the ultimate Judge right quick like.
  10. Yep,I was just a little feller at the time.We lived in the marietta places right below lockheed.
  11. In some places it is legal,but not Ga.....and notice I said shooting,because it sure ain't hunting.
  12. Woweee that's a lot of questions. You can not hunt deer with dogs in this county. If the deer you saw was good size without antlers(not horns) it was most likely a doe.A year and half old buck will have visable antlers.A buck fawn will most likely just have 2 knots on heis head. NO SHOOTING FROM A ROAD. There is no weight requirement on a deer,however,1 of the 2 bucks you are allowed to kill must be a "quality" buck.Meaning it has to have at least 4 points on one side of it's antlers. You can legally feed deer,but you can not hunt whithin 200 yards or direct line of sight of t
  13. So Now I can sue her.I got skin cancer from her product and she did not put any warning labels on it.
  14. Nov.18-21.....Buck only the first 2 days,either sex last 2.
  15. This is how I like to see them.
  16. I for one am not gonna stick around I'm going deer hunting did think the race would be closer,in the end it came down to the R
  17. I was not surprised that Paulette won,just that she won by so much.I figured it would be closer. I voted no to ALL forms of taxes..... y'all be good,I'm gone for a week of deer hunting
  18. Agree with ya Subby.....Wife called me the other day at work wanting to know what I'd bought for $22.....turns out it was her from a few days before. But they were also good and fast about correcting a mistake they had made....and this was over the phone at 9 pm
  19. I'd bet by the time I voted at 2:45 there were at least 1000 ballots already cast at McClure
  20. My Bad,I see that now......my excuse is I'v been awake since 9:00 last night
  21. 830 since 5 pm...that's this evening,and that's a whole lot of folks in a short time
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