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Jane Ty

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Everything posted by Jane Ty

  1. Not to mention ALL men in the world will be much safer if WOMEN in the world had chocolate.
  2. Ha, I was on my way to classes the other day and saw the prices at $3.14. Of course, down here it is low compared to what I usually pay when I come up to Dallas. I was going to fill up on my way home after classes and then just kept driving by the gas station after seeing it went up to $3.49. Duh, I forgot, we have to pay more for gas now because there is an even in town. So I guess my income won't be stretched that much at all for a bit. )
  3. You obviously have serious problems, crossroads. Have you tried anger management? I hear it works wonders. Sorry I couldn't be at surepip's. Unfortunately I had a test and couldn't miss it or I would have taken a 7 hour drive even though I don't know the people personally. I did make a special trip during the winter though when Rodney's BBQ place was trying to raise money to keep their doors open. I didn't know them either. And that I believe is in Paulding country where I decided to "come out of my hole to dig my smug little hands" into none of my business. You don't know me or
  4. So you're willing to make a sacrifice by affecting those who work at the places you're planning on boycotting. And blame the local government for that. That means those families of the workers who will be sent home and lose pay become victims and they don't even get a so say in the matter. How would that be fair to them?
  5. Hmmm interesting. So because it was closer for me, since I was staying in Cartersville that trip and I'm not above exploring Dallas, Cartersville and even Rome when I get up there, BeachBum is being criticized for "wining and dining me" outside of the county? Yet, it's alright for you to wine and dine anywhere in any other counties just because you feel like boycotting?
  6. Funny how riled up you get when your own words and actions are thrown right back at you.
  7. Before I get to my reflections, I wanted to clarify something that I've seen you say before (it could have been to my own posts or others as well) and you brought it up at the end of this post as well which reminded me and that's questioning your local government. I believe you even said something to the point of " are we supposed to just shut up and take it?" No, you're not and people have every right to know what's going on. You're asking questions and you should be. My biggest problem with the anti-airport group is not the fact that they are against the commercializion because so far
  8. You just proved my point. Good luck in your "thinking for yourself" if that's what you want to believe.
  9. Yet you have elected 3 of the commissioners without having a clue as to who's behind them and what their plans are. All you can do is repeat like mindless puppets all the pretty packaged words that were uttered by those candidates. Same words that were passed down to them to repeat to their followers by the much bigger players. Oh how close to home those words have sounded. How just on the spot words that elicit the right emotions of being betrayed and ignored. Those magic words of someone who finally understands and is on your side. They're all about you; your desires, your needs an
  10. When you do, please, post the link and I'll share it on facebook as well.
  11. No one can predict “x number of jobs”. Silver Comet Terminal Partners, L.L.C. is a start up company with no history and no financial data available for review. No one can predict how long you will live either. And every business starts up somewhere. At taxpayer expense? When we were promised this would not cost us one dime. Where is that 17 million of taxpayer dollars that has already been spent? Myth: Expanding Silver Comet Field is not part of any of the development plans. Fact: The citizens were told by elected at a Chamber luncheon in 2004; this airport woul
  12. If my memory serves me right, this is not the first time he's been accused of something like this. Unless I'm thinking of another show but I remember vaguely right after 7th Heaven went off the air some speculations of same sorts were out there about the actor. Don't hold me to it though.
  13. I hope someone hears something soon. Sending positive thoughts.
  14. BB, surely you have dreamt up your experience at the Dallas Square. You couldn't have possibly talked to people or heard them say they are for commercialization! Don't you understand, only anti-expansion people talk to strangers to inform them and knocking on stranger's doors is THE ONLY valid way of showing or qualifying you as a supporter of any cause. And how dare you so, you opinionated freeloader, do the same things the other "mighty women" have done and expect it to be a positive attribute when it only counts if you're donating to the stop airport billboards! And I'm out of
  15. I'm not allowed to speak about my opinion on this matter because I'm not a resident. Fine, I'm not allowed to speak at BOC meetings and that is understandable. Still a big difference between speaking in a county meeting and having an opinion that you and your friends like tundra and gone telling me I'm not allowed to have period. Then back to the original topic of this thread, what right does Atlanta Mayor and Delta to speak about it and issue demands about how it should be ran? Are they legal residents of Paulding County? But I haven't seen you do anything but jump up and down in glee
  16. I never spoke at it Whitey since my schedule this summer has been in conflict with the dates for those meetings and the one weekend when it did coincide I got stuck on I75 and didn't get into town until 5:30 pm. I wasn't about to go into a meeting after being on the road for 9 hours without a chance to freshen up first. As to your supposition that I might not have been allowed to speak at it because of my residence status, how about this. I'm planning another trip in couple of weeks and if I'm able to make a BOC meeting, I will ask the commissioners at the meeting if I am allowed to voic
  17. You know what, I do value the opinions of the voters that live in the county and I believe that corrent commission has shut itself in the foot with the latest PCAA land and money transfer. However, I have also invested a lot of time and money into trips to the Paulding county, researching as much as I can about the place, meeting and talking to residents there because that is the place that I will be making my home. That doesn't make my opnion any less or more important over the people who live there nor does it mean that someone can tell me I can only speak about this when I become a resid
  18. That's what I thought. There is no law to VOICE AN OPINION unless you live in the county. Btw, does this include those who do live in the county but have never registered to vote or have any desire to vote? Because now it looks like you're saying I have to be a registered voter too in order to have my opinion.
  19. Show me the law that says that I CANNOT voice my opinion because I do not live in the county.
  20. You have told me previously many times I do not have a right to talk about airport because I do not live in Paulding County. I have seen you say the same thing to El Zorro and others repeatedly. We've had this argument already. And you still don't the right to even suggest somebody shouldn't voice their opinion on the matter until they live and pay taxes in the county.
  21. Mojo, regardless of how you were dressed when you knocked on the doors with the anti-airport literature in your hands my point was that the majority of the opposition group believes they are the only unbiased, honest and transparent and everything the pro-side claims about same surveys done by them is a complete lie, lie and a bigger lie because they are biased. And I sincerely hope that you won't be disappointed by those you are supporting now as the ones who have been by the recent turns of events and lost faith in their local government. The same people who have supported Mayor Austin i
  22. You don't have the right to tell me I can only voice my support if I "have A LITTLE SKIN IN THE GAME" Whitey.
  23. No, I didn't miss your point. I was answering you regarding the mud slinging as well as adding my opinion on the fact that not everything BOC has done is alright in my book either. While I understand the reasons for giving AA the land and money, I also see it as shrewd political move which only serves the politicians.
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