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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. 310 Hope Dr,Dallas, GA 30157 4 beds2 baths1,256 sqft FOR RENT $995/mo http://www.zillow.com/homes/for_rent/house,condo,apartment,duplex,townhouse_type/0-266439_price/0-1000_mp/days_sort/34.137952,-84.595757,33.828787,-85.107994_rect/10_zm/
  2. It was my first time down that road, but your right after being slammed with a 275 dollar fine I avoided any more. I guess it's was just Union City's way of welcoming first time visitors.
  3. Are you saying or is AJC saying the government controls the price of oil ? Either way it's a pretty big allegation. - Now had it been the other way around Big Oil controlling government it would be a little easier to believe. -
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUrBwVQeziI
  5. The Dingo ate my baby.
  6. It looks like it's going to be another losing season for Atlanta. When is that new billion dollar stadium due to open ?
  7. You obviously don't know what a speed trap is. I'll give you an example. On 138 going toward Union City the speed limit is 55 for miles and miles until you hit a curve where the limit drops suddenly to 35mph without warning. Miss the sign or don't immediately hit the breaks and they have you. That little gem cost me 275 dollars coming through there friendly little town one morning at 6am.
  8. Between speed traps and confiscating homeowners land the good ole boys of Paulding are on a roll.
  9. Filled my tank today for 2.99 a gallon, woohoo ! WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Falling gasoline prices aren’t good news for OPEC or America’s oil “frackers,” but they certainly will help stretch the incomes of American households. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/wholesale-costs-fall-in-tandem-with-lower-oil-prices-2014-10-15?siteid=rss&rss=1
  10. I have heard if you smash your finger with a hammer you will quickly forget that you had a headache. However a tablespoon of cayenne pepper has the effect and less likely to result in a visit to the emergency room.
  11. Never really understood the popularity of The Birds. I just couldn't get into the premise that a northern town full of duck hunters and shotguns would be that intimidated by a flock seagulls. However there is this.....
  12. Some have said sending combat troops to West Africa is more about establishing a military presence to counter the growing influence of China than it is about fighting Ebola. Military’s Ebola mission: Edge out China in Africa? WND reported Sunday the Ebola outbreak is apparently offering the perfect opportunity to achieve a long-time Western goal of building up a U.S. military presence in Africa in the face of growing Chinese investment and influence on the continent. While the personnel sent to Africa will undoubtedly aid in containing the Ebola outbreak, there may be ulterior motives f
  13. Number 2. Pleasant yet thoughtful, a man that has his eye on the future.
  14. Ok now we know what the problem is, the President interrupted Judge Judy and you're still upset about it. Whether or not we have an outbreak of Ebola in America remains to be seen, it has however already managed to bring out the best and the worst in people.
  15. Oh come on stradial don't be so hard on yourself you're not that large, even if you do beep when when you walk backwards.
  16. I noticed unhappy with the outsourcers policy's the CEO of Southwire has also endorsed Michelle Nunn.
  17. DGW was referring to the point that she would be more comfortable if a doctor addressed the public to quell concerns rather than an administrative Czar. Isn't that the traditional duties of the Surgeon General ? Now you may go back to wetting your panties and screaming the sky is falling.
  18. It's too bad Republicans have blocked the appointment of a new Surgeon General. But what else would you expect, it's what they do. In fact it's all they've done for the last six years. "We have a national health emergency, and Senate Republicans are stalling the surgeon general's confirmation." http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/republicans-are-blocking-confirmation
  19. "His job will be to ensure “that efforts to protect the American people by detecting, isolating and treating Ebola patients in this country are properly integrated but don’t distract from the aggressive commitment to stopping Ebola at the source in West Africa,” the White House said." This takes Administrative skills not medical training.
  20. Actually it was Governor Deal that said water cures Ebola. Deal comforted by the scientific fact that 'water kills the Ebola virus' http://clatl.com/freshloaf/archives/2014/10/12/deal-comforted-by-the-scientific-fact-that-water-kills-the-ebola-virus/
  21. Who said ; “This is an impressive crowd: the haves, and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite, I call you my base.” President George W. Bush
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