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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Handicapped implies that the person is unable to do anything, disabled is the preferred term because it implies there is a physical or mental limitation but they are able to do what they can. I do agree with you about Nicki Minaj. I googled Starship because my son wanted it on his iPod after hearing it on the KidzBop commercial. I told him a big, fat NO!!! when I read the lyrics. Music doesn't have to be filled with filth. Neither my husband nor myself listen to that so my son doesn't hear it in the car with either one of us, but other kids have their iPods on the bus and listen to i
  2. I've watched BBT in reruns and it's been okay, might watch it regularly now. The new Matthew Perry show doesn't look good. They showed the first episode a couple of weeks ago after some other show and I watched it--meh, it's so-so. Maybe it'll pick up steam as it goes on. Get it--Go On is the name of the show.
  3. Nine a.m. isn't that early in the morning. Anyway, I loved him when he guest co-hosted with her. He's funny and they have a good chemistry together. I'm happy it's Michael; I was hoping for him or Josh Groban.
  4. I have two boys so I don't see that as being much of an issue, but I have glanced around in my oldest son's room when he's at his dad's house. I've cleaned it, organized it, and gotten rid of toys he doesn't play with (or that bother me ) and outgrown clothes in the process. I like to think my son would come to me with any problems, but he's only 10 so I've got some time before the serious issues start. If I suspect a problem then I'll do serious digging. I'm also going to do what my sister does with her kids: when he gets a phone and Facebook (am I the only one NOT letting their 5th grade
  5. I was born and raised here, my kids were actually born at the same hospital I was, I've never left and don't ever plan to leave the Peach State. It drives me up the wall to see stereotypical crap misrepresenting my home. We have grown so much and are actually one of the best places to live, people start respecting Georgians and then stuff like this (or worse yet, "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo") comes along to push our image down. If it was so bad here then why did so many people move here from all over the country? I had a patient tell me this year that she had been living down here since 2008
  6. I used to live within 3 miles of them and loved it but I only went for special occasions. Their "junior stylists" which have been with them less than 2 years, start at $55 and the "international stylists", usually one of the owners, are over $100. I love the hand paraffin dip and scalp massage during the hair wash but it's too pricey for routine haircuts. The freak-show aspect of it has died down from their early days when you had to be off the wall to work there, but they're still great. They're on Canton Road in Marietta.
  7. J'smom


    Depends on your insurance. If it's HMO you probably do, if it's PPO or POS you usually don't. Check with your insurance or primary care provider since they'll have to get the referral if you do need it. Feel better!!
  8. Um, the child's one? Just have it at home with family. They won't remember it and will get tired and cranky and it's better to keep them at home. After they smash the cake all over themselves you can throw them in the tub and have your other half clean up the high chair and kitchen and get the birthday boy in his PJs. They don't need a big party at that age. My cousin had 75 people at her 1st party and a 3-tier cake and the big white princess frilly dress and it was a disaster. Just keep it simple. I know it's so tempting to go overboard on this big milestone, but wait another couple of
  9. If you buy a car 60 days before your birthday you won't have the ad valorem tax because it was paid at purchase time. When you go to renew your tag next August you'll have the standard $20 tag fee plus the outrageous ad valorem tax then. You caught a break. I did that with a car a few years ago, it was just under 60 days before my birthday and that's how I found out about that happy little loophole. My birthday's right after Christmas so any time I can skip that is great!
  10. Any good sitcoms? Call me silly but I thought most sitcoms are supposed to make you laugh, and I haven't found one since Friends that makes me laugh out loud.
  11. Just to change your address? I had to change mine a couple of years ago (last name and address) so I couldn't do it online but you may be able to change it online. Seems like you can change it online as long as you did a change of address form with the post office. When you go to renew is when you'll need to bring your life history. If in doubt, go in person. I went to Carrollton and was in and out pretty quickly (of course, this was before all the changes). To qualify for an Internet Address Change: You must be a US Citizen. You must be a Georgia resident. You must have changed
  12. Also check their schedule for concerts. The concert is free with fair admission and they'll have different acts and different genres, usually country or Christian artists. There will also be local talent on the small stage and different radio stations have certain nights when they'll have DJs at the fair. Definitely get discounted tickets and bring your patience if you go on a weekend. There's some parking at the fairgrounds but also parking around the corner with a "shuttle" to take you to the parking lot. Make sure you eat a corndog!!
