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Everything posted by billh

  1. You speak only for for yourself and for the crooks running this county. You should be ashamed of being so stupid to think anyone wants the stinking airport. I have found no one that wants it, but the crooks. I hope the fllight path is across your house and they keep you awake. I think the best thing we could do now is do away with the AA. That would solve all the problems now. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT!
  2. Make a general aviation airport and let it support itself. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT
  3. yes you a a stupid idiot, and I have a plot of ocean front property in yorkville to sell you. I can't believe you, do you think that this is going to do anything but allow the airport to break the county. The only think that needs to be done is to get rid of the AA and the IBA, and that will never happen as there are too many politicians making too much money by being in boc and the aa and iba. Look at how much one person is making from your tax dollars and he even admitted he don't know what he is doing. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT
  4. So far it has created one job and this is his second job with the county. The airport will never make a profit, as there are people that will never park or fly their plane from there because of the way it was forced on us. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT
  5. The only way to stop it is to do away with the IBA and the AA. Until that happens this county is going to be ran by the crooks and the people that don't know what they are doing. We should be able to vote on what happens, but if the AA gets their way we will have the austin brothers airport any way they want. STOP THE AUSTIN BROTHERS AIRPORT
  6. It's time to fire all of them! They will just keep doing stuff for themselves until they are gone. The Austin brothers airport will happen no matter what unless we get rid of them all. The best thing would be to do away with the AA and the IBA.
  7. Remember we would still have Sam if he hadn't campaigned against Austin.
  8. Is it just the blade, or the blade and fan motor? I just scrapped a trane and have a blade.
  9. BUt the county owned 5 acres at the 278 entrance to the airport, but had to buy more land at the airport and have their friends level it to put in a fire station. Like I said earlier the austin brother's have to have their airport even if it kills the county. IBA AA.pdf
  10. But now that it is the austin brothers airport he is going to go all out to support it, even if it ruins the county.
  11. I hope no one will support the Austin brothers airport!
  12. The only problem with that is they are going to do what ever they can to screw the county before they have to go. We need to stop them now.
  13. Fact is it should never have been built and making it commercial will do nothing but cost more tax money. Fact is the present people should be fired (oh yeah they were) or should have to pay for it out of their pocket.
  14. It doesn't matter as this is just more tax money for the firm so they can give more when it comes time for the next election. They don't care if it bankrupts the county as it is just more for the firm. The BOC is going to do what they want no matter if it is right or wrong so long as they or the firm get richer.
  15. So how can we stop them if they do what ever they want in complete disregard to the laws and the wishes of the people. We have to get rid of the iba/aa and stop the present people from doing anything till the new people get in. Please print the pdf and pass it around or post it in places where the general public can see.
  16. The airport is going to make all all the money, just like the film studio. Isn't it time to just do away with the AA and IBA. They are killing this county. We have to stop the people in office now from doing anything else stupid. Please print the pdf and start passing it out to everyone, and posting it everyplace you can.
  17. Sounds like they are trying to do something before they have to go away. Someone please stop them. They need to stop everything until the new people get in office.
  18. That is the question!
  19. How much taxpayer money went to this?
  20. So if you have a business that is losing money do you just keep spending your money till you go bankrupt. Brilliant is knowing when to fold.
  21. They should not be investing any money in the airport. If it can't make it as a general aviation airport then it should go under like others around the country have done.
  22. Anything that will effect the county for the next 20 years should have been voted on, not passed in secrecy. Which means it should be the problem of the folks that did it behind everyone's back. I think there should be a max amount that any of the authority's or boc members can spend without a vote. I also think the credit card info of the boc members should be available on line for everyone, so when certain people spend money for unrelated stuff they will be seen. I have seen the card info for DA for a couple of years ago, and he bought some very unnecessary things.
  23. Any money that has to be used to get out of the contracts should come out of the pockets of the BOC members that voted to do this in the first place. Since they did this without approval of the county people it should be their problem. Take it out of their pay including Blake's.
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