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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. The theory of the exceptionalism of the U.S. can be traced to Alexis de Tocqueville, the first writer to describe the country as "exceptional" in 1831 and 1840 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_exceptionalism American exceptionalism does not imply American excellence or superiority.Americans tend to think that most of the traits of American exceptionalism are positive, but others, especially European elites, have always disagreed. Even those of us who think they are positive must acknowledge aspects of American exceptionalism that are problematic. http://www.aei.org/module/1/america
  2. The argument that anyone who questions or criticizes America hates America is about as foolish as an Al Sharpton crying racism whenever someone points out any shortcomings in the Black community.
  3. What the US did belongs to the Bush administration and at this point is water under the bridge.
  4. You can continue to pull this "hate your country" bullcheeze as long as it takes to bolster your point but it's only when you can pull your head out of your ass long enough to realize these students have a point that we can go down the road to change.
  5. And how can we change and improve if we have so many willing to ignore our faults ?
  6. American Exceptionalism is a phrase made up to ignore and justify Americas faults.
  7. Sounds like a pointless exercise to me, America has done some great and wonder things in this world that does not erase the fact that in the name of capitalism and power we haven't done some awful things that we should not be proud of.
  8. The United States has... Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments most of which were democratically-elected. Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders. Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries. Led the world in torture; not only the torture performed directly by Americans upon foreigners, but providing torture equipment, torture manuals, lists of people to be tortured, and in-person guidance by American teacher
  9. That's the risk you take with a Democracy where the majority rules. There's also been a lot talk in Texas lately about seceding from the Union.
  10. If you put aside American exceptionalism for a moment and look at history you would realize these students have a valid point.
  11. That might explain why you never go to work until late afternoon.
  12. Oh come on you posted this as a comparison to the guy in Texas dying from Ebola.
  13. No but in the vein of don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes, unless you have put on a uniform and defended your country on the battlefield I wouldn't be so quick to judge another man or another countries bravery. The French with their antiquated Maginot Line was simply overwhelmed by a tacktick no one had ever seen before the German Blitzkrieg. Poland feel to this new all mechanized army in less than a week.
  14. I think his story is BS and he just wanted an excuse to skip out. But I have heard of worse like the guy who said he was going out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back.
  15. During World War 2, France lost 122,000 soldiers and including 470,000 citizen died. http://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_French_soldiers_died_in_World_War_2
  16. Maybe it will allow the commissioners to hire a few more of their Bud's to ride around in golf carts.
  17. If it was coming from Poland and Bush was still POTUS he would have invaded France.
  18. Policing For Profit. http://endforfeiture.com/ I wondered how long it would take before partisan politics rose it's ugly head. * Not a Cop Bashing Post
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