  13. J'smom


    First off, get your BP meds straightened out. If it's light-headed when you go from lying to sitting or sitting to standing it's the BP meds dropping your BP too much. If it's room spinning it's more vertigo. You need to see and ENT with audiology services. The audiologist at the ENT can tell what's causing it and recommend exercises to help. As one of the earlier posters said, there are little crystals in the inner ear that can become dislodged and when you move or turn your head quickly, the crystals move and resettle and that's what's causing it. They have positional exercises that ca
  14. Paulding Community center but they make you have two security guards if you do have alcohol and that's an extra out of pocket expense. Also, their base rate is for 4 hours and that includes set up and clean up. If you need to get in before the even to set up you have to pay for the extra hours, and if clean up goes past that 4-hour mark that's an extra charge (and clean up is everything--even cleaning toilets!). I used that for my wedding reception and it would up costing a TON more than their base rate because we had to get in the night before to set up (we had to get in and out in 2 hours
  15. Bill Carruth is carrooth. And it's buckannan and ponce day leeon (not that fancy Spanish pronunciation).
  16. Never an excuse for drinking and driving but if the designated driver knew he/she was the DD why did he/she leave them? I'm not saying it's the DD's fault at all but they weren't being a good friend. My friend's brother was critically injured, his best friend was killed, when they were hit by a drunk driver (head-on). The brother was starting his senior year of high school, the best friend had just graduated. The signage needs to be better because it is confusing, but people need to be accountable for their actions and NOT drive drunk or high.
  17. That whole interchange of 92 and 278 needs to be redone. With the different entrances to the K-Mart shopping center on one side and Sport Authority entrances on the other side, then the entrances to Rite Aid/Seabord and Aaron's and all that, it's a wreck waiting to happen. They need to limit the entrances or break them up further so people don't get in the turn lane by K-Mart and ride all the way to 278 or the left turn lane gets blocked by people turning left from the opposite direction. Does that make any sense? LOL. They do need to lengthen that turn lane for Bill Carruth/Nebo Rd.
  18. Make sure she protects her 401k! I was surprised that a lot of people have to give half their 401k to their ex if only one has been contributing toward retirement. That was the one good thing my attorney did was make sure I got 100% of my 401k. That was my paycheck that was being deducted, not his, not our joint bank account, but mine. Also, if one person is keeping the house and/or car it will need to be refinanced in just that person's name and the other partner will need to sign off on it to get their name off the loan. A quit claim deed will not keep their name off it and make sure th
  19. I've heard it pronounced both ways by the same person! I say "main" but could be wrong (it's rare but has been known to happen LOL). All I know is there needs to be a stop sign on Austin Bridge Rd where Mein Mitchell comes into it. It's horrible if you're on Mein Mitchell turning left onto Austin Bridge--you can't see until a car tops that hill at 50 mph. Someone's going to get badly hurt one day.
  20. If in doubt, wear an Awesome Bill from Dawsonville hat and you'll be good. Anybody other than Kyle Busch should keep you safe.
  21. Earplugs or better yet, buy the headphones and a scanner so you can listen to your driver's radio transmissions.
  22. I bumped a car while parking a few years ago. It pushed the fender down but didn't dent it. This was a big parking lot for a shopping center and there were 4 possible stores the person could have gone into. I went into the nearest one and asked them to page the driver of the green Honda. Sure enough the lady came forward. I gave her my info and she took it to the dealership and had them call me when it was ready and I paid the bill myself ($350 to detach and rebolt the fender into place). She sent me a sweet thank you card. A few months later I dropped my license in the Wal-Mart parking
  23. Discrimination lawsuit coming soon? Surely this isn't the only kid in the US named Hunter who's also hearing-impaired. What have the deaf Hunters before him done?
  24. This is really easy and my son and hubby love it. Preheat oven to 350 Brown 1lb of ground turkey (or ground beef, we only use turkey), season with a little garlic powder and BBQ sauce and add a little shredded cheese--all this to taste. Unroll a can of original crescent rolls and stretch it a little to fit a cookie sheet, smush the seams together so it's one solid sheet. Top crescent roll with the ground turkey mixture, top that with shredded cheese (I use sharp cheddar). Unroll a second can of crescent rolls on top and smush the seams together. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes. I h
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