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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Use to we would get dozens of kids now every year I buy 2 bags of candy and no one or maybe a couple shows up then I am burdened with the task of eating it all. I have learned my lesson though now I only buy the good stuff.
  2. I think he's battling with some sort of personal guilt. Lashing out at a perceived foe helps them deal with their own inner demons.
  3. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone, when is the last time any cop was held responsible for his actions ?
  4. My biggest concern is my hopes for an Android sex Robot is going to go the way of the flying car.
  5. Wow a judge that weights facts and science over knee jerk fear. Oh worra worra worra what ever shall we do !
  6. Self appointed do gooders trying to ram their version of morality down everyone else's throat.
  7. Funny how you can find the numbers to support most anything on the internet. http://www.immigrationpolicy.org/just-facts/economic-benefits-immigration-reform
  8. I can tell you the Red Flag warning has been removed.
  9. While reading post on pcome I got a red screen saying this site might be trying to install dangerous malware . Anyone else seeing this ?
  10. Then what you are saying is Perdue lied under oath ?
  11. Well you can pack everything into neat little Left-wing Right-wing packages if you want but I've had my fill of good ole boy politicians in this State and Nathan Deal and Sonny Perdue's cousin David is about as good ole boy as they get .
  12. Maybe someone that hasn't had his nose up the butts of the political establishment is just what this state needs.
  13. Yep, if downsizing companies, shipping jobs overseas and screwing over employees is the kind experience you're looking for then Perdid is your man.
  14. You are absolutely right El Z which makes you wonder why Dollar General and David Perdont thought they could get away with it. Maybe they presumed these women would just roll over and accept their fate or maybe like we have seen here in Paulding they figured their stable of lawyers could crush them in paper work and delays. Which turned out to be a 19 million dollar error.
  15. During the last debate David Perdont dismissed anti discrimination lawsuit filed during his tenure at Family Dollar. The lawsuit in question was brought against Dollar General in 2006, while Perdue was CEO. Almost 2,100 female store managers sued the company, claiming they had been discriminated against and "generally were paid less" than men with the same job title. Several years after Perdue left Dollar General, the company paid the employees a settlement of almost $19 million. “If David Perdue didn’t do right by women at his company, why would he do right for Georgia?” http:/
  16. During a pre employment interview.... 8 Things Employers Aren't Allowed To Ask You 1. How old are you? 2. Are you married? 3. Are you a U.S. citizen? 4. Do you have any disabilities? 5. Do you take drugs, smoke or drink? 6. What religion do you practice? 7. What is your race? 8. Are you pregnant? http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0910/8-things-employers-arent-allowed-to-ask-you.aspx
  17. That's illegal, you should save those and tell them you are going to sue under the age discrimination act. Sit back and wait on their settlement offer.
  18. Do kids these days still "make out" ?
  19. I'm not convinced you're not a Republican bobblehead so I guess we're even.
  20. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/11/upshot/the-unhealthy-politics-of-ebola.html?abt=0002&abg=1
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