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Martinez Voice

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Everything posted by Martinez Voice

  1. Is a good rifle. Very reliable. My SKS is what it was based on and uses same round. Excellent for hunting or defending your casa.
  2. Remington .223 was the bullets used by the guy. It goes through most regular body armor. Is very popular with Zetas because of this. Only full plate could stop that kind of power.
  3. Life code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. happy to help hombre.
  4. is just fire works people. I myself buy blanks to shoot for new years, nobody get hurt that way
  5. I see racism is still alive and well...sometimes even here.
  6. I have a hard enough time with the American version, ha ha ha!
  7. but senora, i like to lick my honey
  8. senora, i like stoddards in d-ville and wild west in austell and adventure outdoors in smyrna.
  9. I think this may violate Godwin's Law right off the bat hombre. ha ha!
  10. "Alright. It's instinctive. But the instinct can be fought. We're human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands. But we can stop it. We can admit that we're killers, but we're not going to kill today. That's all it takes. Knowing that we're not going to kill - today!" -Captain Kirk
  11. Senora has her finger on the trigger but isnt going to shoot yet since hombre has his hands on gun...that is a bad thing to do!
  12. At the risk of sounding like my stereotype; they got fish tacos?
  13. I would have simply waited for the hombre then plugged him with my SKS if I thought he was going to do something.
  14. Esse I have heard that before about other congresses. Is all perro caca.
  15. Feel free to take your chances with botulism, as for me if it is a can it is cheap enough to replace if is bad.
  16. While I think such things are not needed, I think if environment was main concern that making people there recycle plastics would be better as it slows new plastic production and in addition creates more jobs at recycling plant. Also can charge fees for violators which increases government revenue. Better way I think yes?
  17. is a gringo thing yes? You can be silly, ha!
  18. had some flurries before but it did not stay.
  19. I never have problem at subway; I always get footlong meatball marinara, hasnt killed me yet!
  20. You do not talk to me I notice. Is it that I am la raza? I understand if so, many people do not talk about it because they worry they upset me on accident. Is okay I promise.
  21. most popular new year resolution: 1080p
  22. You have link to other page that show why they say such things? I know well that many police not like hispanic and latin people they think are not citizens, but most from what I see still do their job when they are called by people in the latin community, is just rare they get called because many of la raza think that all problems should be handled inside the community. That is why I do not understand why the article would say these things.
  23. I do not understand? There is, I assume, a republican version of this? I never understood two party politics esse, both sides seem silly to me.
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