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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. I'm lookin at all the buttons on that sweater!!! You think he buttoned and unbuttoned that thing, or just pulled it off over his head???
  2. Digital rectal exam time seems to be the early onset!!!!!
  3. Dr. James Kauten at the Fuqua Heart Center at Piedmont did my Quintuple bypass in 2000. They are/were a great bunch of doctors and nurses, but that 14 years ago.
  4. Well,,, it's not for the faint of heart, and not always much fun,,, but it sure beats the only known alternative.
  5. When running in to old friends, we all spend the first 10 minutes trying to remember each others names! "There are three sure signs of old age, One is loss of memory, and I can't remember the other two!" - Unknown
  6. My 67 years allows me to speak to this subject. The biggest difference between the 50's and now, is the near total lack of personal responsibility the younger generation has. Back then almost no one relied on a federal agency to 'Protect' them. They used common sense and protected themselves by not placing themselves in harms way to begin with. Now we have a blizzard of federal agencies that magically save us from eminent disaster through the use of some force field, and if someone does slip through the net and get injured, that is automatically grounds for financial re-numeration which is pr
  7. Well,,, the thing is, one usually needs to speak to the locals in their native tongue! Well done CRANEMEC, well done!!!!!!
  8. Maybe they could build a small county park/picnic area on the side. Use the water and sewer for adjoining restrooms, and you have full time county employees kind of keeping an eye on the place. Just a thought.
  9. I think any pest control company will do it, but you can do it with a landing net, and a little planning and help.
  10. Don't need a "ratter", needs a "Batter"!!!! I just couldn't resist.
  11. That being the case, you might think about giving it a name and considering it a PET! ORVIS has a sale on collars and leashes. Maybe you could just borrow a cat from someone for a while!!!!
  12. Don't throw in the towel so quick, rivalry games usually bring out the best form both sides, and these two teams match up a lot better than their rankings indicate. This week end will be a real hoot to watch and see whose season is spoiled, and how the final standings come out. This one of the few times I'll be rooting for Florida!!!!!
  13. Already told ya, it's the Board Fence,,,, apparently they don't teach readin at Georgia Tech like they do at UGA!!!!!!
  14. This may be a result of the"Right on Red" law,,, soon after that the DOT started putting up the YIELD signs for people turning right,(to yield to cross traffic), however people now seem to think that means yielding to oncoming left turns!!! They may be correct, IDK, but aggravates the crap out of me as well!
  15. It's the 'Board Fence',,, they didn't have those until the late 70's!!!
  16. Part of the problem is that everyone is taught to treat an out of commission traffic light as a 4 way stop. The other part of the problem is that when people see a traffic light that is not in "Green, Yellow, Red" mode, that it is busted! We need to retrain folks to consider flashing yellow not as Busted, but as "Alternate" mode, in which case you treat it as every other Yellow,,,, FLOOR IT AND GO FOR BROKE!!!!!!!!!
  17. If memory serves me correctly, the Rodney King riots started after the trial of the officers!!!! So much for your theory. All of these riots are merely 'Crimes of opportunity',,, any old excuse will do!
  18. I'm into my "Flu Season Methodology", such as: Avoid crowded public places, such as stores, sporting events and parties. Always use the wet wipes at the grocery store on the way in, and again on the way out. Hand shaking is out in favor of the fist bump. Wash hands, wash hands, wash hands, you can not do that enough. Never ever touch anything in a doctors office. When you sign in, use your own pen. If you want something to read, take it with you. If you are forced to touch something, such as forms and/or a clip board, wear out the bottle of sanitizer. Good luck to all this season!
  19. Might want to change that to "CAN",,, otherwise a wonderful philosophy.
  20. The one that comes to mind are the two nimrods in Jonesboro, Arkansas,,, one was 14, and the other was 12. They killed 4 students and 1 teacher. The other one was Colombine, although 16 and 17(???), they were kids killing kids. Only point being, kids these days seem to take things to a much higher level than we did at that age,,, and I can't offer any real reason why.
  21. Typical dirt poor planning, ROFL,,,, maybe the BOC and the AA will cancel Mother's Day in lieu of the Airshow!!!!!
  22. I'm sure that date is the opening day of a fishing season, somewhere, that I plan on attending.
  23. Was the phone number BR-549??????? I think I bought a car from them.
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