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Jane Ty

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Everything posted by Jane Ty

  1. I do disagree with tundra but I also disagree with mojo, yet his opinion I respect because of the way it is presented. I also don't agree with a lot of things that were done by all the commissioners either but that doesn't mean I don't believe the airport can't be a good asset to the county if given the chance and proper management. There is a big difference here between being able to see beyond black and white, being objective and open-minded and acting like a child, throwing tantrums and demanding to have things their way and their way only.
  2. I've met BB myself and have talked to her here over the past several months. I've also been reading her posts for the last few years that I've been on Pcom. I hold a lot of respect for that woman and I haven't seen her act without integrity even once this whole time. Yet, she's been attacked for being pro-airport or her prior employment with, as surepip calls it, The Firm and for being appointed to Steering Committee. I don't know tundra or others that I've mentioned personally, but after reading their comments and observing their behavior over the past year, I won't lose any sleep over
  3. I believe RS was referring to tundra, crossroads and radiohead (this one is my personal guess) as they are the ones here, on P.com, who have given in on ocassion to the need of slinging mud on those opposing their opinion.
  4. Mojo, I've said it once and I'll again: you're the most sensible in this group of anti-airport people. Would you please then explain the bolded out to your friends and what it means when they start talking about "biased". While you're there, maybe you can explain to them how people, and many of them have professions where they have to be able to do this btw, are able to have their own opinions yet still be objective when it calls to it. As for having an "open, honest and ethical" government, I'm sorry to be crude, but that's like saying having hookers with golden hearts. You trust so mu
  5. Anybody can claim they've talked to hundreds of people and I've seen soooo many of you anti-airport folks vehemely proclaim that you speak for majority of Paulding County. Then you go on bragging how you've "enlightened" them about the airport. Let me ask you this, since you are so gung ho on the "bias" thing. Did you "enlighten" them on the perils that you and your group forsee coming out of success of this avenue or did you just tell them there is an airport in the county and let them come to their own conclusion of what they thought on the issue? I just bet you launched within minutes o
  6. Haha, I'll fight my dogs for cornbread. Momma has rights too and my right is to hang on to my cornbread while I keep the dog treats beside the bed to fend off the drooling mongrels. Note: they are only mongrels when they try to come between me and my food; at any other time they are my babies.
  7. Honey, from a transplanted yankee point of view, I would love you forever if you brought me soup and cornbread when I was sick. And I wouldn't care if it was Jiffy or from scratch. I wouldn't even care if it was cut in squares or triangles either. You're such a sweet preson and your care would mean the world to any yankee or southern.
  8. I do have a Keurig. I bought one of those little reusable cups and fill it up with ground coffee of my choice, I do like that better because I can put in enough for the milder taste or make it strong if I need to.
  9. I'd live on coffee if I wasn't careful but I'd rather have no coffee than Starbucks. For the prices they charge, that coffee NEVER tastes good. Love Folgers and DD coffee but last Christmas I discovered Ghirardelli chocolate peppermint coffee. Now that is a treat and a half!
  10. As with many other things, including some birth defects, both parents are carriers of the allele but only women can pass it down to their children. Now you can do some genetic tests to find out if both partners have certain DNA abnormalities that could be passed down to their children and what chance are of them being passed down.
  11. Why do you park in a driveway and drive on the parkway?
  12. That's when you start a bonfire and roast marshmallows.
  13. I'll meet you at Hobby Lobby first! But you might have to drag me out of there too. Of course bribing works great to make stop oogling and trying to buy all the decor things I don't need and going to the Appalachian Grille with you and rockysmom would do the trick.
  14. There is "free speech" and then there is attacking someone in a mob fashion. I believe the later is why the thread was closed.
  15. Mouth-watering, aren't they! I'm all good. Hanging in here waiting for my next trip. Miss ya!
  16. What's ignorant is sending our troops to fight somebody else's wars. Another thing that's ignorant is thinking that government does it out of their good and noble intentions. What's even more ignorant is watching those same people who fought for who knows what being left on the streets when they come back home. You want to keep going about ignorant? If it wasn't for oil and power grab none of those troops would have been in Middle East. Ever. I may be ignorant but even a caveman can see that.
  17. Seriously, Pubby, what's wrong with you? Of course they're not covetous! They are just "trying to keep peace in the world".
  18. But not anymore. Not for many many years. And I thought that's what you were talking about. As in now no other country has "the bomb".
  19. Oh, oh, oh but... it ends in a positive way!
  20. By business I mean other country's politics and customs. Oh nevermind, of course they had "business", I mean reasons, I mean money and power. Oopps I went too far. They had no motive and didn't disturb anyone. United States is just being hated because they are all envious of how great this country is. Pubby, that would be an example. People don't want examples. They want justice and retribution for something they invited upon themselves. Since when?
  21. Sure they were active all that time. And you want to tell me that ALL of those strikes against US happened before this country's involvement in their business? Face it, United States has been playing this game with or without the public knowledge far longer then they admit to it. And every time their decision results in drawing the attention of zealous fanatics who can't see anything but hate.
  22. And why did that happen in the first place? Because American politicians got into something they had no business being in. Haven't you seen the pattern yet? Every single time USA sticks their nose into a conflict they weren't invited in, supporting or destroying some regime and sending troops to fight their wars those groups and countries retaliate by something as horrible as beheading an innocent American reporter or sending planes into buildings on US soil. Let them kill each other, why invite them here to kill us by interfering with whatever the heck they are fighting for among themselv
  23. How about this. Let those countries figure out their conflicts on their own. Why does USA stick their nose in every piece of pie and fights everybody else's wars? Politics shmalitics. There are enough problems in this country alone but here they go poking the hornet's nest again and provoking those stingers. Who's going to get turned on whom? Oh those hornets on United States. Again.
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