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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. As I understand it, this vote is not about whether or not one school model is better than another. Charter schools are emotional hot boxes for many people so lets take the term out and evaluate the real item we are voting for. I will substitute ABC for the term "charter". Boy, I hope I understand this correctly otherwise I will be slammed. Right now, local school systems can elect to approve or disapprove an ABC school. They can even apply to the state to become an ABC system. The city of Marietta schools are doing that right now. If this vote passes, the state will also have the a
  2. Designate someone to pack you a meal from the reception food and put it in the get away car. During your reception you may be too hyped up to eat. You don't want to spend your wedding night with a growling tummy.
  3. What a wonderful idea. I'm not a senior but I would really like to be there. Anybody can read a history book. The opportunity to hear about it from a person who experienced it is priceless and precious.
  4. I registered but they were sold out at their Kennesaw, Acworth, Woodstock, and Hiram locations. That's ok. I'll wait for next time.
  5. Some assisted living facilities have daily respite care. They can stay daily or on an occasional basis.
  6. Unless things have changed, they have to submit their Pre-K roster on Oct. 1, Dec. 1, and Feb. 1. They get monthly checks based on the submitted roster. If they lose students after Oct. 1 they might not allow new enrollees until just before Dec. 1. That way, they will still receive their check without having to maintain as many children. This allows the center to employ fewer staff while making a larger profit margin. It's all business. I'm sure all of the openings will be filled prior to Dec. 1. Now, if there is an issue with staff or safety that is an entirely different matter. I
  7. 1. People move 2. Parents may be dissatisfied with the school 3. People become unemployed 4. ? Ask the director to allow you to see a copy of their most recent inspection. Ask her to show you a copy of the lead teacher's credentials.
  8. I feel really bad for the bear. I bet he'd rather be on melting ice.
  9. Her mother reminds me of the big green snot wad on the Mucinex commercials.
  10. I do not believe it should be federally funded. If Georgia wants to keep GPBS then Ga should fund it. If Paulding wants a broadcast channel Paulding should fund it. The federal govt needs to focus its expenses elsewhere. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy PBS. I just imagine that military families would much prefer that money to be spent on protective vests. It is not the job of the federal government to entertain/educate/re-educate us through TV.
  11. I've got some seafood stock going now. I used shrimp, crab, and lobster shells. I'm enjoying the house being cool so I'm cooking it in the turkey fryer outside. I don't have enough storage space for all my canned goods so I'll probably freeze the stock. I've also frozen peeled tomatoes that I plan on cooking down to sauce. I'll use the sauce to make marinara and can it. That will have to wait until it cools down a bit more.
  12. If you're sleeplessly stresses about it you can go outside and find another writer spider. Then, toss a couple bugs in her web for an offering. I don't know if it will work because I just made it up. At least you'll have comfort In knowing you gave it a good try.
  13. I have no problem with men wearing ponytails. Now a bun, that's just weird. At the store last week I saw a extra large male cashier who sported a nipple length beard, a bun on the back of his head, and green finger nails. He looked .... confused.
  14. Me too!! I'm loving this weather. To hell with hot flashes! I can't wait for COLD weather.
  15. That's all well and good until the power goes out or the computer is hacked. In most cases technology is amazing. Not this one.
  16. Are they offering any suggestions or just posturing so they can say they're involved?
  17. Try adding a can or two of Progresso's cheese chicken enchilada soup. You can serve it over flour tortillas or chips with some salsa and sour cream on the side.
  18. What if a young punk in a pinto smirked at you?
  19. Nevermind. My chit head daughter was messing with me. She changed my settings. She also changed her profile picture and name to God! Then God sent me a text telling me to put my phone down. She's too smart for her own good.
  20. I try to type certain words and they are replaced with nonsense. Anyone else having this problem? When I type "you" it gets replaced with "ticky ticky" It becomes bamboo are becomes is the becomes whoo I have had to be very careful about what I text today. I need to figure out how to turn off this feature. What is going on???
  21. Personally, I think it's great. The trucks slow traffic while the kids are at the bus stop.
  22. Meatloaf, roasted potatoes, green beans, yeast rolls.
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