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Shallow Hal

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Everything posted by Shallow Hal

  1. "KKK Threatens Lethal Force' Against Ferguson Protesters And Appears on TV To Explain Why" "Members of a Missouri-based Ku Klux Klan chapter sent a chilling message in Ferguson claiming they will use lethal force to defend themselves from terrorists masquerading as peaceful protesters. The Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK distributed fliers saying protesters have awakened a sleeping giant, and that demonstrators have threatened the lives of law enforcement, the community and their families." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/14/kkk-threatens-lethal-force-protesters-fe
  2. How are they different? Unless you are using pasteurized eggs I'd think you run the risk either way.
  3. This is a clueless response. It's like me saying people driving cars are more likely to get in car accidents. No crap. I'm talking about the open carry population, which is a very law abiding group. Research the facts if you have doubts. You are talking about criminals and folks with mental disorders. Someone open carrying really shouldn't make you uncomfortable as they are not likely to commit a crime per historical data.
  4. But is it the best way to carry? And why would someone? Why show your cards? I support the right to, but fairly easy to disarm someone when they let up their guard for a second. Just wanting to know the reasoning, perhaps something I'm missing. I like that people don't know when I carry.
  5. Do you open carry? While I support open carry rights, the only people that should and do open carry are police officers while working and idiots. Why draw attention to yourself? One problem is folks afraid of firearms call the police for some dumb arse reason. Two, your an instant target if there is a problem. Carrying concealed doesn't cause idiots alarm and provides one the element of surprise. Are people that open carry looking for trouble? I'm starting to think so.
  6. I bet medical weed would help her. Dog might enjoy it too.
  7. Might try a TENS unit, cheap on Amazon. Lots of folks report good results.
  8. Offended? Seriously? That's the problem these days. Everyone is offended. Just don't watch it and move on.
  9. Do they have sweet and sour kitten?
  10. F the CoE. They knew what they were doing 50 years ago. Not so sure they do today. Might as well have the Salvation Army working on it. Start filling it.
  11. Looking forward to the airport. I'm sure there are pain in the butt folks fighting the reservoir also.
  12. Only a true idiot would post a statement like that. Did you bother to check the site and see they seem pick up every Internet story?
  13. Can't wait to hear the spin by the "huge" group of residents opposed.
  14. I'm sure this guy, as well as his family, is glad Johns Creek is well funded. "Officer, others save man's life after collapsing on golf course" http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/mans-life-saved-after-officer-several-others-perfo/nh3Qk/
  15. The bad part is apparently he made it to school. So either the kids that saw the post (made late in the evening before he was arrested I believe) didn't take it seriously soon enough (or didn't actually see it until the next morning) or there was a delay in action. I can't imagine there was a dely in action on the part of law enforcement, so have to believe kids didn't take it serious. I was told there was a group of kids that were supporting him and said he was only joking and were planning to protest his arrest so additional deputies were brought in to make sure there was no troub
  16. So after a year of research that's what you've come up with? Wow. Common sense says Delta is concerned from a financial impact. While small, must be a large enough concern to pursue it. Open your eyes.
  17. Yeah, keep believing that. You seriously believe that's what delta cares about?
  18. If the Paulding airport wasn't going to make money (a small threat) why would Delta be so concerned? Just out of the goodness of their heart? Yeah, that's it.
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