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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Here's another one: "What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?!"
  2. Oh, and don't be afraid to pull an MC Hammer and yell "Can't touch this" when people, especially strangers, try to make you their personal Buddha and rub your belly. And, no matter what people say, you're not fat and you don't look like you're carrying twins. I got SOOOOOO sick of hearing that! My baby (my second but my hubby's first and only) was a big baby and very active and my hubby loved sitting and staring at my belly and feeling it. Jacob also got the hiccups (both my boys did) and that's a whole different feeling if you haven't had that experience yet!
  3. It's not a crop circle, someone just moved your trampoline and riding lawn mower.
  4. I've got one!!! Pretty easy, actually. "NO WIRE HANGERS!!"
  5. I'm off Sweetwater Church and hear booms a good bit. Several years ago I was outside about 10:00 p.m. and there was a bright light flying very low and silent. It stopped and hovered over me and I ran back inside. I would chalk it up to a helicopter hovering over the treetops except for the silence. No chopping of the rotors, no engine noise, nothing, and there were no flashing lights like aircraft are supposed to have at night.
  6. My husband and I asked ourselves that same question after watching that news last night. My cousin got a new Mustang for his 16th birthday (back when Mustangs were the "cool" cars to have) and wrapped it around a phone pole. Fortunately, he and his girlfriend were okay, but he got another new Mustang just a few days later. He totaled that one and got a Camaro. When he got his 3rd speeding ticket with that (at the tender age of 18) his parents finally woke up and told him to straighten up. He joined the military and is now a dad himself, and neither one of his kids are going to get a car a
  7. Not at all! With it being your second, you feel it more than with your first. Don't you just love how the What To Expect When You're Expecting books describe it as a "quickening" in the abdomen? You feel how and what you feel and it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. It was a whole different experience with my second one and there were 10 years between my two! My baby tried to kick the crap out of me and was over a pound bigger than my oldest! Good luck!!!
  8. Go to the big game AND win. At least make it to the big game and play your hardest.
  9. But if you bought a diamond at D. Geller & Son and got a gun there, would you need another one for voting? If you got the rifle for buying the diamond, maybe you can get the handgun this time for home protection. All these gun giveaways are really making us look bad down here.
  10. I've never watched any of these shows so I've just seen commercials and recaps on other TV shows. My question is this: do people REALLY act like that in real life?
  11. Why did you take it? To keep from rolling out of bed? Just make sure you swallow the pill quickly or else you'll get a stiff neck.
  12. Brag away. Thanks to him and your family!!!
  13. Sorry, probably couldn't do the fake knife in the courthouse. I'd forgotten where you said you worked!! LOL. Black and white striped shirt, black pants, black baseball cap with NFL on it (or, better yet, specific team logo), sunglasses, cane--blind NFL referee.
  14. Yeah, it shook here (south Paulding) around 3:30 or so. My biggest dog is terrified of thunder and hides in the bathroom between the tub and toilet (even though only his head fits between them). The two little dogs just ignore it.
  15. I was trying to remember the name of the Don Knotts movie for my son's birthday this weekend because I wanted a spooky but not too scary movie--thanks for refreshing my memory with the Ghost and Mr. Chicken! I love the original Bad Seed, too. There's a Bette Davis movie called "The Watcher In The Woods" that is pretty good. I love scary, spooky movies without the blood and gore. If you want to traumatize someone show them "Nightmare On Elm Street" at age 9--that'll do it! LOL Every October the Disney Channel would play the animated version of Sleepy Hollow or the Headless Horseman o
  16. I worked in a regular daycare center and even there they had systems to make sure no child was left on the van. The driver had a list of names that were being transported and had to double-check the list before and after the trip. The facility had to keep track of who had been signed out, both in the front office and each individual room, so if the numbers didn't match up there was a problem. The kids were counted by physically touching them (a tap on the shoulder as they were counted) and again with the roster. The van driver also walked through the van after the kids got off the van and
  17. Jeans and a T-shirt that says "Go Ceilings!" and carry a sign that says "Ceilings Rock!" and be a ceiling fan. Get a cardboard box and some empty Cool Whip containers. Spraypaint the box and containers the same color then cut holes in the front of the box the size of the Cool Whip. Glue the Cool Whip into the holes and wear the box--be a Lego. Wear a cowboy hat, full-face black mask, black cape, and cowboy boots, and carry a guitar--be Garth Vader Ugly pants, gray tank top, big glasses, afro wig--be the LMFAO guy Black flat shoes, white socks, black pants, white shirt, black blazer,
  18. I beg to differ. I'll tell you where my ex boyfriend lives and you can see for yourself.
  19. Nothing on the job front but can you go ahead and leave now? Stay with friends or move back home if that's an option, but get out NOW. It's so easy to say "when I get a job" or "when 'x' happens I'll leave" but something always comes up that makes people change their minds. If it's a bad situation LEAVE NOW! If he's hurting you find a shelter but please don't stay with him.
  20. Awww, thank you (and Burn Hickory Mom). My first marriage lasted 6 years and my second one (my forever one) is just 2 1/2 years but going stronger than ever. And I'm only 34 but hubby's 46. We got married 6 1/2 months after our first date because we know it's going to work. I refuse to get divorced again and he was 44 when we married and it's his first and only time. He waited so long because he saw so many friends and coworkers and his own family getting divorced, he was going to wait for the right person. I thank God for bringing us together. I found out the hard way after my fi
  21. Hmm. I saw a job posting on Craig's List for LPN (licensed practical NURSE) for $10/hour. While that is above minimum wage it is below typical starting pay for a job which requires not only a high school diploma, but also an additional 2 years to get your nursing degree and pass the state boards to get your license. Some employers want nurses to carry their own malpractice insurance, which would be paid out of our own pocket on top of that. There was an office in Dallas that was starts their CMAs (certified medical assistants) at $9.50/hour. They, too, have a high school diploma and addit
  22. I, too, did the Ouija board thing as a teenager. We were sitting around the board asking questions and kept getting the initials DS. After a few minutes I started feeling very funny, kind of prickly all over (think when your foot falls asleep, but the entire body feeling like that) and lightheaded and I blinked and jumped back from the board. When I looked back up my friends were sitting there with their mouths hanging open. One of them told me that right before I jumped back I had this white "mist" hanging around me. I only tried it one more time, months later, after a friend of mine had
  23. If you're looking for cheap and easy, wear jeans and a plain black shirt. Use masking tape or white fabric paint and make a big letter "P" on the front of the shirt and black face makeup around one eye. The result? Black Eyed Peas! My favorite that I did at work was a dumb blond. I wore jeans with holes in the knees (I was feeling religious and wanted to wear holey clothes), shoes with TGIF written on them (to remind me that Toes Go In First), a long blond wig, Lee press-on nails held on with scotch tape (they wouldn't let me "hammer" my "nails" on my fingers), heavy face makeup includ
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