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Everything posted by billh

  1. I had to replace the windshield to get it off, would never use it again.
  2. I was told that none of your programs will work and everything is on the cloud. This is so they can avoid counterfeit programs and everyone will have to rent the program by the year. Ubuntu looks better all the time. It is free and all the apps (programs) are free.
  3. Propeller Investments LLC 885 Third Avenue, 20th Floor New York, New York 10022 Phone: (212) 209-3098 Fax: (212) 371-5500 Media Relations Contact: John Gallagher Phone: (917) 291-1134 Email: jgallagher@mercuryllc.com General Inquires Contact: Angela Reba Phone: (212) 209-3098 Email: angela@propellerinvestments.com
  4. It is time we stop this crap. I think that since the former boc passed this behind the backs of the people if any cost is incurred in in dropping the propeller contract should come out of their personal pockets. I think if it was to go to court in a different county where they didn't own the judge and the lawyers it would be found that they should be liable for the cost involved. Who appoints or elects the person who runs the chamber? Is there a way to get her out? Maybe if we all complain to the chamber's main office and if company's that are opposed drop out it will get their a
  5. I hope to hell they can. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT
  6. If it is on all phones it is most likely in the box outside. Either moisture or a dirty connection. Either one will cause static. Is there any hum also? Hum usually means a connection from one side of the line to ground. My guess is you will need to take the wires loose at the box and clean them and the screws and nuts where they connect. Unless you are paying for inside house wiring att will charge you for the repair unless you do it yourself. Keep in mind that if the phone rings there is over 100 volts on the line, and 45 when not ringing.
  7. billh


    Who cares? Not a good place to eat normally let alone on Christmas.
  8. billh

    Windows XP

    Never. Xp still gets updates. Windows 7 is ok but I will never use 8. It sounds like the cd its self may be bad. Try reading a different cd.
  9. If I was to go I will be wearing my blue shirt and carrying a sign. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT!
  10. The reason for the power outage is because the crew at the airport dug into a main power line and tripped every breaker from the airport all the way to the substation in Dallas. The question I have is who will wind up paying for this? I will bet it won't be the construction crew. Your tax dollars at work! STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT!
  11. I wouldn't hold my breath! STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT
  12. It goes good under the catbox. About all it is good for.
  13. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx3ZDRsdXF8Z3g6NDEyNzEzNDY1YzUwOGFiNw Good place to start. chamber members.rtf
  14. I have a truck and am willing to help. Who do I call?
  15. Install firefox or crome, and the install adblock plus. Also run spybot search and destroyhttp://www.safer-networking.org/dl/. I haven't used IE for years because it won't support adblock plus https://adblockplus.org/. Ie has been know for years to be bad. Adblock plus stops most of the ads. I forgot they were there untill I had to use ie at someone else's computer.
  16. I have yet to find anyone, other then the folks that are making the money from this, who want the airport to be commercial. Paulding county has became the joke for people all over the place. I have friends from other counties that ask me how did this happen, and why haven't the people involved been thrown out of office, or been put in jail. The world knows we have a major problem in this county. Do you think it is good for the county to have a "war" going on between the citizens and the people who think they are in charge? We need to do away with the AA/IBA and get the people th
  17. No we are just tired of tax money being wasted. A commercial airport will do nothing for this county, and until we give up and let it be there will be no new industry or business as no one wants to be where the county is ran by two people who do what they want even if no one else approves. They are ruining the county. I go out of town and when I say Paulding people say oh thats where they are fighting over a airport and the county BOC. Lets get rid of the AA/IBA and hire someone who knows what they are doing. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT
  18. I say we take it out of the austin brothers pocket. I have yet to find one person that wants the airport. I fine lots of people that want the autins brothers to go away and lots of people that think that the best thing to do is do away with the AA/IBA and get rid of the stupid people in the chamber that don't even live in Paulding. There will never be any business locate here untill this is over. I can say that if I was a business and even thinking of here I would run away. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT!
  19. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2014/09/23/report-woman-who-claimed-to-have-third-breast-added-is-fake/ Really good movie though.
  20. With all the negative things going on about Paulding county how will we ever get any business to come to this county. It is all the fault of the BOC and the AA/IBA. If we don't get rid of the people in the boc and the chamber that want to have a commercial airport we will never have any business that wants to locate here. Lets eliminate to aa/iba and get someone in charge other then the chamber to bring in companies. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT
  21. I have had to replace the carb on my wood splitter, my weed eater, and my lawnmower because of ethanol gas. I will not use it in any small engine because of the damage it does to the carb. Ask any repair place and they will tell you it has increased their repair business.
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