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Everything posted by billh

  1. They acted in what is the best for them and their buddys. For the common person in this county they screwed them!
  2. They had their chance, but the only one that showed was Todd. This wasn't done in secret like their meeting. Just shows they are afraid of the questions.
  3. If you are going to call me a fruitloop then I can call you something that I won't put on this site! I don't care who is paying I hope they win. If you don't like us "fruitloops" why don't you move?
  4. Just wanted to move this back to the top, as I had to look for it to find the time. Hope to see a lot of you there.
  5. The sidewalks and the fountain created a lot of jobs for the Mexican's.
  6. Right and it goes back to the commissioners in place at that time. You still think the airport is not going to be the same kind of thing?
  7. www.gwinnettcounty.com/static/departments/.../Propeller_Financial.pdf Interesting reading about gwinnett county agreement.
  8. My linkhttp://wabe.org/post/paulding-county-airport-battle-part-2-talk-propeller-investments-chief-brett-smith Listen to the top listen button. Listen to the last about the 10,000 acres. Interesting.
  9. You will never see any of the contracts or anything else. That is for the people higher up that is making all the money on this screwed up project. I hope they catch the person behind all this like they did in Clayton county and send them to jail like they did there. If the people of this county would ban together and either hire a private investigator or do it them selves I am sure the truth will be found. There is no politician that doesn't have something to hide. We just need to find it.
  10. And you will never see anything in the New Era. It is a gossip paper only. Pay to get your wedding in it etc. NOT NEWS!
  11. Great Idea. Now if all the people that are opposed will do the same.
  12. Doesn't matter what anyone wants they want it. On the left of the letter is the folks involved. So we know who to vote out and who to blame when it falls apart and the county is left with a 3.5 mil bond that we have to pay with our tax dollars.
  13. Thanks for letting us know. I am sure it would never make the local paper.
  14. I hope they find out who is behind this and how much they are going to steal. Then someone can go to jail!
  15. I was here more then 20 years ago and it was all fine until people like you came here and decided they had to have all the stuff they had in the "big city". Now we have more crime, more pollution, more noise, more traffic, etc. I think you folks that want all this should move back to where it is and leave the rest of us alone. They did better then ok because there were builders and people that sold building materials on the commission. No laws were passed to stop the boom, so now there are lots of empty houses.
  16. I hope they put this in your back yard. Looks like on the map it would be in mine. First the d m airport then this. Glad it didn't pass and I think it should be removed from even a possibility because they will do it in the middle of the night and people like you will love it. Then you will go vote them in again. I still would like to know why you are so for all of this. What is your stake?
  17. Maybe they will all go crazy over it and people will find out how bad they are. Still think we have to vote them all out. Or find out what is up and put them in jail! I notice there is nothing in the local paper about any of this. Have checked the last few weeks.
  18. How did you contact your friends? I am in ham radio and have some friends asking me if I can contact someone there to check on someone. So far I have had no luck on the ham radio.
  19. I try not to go to Hiram unless I just have too. Poor place to shop because of the traffic and the problems you are describing. The merchants should all ban together and solve this. I have found that the Walmart in Rockmart is better and no traffic. I wish they would put a Lowes in somewhere in Dallas.
  20. Check out Hulu plus. $8 a month and has a lot of the old shows with less commercials. I gave up dish and don't watch local much now.
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